Trump Doubles Down on Calling Miss Universe "Miss Piggy"

its common sense hon. You win a pageant, which is predicated predominantly upon beauty, and you're expected to not become a fat pig during your reign

Buy a clue why doncha'?

Maybe you should switch places w/ Toro & YOU be the Lap Poodle

Maybe the clue needs to go to The Donald

If there is a requirement to maintain weight, the pageant should inform her she has 60 days to lose 20 lbs or her crown will be stripped

Public shaming and calling her demeaning names is not professional behavior

This is a non issue. Morons like you bring it up because Hillary can not run on her record.

If it is a non-issue, why are conservatives publishing fake stories about the former Miss Universe

What fake stories? Do you want a link to the video of her with big dick up her ass?

You are a low class douche bag human being. Go watch more pornos and stay there instead of posting this kind of crap.
I'm low class? I'm not the one promoting some criminal anal sex porno pig as a damsel in distress who deserves our sympathy. That's for Hillary and all her douche bag apologists like you.
Former Miss Australia Calls Out Donald Trump for Being ‘Sexist’ and ‘Controlling’


Now a second contestant has come out to share her similar experience with the Republican presidential nominee. Former Miss Australia Jodie Seal, who competed with Machado, compared Trump to Benito Mussolini, the notorious fascist Italian dictator, in the way the mogul treated pageant contestants, in an interview with Inside Edition that aired Tuesday.

“He was calling some girls some pretty horrible names as well,” she added in the interview.


Hillary and her apologists are so desperate that they'll do anything to avoid talking about her record and the issues. The best they can do is hunt down any of the many thousands of people who have worked for Trump to see if they have anything disparaging to say about him. Then you have the gall to accuse Trump of not having the right "temperament" to be president. Right, but a petty gossip monger does have the right temperament? Do you douche bags really believe this kind of stuff makes Hillary look good?
At the time this occurred Trump was lean and thin. But that however, is not the point. The point is, she was contractually bound to maintain herself. Trump owned the business who held the contract... She doesn't have a leg to stand on and neither do you.

Given this woman's criminal record she fits right in with the corrupt Clinton crowd.. Being complicit in a murder is nothing to ignore...
Again, there is no contract requirement. Why keep pushing this lie?

You don't know shit about beauty pageants... They ALL sign contracts on entry.. Even parents of 12 year olds... Its real funny and took me about three seconds to find out the way to get a copy of the admissions/entry form... Become the Next Miss Universe
Then you should be able to link to it.
Eboni Williams (who was in these pageants) said last night on Bill O'Reilley's show that there is a clause in those contracts that states they (pageant winners) must remain in the same condition as when they won. I don't have a link to it but I do not lie. If you watch the segment online with Monica Crowley and Eboni Williams on O'Reilley you will see it and hear it with your own two ears.
You may not lie but you are easily led. No one is able to provide a link to back it up.
I gave you a link to the dam site.. Lying POS!
Maybe the clue needs to go to The Donald

If there is a requirement to maintain weight, the pageant should inform her she has 60 days to lose 20 lbs or her crown will be stripped

Public shaming and calling her demeaning names is not professional behavior

This is a non issue. Morons like you bring it up because Hillary can not run on her record.

If it is a non-issue, why are conservatives publishing fake stories about the former Miss Universe

What fake stories? Do you want a link to the video of her with big dick up her ass?

You are a low class douche bag human being. Go watch more pornos and stay there instead of posting this kind of crap.
I'm low class? I'm not the one promoting some criminal anal sex porno pig as a damsel in distress who deserves our sympathy. That's for Hillary and all her douche bag apologists like you.

Look at your post scumbag. Think what kind of crap you are posting. Yes you are a low life scum a bottom dweller.
All Hillary did was brought up the kind of low life person you are supporting. Are you even human?
A big reason why Trump has been rising in the polls is because he hasn't said anything really stupid lately.

That's been a pattern with Trump since the primaries - when he doesn't say anything stupid, he rises in the polls.

But then he says something idiotic and everyone remembers why they don't want him in the first place, and his poll numbers start dropping.

He did so again on Fox & Friends this morning.

Donald Trump doubled down on criticism of a former Miss Universe he allegedly called ‘Miss Piggy’ on Tuesday morning, saying Venezuelan beauty queen Alicia Machado was “the absolute worst” contestant they had ever had.

“I know that person, she was a Miss Universe person and she was the worst we ever had — the worst, the absolute worst,” the Republican presidential hopeful said on a call in to the Fox & Friends studio. “She was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem,” he added. ...

Trump, who was a partner in the company who owned the pageant at the time, also reportedly called Machado an “eating machine” and she claims he invited reporters to watch her exercise at a New York gym.​

The Former Beauty Queen Who Says Trump Called Her 'Miss Piggy'

Didn't she agree to not gain weight as part of her participation ?
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.
A big reason why Trump has been rising in the polls is because he hasn't said anything really stupid lately.

That's been a pattern with Trump since the primaries - when he doesn't say anything stupid, he rises in the polls.

But then he says something idiotic and everyone remembers why they don't want him in the first place, and his poll numbers start dropping.

