Trump desire to suspend the Constitution is not a deal breaker to Republicans

What a crock of commie bullshit. The laptop was verified by the NY Post, the validity of it's contents were also verified before the election. And reverified since. Yet 52 treacherous bastards from the national security apparatus, who had no knowledge of the contents, outright lied about it, to effect the election. And the LSM and media giants fell right in line and amplified their lies. Together they defrauded the United States. And there better be some consequences.

False. It wasn't until after the election that independent analysis determined no one else added content to it.

Actually there was only one judge that considered the merits, Trump won that one. Look it up dipstick.


Clearly, you have no idea which case I'm talking about. How sad for you.
False. It wasn't until after the election that independent analysis determined no one else added content to it.

More propaganda, the NY Post contacted people who were involved with the emails contained in the laptop and they verified their authenticity. The Commie Broadcast System got involved when it became obvious that their lies were about to be exposed. Same with the NY Slimes and the Washington Compost.


Clearly, you have no idea which case I'm talking about. How sad for you.

you mean the argument shot down by every court which reviewed the merits of the case.
Obviously you don't either, since you mentioned multiple courts. Every court didn't review the same case. And like I said, Trump prevailed in one.

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More propaganda, the NY Post contacted people who were involved with the emails contained in the laptop and they verified their authenticity. The Commie Broadcast System got involved when it became obvious that their lies were about to be exposed. Same with the NY Slimes and the Washington Compost.

Yes I believe a couple emails were verified. No linkage to Joe and not the child porn content that polluted the web. If those were or have since been verified don’t you think he would be in jail right now?

Don’t you find the entire situation highly suspicious. Blind computer repair guy lands with Hunter Bidens laptop by chance and he gives it to Rudy Gulliani in an election year that Hunters dad is running for president?! I mean you couldnt make up anything more absurd, could you?
Yes I believe a couple emails were verified. No linkage to Joe and not the child porn content that polluted the web. If those were or have since been verified don’t you think he would be in jail right now?

Don’t you find the entire situation highly suspicious. Blind computer repair guy lands with Hunter Bidens laptop by chance and he gives it to Rudy Gulliani in an election year that Hunters dad is running for president?! I mean you couldnt make up anything more absurd, could you?

Well I see you don't know the story. The computer was given to the FBI in 2019, and when the computer repairman saw the FBI was going to sit on it, he gave a copy to Gulliani. And yes, with all the incriminating evidence on the laptop, you'd think hunter should be in jail. What does that tell you about our judicial system in general and the FBI in particular? Of course the guy that was identified in the FBI that suppressed the laptop was allowed to resign with no repercussions. You'll see more calls for Wray to resign and/or his impeachment next year. The house judicial committee is all over it.

More propaganda, the NY Post contacted people who were involved with the emails contained in the laptop and they verified their authenticity. The Commie Broadcast System got involved when it became obvious that their lies were about to be exposed. Same with the NY Slimes and the Washington Compost.

It wasn't about contacting people who were involved with emails. There was much more content than just that. There was no one who had the hard drive analyzed for inserting content maliciously until after the election.
Obviously you don't either, since you mentioned multiple courts. Every court didn't review the same case. And like I said, Trump prevailed in one.


Retard, I was talking about one particular case which went through several courts. And Trump was not a party to it. When you don't know what others are talking about, you should STFU.
The individual I was responding to used the term "every court", which as I pointed out, was not accurate.

Imbecile, I was dead accurate. You just don't know which case I'm talking about. Sucks to be as ignorant as you.

The US Constitution has been invalid since the Lincoln Administration. It needs to be replaced with a completely rewritten version.
It has never been invalid. It's the politicians and unelected bureaucrats that blatantly ignore the Constitution, thats the real problem with this country.
Which Democrats want to rewrite the Constitution.
Trump wants to do away with the Constitution and you come up with this nonsense of the "Democrats want to rewrite the constitution"

Pay more attention as to what comes out of Trump's mouth instead of attempting to gaslight with saying the opposite of what he says.
Gun control. They are not rewriting they are flat out ignoring the Constitution.
As if you read it. If you read it, objectively, it actually makes perfect sense. Esp. within the context of the Leftist corporate media not exactly being even handed with the Donald the last 7 years or so.

It makes perfect sense to terminate the rules of the Constitution?

Thanks for showing your true colors.

Party before Country seems to be your motto.
Last amender is The Last of the Confederates.

Apparently handing over a certification Not for the candidate of their choice is "Handing the country over to the enemy"

This thinking has been going on for the past 160 years.

People like Last amender have been stretching their time on the planet just hoping that will come the day when the Confederacy will final will get what it is owed.

Jefferson Davis, Donald Trump. It does not matter.

Just get the keys to the country and Free those who have been enslaved by the chains of the Union.

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah !!!!!

Now, let us dance the Jig.
That’s just nonsense, and lazy, using the ‘everyone I disagree with is a racist’ smear….shame.

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