Trump denied Biden government aircraft to inauguration

Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!
I like what Trump did, Fuck China Joe.
Congrats! My first IGNORE of the Day!
No one cares.
Depends upon how much of a hurry Chairman Xi is to get Xiden out and Xarris in.

AND THAT is the question. How long will Xi's man play place holder?
I'm going with 3 months.
Strange... Why would Xi want Harris? I don't think she ever went to China. And she's no friend of China.

Kamala Harris' nomination adds 'fuel to fire' for China-US conflict › News › International

Aug 12, 2020 — The senator has been vocal in her criticisms of China on multiple issues, including Xinjiang and Hong Kong, it said. She criticised China last year ...

She won't criticize them anymore. Just like you.
So, now you agree that they weren't....Good...Better late than never....
Manafort was a straight up security risk. The true nature of his relationship with some really bad dudes is not entirely clear. Page and Papadopolous are ambitious and stupid, but overall harmless coffee boys. Flynn, I don’t know, that guys just a weirdo.
So, now you agree that they weren't....Good...Better late than never....
Manafort was a straight up security risk. The true nature of his relationship with some really bad dudes is not entirely clear. Page and Papadopolous are ambitious and stupid, but overall harmless coffee boys. Flynn, I don’t know, that guys just a weirdo.

I'd wager you weren't saying that in 2017....
Helped Trump? You mean like setting up a phony investigation to start a failed coup?
Yeah, helped him by making sure that his administration could take office on day one by being up to speed. Helped him by making sure the public knew he was the duly elected president.

The FBI investigated the people around Trump so that way the people of the country could be sure that they hadn’t just elected a guy surrounded by Russian agents since Trump was too lazy to do a modicum of background investigation on his closest advisors.

So, now you agree that they weren't....Good...Better late than never....

But Barry didn't help Trump
Obama invited trump and his piece into the WH. He and the First Lady gave them a tour...just like all the outgoing Presidents have done in modern times. trump is a Baby and he did not invite Biden or the next First Lady. He is demeaned the Office of the President. He has no dignity or self respect and now has very little respect among US citizens. The only respect and admiration he has left if the mindless adoration of his cult....also known as the Mob.
Helped Trump? You mean like setting up a phony investigation to start a failed coup?
Yeah, helped him by making sure that his administration could take office on day one by being up to speed. Helped him by making sure the public knew he was the duly elected president.

The FBI investigated the people around Trump so that way the people of the country could be sure that they hadn’t just elected a guy surrounded by Russian agents since Trump was too lazy to do a modicum of background investigation on his closest advisors.

So, now you agree that they weren't....Good...Better late than never....

But Barry didn't help Trump
Obama invited trump and his piece into the WH. He and the First Lady gave them a tour...just like all the outgoing Presidents have done in modern times. trump is a Baby and he did not invite Biden or the next First Lady. He is demeaned the Office of the President. He has no dignity or self respect and now has very little respect among US citizens. The only respect and admiration he has left if the mindless adoration of his cult....also known as the Mob.

And yet, he still has more respect than Pelosi, or
Flynn, I don’t know, that guys just a weirdo.
Flynn was dangerous. An ambitious talented military man, who didn't think the intelligence agencies he knew listened to the russians, would listen to his calls.

Or if they did, they wouldn't tell anybody about it.
Helped Trump? You mean like setting up a phony investigation to start a failed coup?
Yeah, helped him by making sure that his administration could take office on day one by being up to speed. Helped him by making sure the public knew he was the duly elected president.

The FBI investigated the people around Trump so that way the people of the country could be sure that they hadn’t just elected a guy surrounded by Russian agents since Trump was too lazy to do a modicum of background investigation on his closest advisors.

So, now you agree that they weren't....Good...Better late than never....

But Barry didn't help Trump
Obama invited trump and his piece into the WH. He and the First Lady gave them a tour...just like all the outgoing Presidents have done in modern times. trump is a Baby and he did not invite Biden or the next First Lady. He is demeaned the Office of the President. He has no dignity or self respect and now has very little respect among US citizens. The only respect and admiration he has left if the mindless adoration of his cult....also known as the Mob.

And yet, he still has more respect than Pelosi, or
trump encourage and instigated the greatest domestic attack on our Government in US history. He has NO Political future. NONE!
trump encourage and instigated the greatest domestic attack on our Government in US history. He has NO Political future. NONE!
Trumps political future is dependent on what happens at the senate trial. If republicans let him off the hook like last time, Trump will continue to be the 400lb gorilla in the corner.
Good to see Trump at last giving as good as he got.

What Trump got was the same courtesies that other incoming presidents got. Now he is being petty.
Actually....he spent 4 years hearing how he has no idea what he is doing. He tried to defend his actions and he was called a liar. He tried to explain his motives and he was called a liar. He tried to explain what his goals were and he was told he has no idea what he is doing.

But now he is wrong to not assist Biden?

He is no idiot. He is well aware, based on what we saw from the left and the media, it doesn't matter what he says to Biden. If Biden makes the wrong move, he will blame Trump advice. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it

So Biden and his party made it clear that Trump was a charlatan who only cared about himself and his rich friends...and folks like you and the media agreed. So now deal with it.

Good luck Joe. I give you less than 2 years before it will be a Harris administration. And who will take Joe out? Pelosi and the 25th. Mark my words.

Good luck Joe.

What happened over the last 4 years is politics as usual. The difference is that when it was over, other presidents treated the incoming president with respect. Trump has discussed the letter left for him by Obama. And that was after Trump spent 8 years screaming out a birth certificate.

This is not about personal issues. It is about the handing over of the highest office in the land. It is about tradition and simple courtesy, not childish temper tantrums.
Trump did the birther thing for a few years. When he ran for president he stopped and whereas he criticized Obama during his campaigns as every president does, he never called him names. That was for two yerars of campaigning. He criticized Obama policies, but never questioned his character or intentions.

Until election day...and since election day, Biden called trump a liar, a xenophobe, a racist, a homophobe, a clown, a charlatan, a disgrace....etc...etc....etc.

It worked for Biden...but he truly expects Trump to now "work with him"?

Would you?

I wouldn't want to have a beer with him. But the office could be cordial to the new office holder. Trump thinks it is all about him personally. Its not.
Why? Was the potential incoming president cordial to the sitting President? To the last day calling him every name in the book?
trump encourage and instigated the greatest domestic attack on our Government in US history. He has NO Political future. NONE!
Trumps political future is dependent on what happens at the senate trial. If republicans let him off the hook like last time, Trump will continue to be the 400lb gorilla in the corner.
I doubt that....even if he is acquitted ....maybe he will be a 98 pound chimpanzee....
trump encourage and instigated the greatest domestic attack on our Government in US history. He has NO Political future. NONE!
Trumps political future is dependent on what happens at the senate trial. If republicans let him off the hook like last time, Trump will continue to be the 400lb gorilla in the corner.
He will never run for political office again. No one wants to again go through the circus he has created...not even his cult members.
Good to see Trump at last giving as good as he got.

What Trump got was the same courtesies that other incoming presidents got. Now he is being petty.
Actually....he spent 4 years hearing how he has no idea what he is doing. He tried to defend his actions and he was called a liar. He tried to explain his motives and he was called a liar. He tried to explain what his goals were and he was told he has no idea what he is doing.

But now he is wrong to not assist Biden?

He is no idiot. He is well aware, based on what we saw from the left and the media, it doesn't matter what he says to Biden. If Biden makes the wrong move, he will blame Trump advice. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it

So Biden and his party made it clear that Trump was a charlatan who only cared about himself and his rich friends...and folks like you and the media agreed. So now deal with it.

Good luck Joe. I give you less than 2 years before it will be a Harris administration. And who will take Joe out? Pelosi and the 25th. Mark my words.

Good luck Joe.

What happened over the last 4 years is politics as usual. The difference is that when it was over, other presidents treated the incoming president with respect. Trump has discussed the letter left for him by Obama. And that was after Trump spent 8 years screaming out a birth certificate.

This is not about personal issues. It is about the handing over of the highest office in the land. It is about tradition and simple courtesy, not childish temper tantrums.
Trump did the birther thing for a few years. When he ran for president he stopped and whereas he criticized Obama during his campaigns as every president does, he never called him names. That was for two yerars of campaigning. He criticized Obama policies, but never questioned his character or intentions.

Until election day...and since election day, Biden called trump a liar, a xenophobe, a racist, a homophobe, a clown, a charlatan, a disgrace....etc...etc....etc.

It worked for Biden...but he truly expects Trump to now "work with him"?

Would you?

I wouldn't want to have a beer with him. But the office could be cordial to the new office holder. Trump thinks it is all about him personally. Its not.
Why? Was the potential incoming president cordial to the sitting President? To the last day calling him every name in the book?

Biden and his Chinese pimps essentially took out a hit on Trump and his supporters.
Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!
Yea, maybe he should had just had the FBI spy on him, like the last administration did.
He will never run for political office again. No one wants to again go through the circus he has created...not even his cult members.
Trump won't "run" for political office, as in try to get elected. But Trump will "run" for political office, in order to raise money from his base. A lot of money from his base.
Donald Trump's pettiness apparently knows no bounds, because Joe Biden isn't getting what Trump himself got ... a government aircraft taking him to D.C. for his inauguration.

Biden just boarded a private jet for the short flight to Washington. Protocol has been for the incoming President to get the courtesy of a military aircraft. Aside from the fact this tradition is rooted in the transfer of power, it's gotta be safer, with all the bells and whistles that come with it.

FYI ... Donald Trump was afforded this courtesy when he flew to Washington on January 19, 2017, the day before he was inaugurated.

Unbelievable! So evil and petty!
Yea, maybe he should had just had the FBI spy on him, like the last administration did.
Better yet, harass the president of Ukraine to do it instead.

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