He did so again on Fox & Friends this morning.

Donald Trump doubled down on criticism of a former Miss Universe he allegedly called ‘Miss Piggy’ on Tuesday morning, saying Venezuelan beauty queen Alicia Machado was “the absolute worst” contestant they had ever had.

“I know that person, she was a Miss Universe person and she was the worst we ever had — the worst, the absolute worst,” the Republican presidential hopeful said on a call in to the Fox & Friends studio. “She was the winner and she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem,” he added. ...

Trump, who was a partner in the company who owned the pageant at the time, also reportedly called Machado an “eating machine” and she claims he invited reporters to watch her exercise at a New York gym.​

The Former Beauty Queen Who Says Trump Called Her 'Miss Piggy'

Donald Trump is not fit to be President. Aside from his breaking the law, insulting people and lying every time he opens his mouth he doesn't realize that doubling down on his foibles only makes women detest him even more....that is women who have a sense of dignity and don't applaud trailer-trash behavior.
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

Matthew you've all been played by this chick. Go see my new Miss Universe thread. She's busted big time. Wait till you see what Trump paid for to help her keep her title.


Clinton's going to freak out so big. Everyone's been played big time by this liar.
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

Matthew you've all been played by this chick. Go see my new Miss Universe thread. She's busted big time. Wait till you see what Trump paid for to help her keep her title.


Clinton's going to freak out so big. Everyone's been played big time by this liar.

Geez...we've been played? How about you've been played. Hillary doesn't have to call Trump names....all she has to do is play videos of Trump using his own words...he's a disgusting individual, and any woman that would vote for this jackass after the way he treats women must have no sense of dignity and very low self-esteem.

Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

Matthew you've all been played by this chick. Go see my new Miss Universe thread. She's busted big time. Wait till you see what Trump paid for to help her keep her title.


Clinton's going to freak out so big. Everyone's been played big time by this liar.

They won't read it.

They are still in the anal retentive stage.

There is no progressive logic in any of them.


I wonder how a gymnastics coach deals with it.....oh yeah...those kids are tough.
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

Matthew you've all been played by this chick. Go see my new Miss Universe thread. She's busted big time. Wait till you see what Trump paid for to help her keep her title.


Clinton's going to freak out so big. Everyone's been played big time by this liar.

Geez...we've been played? How about you've been played. Hillary doesn't have to call Trump names....all she has to do is play videos of Trump using his own words...he's a disgusting individual, and any woman that would vote for this jackass after the way he treats women must have no sense of dignity and very low self-esteem.

Any woman who votes for him might have a mind of her own (of course if she votes for either of them, it will only be because they lost their minds), and does not listen to flabbies like you.
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

And assholes like you are going to push a lot of people into voting for him.

Why don't you post something on our debt, Matthew.

Just once.....say something relevant.
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

Matthew you've all been played by this chick. Go see my new Miss Universe thread. She's busted big time. Wait till you see what Trump paid for to help her keep her title.


Clinton's going to freak out so big. Everyone's been played big time by this liar.

Geez...we've been played? How about you've been played. Hillary doesn't have to call Trump names....all she has to do is play videos of Trump using his own words...he's a disgusting individual, and any woman that would vote for this jackass after the way he treats women must have no sense of dignity and very low self-esteem.

Yeah the Clinton campaign is going to blow a gasket. In 1996 he spent a fortune on her for a wellness regime. He did everything he could so she could retain her title.

Go see the thread. It's positively lavish. Unreal what he did for her. She's an evil bitch from hell to lie about him the way she has.

And she obviously has been lying her ass off to the Clinton campaign and now she's busted big time.

And Trump despite what you say treats the women in life with great love and respect.
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

Matthew you've all been played by this chick. Go see my new Miss Universe thread. She's busted big time. Wait till you see what Trump paid for to help her keep her title.


Clinton's going to freak out so big. Everyone's been played big time by this liar.

Geez...we've been played? How about you've been played. Hillary doesn't have to call Trump names....all she has to do is play videos of Trump using his own words...he's a disgusting individual, and any woman that would vote for this jackass after the way he treats women must have no sense of dignity and very low self-esteem.

Yeah the Clinton campaign is going to blow a gasket. In 1996 he spent a fortune on her for a wellness regime. He did everything he could so she could retain her title.

Go see the thread. It's positively lavish. Unreal what he did for her. She's an evil bitch from hell to lie about him the way she has.

And she obviously has been lying her ass off to the Clinton campaign and now she's busted big time.

And Trump despite what you say treats the women in life with great love and respect.

Yeah, right, keep telling yourself spite of seeing a video with him saying all those awful things. So you think that because someone helps a person they then have the right to insult them and call them mean and hateful names? Your perspective is obviously flawed,,,,you shouldn't accept name calling as normal. Obviously you have little respect for yourself being a woman.
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

Matthew you've all been played by this chick. Go see my new Miss Universe thread. She's busted big time. Wait till you see what Trump paid for to help her keep her title.


Clinton's going to freak out so big. Everyone's been played big time by this liar.

Geez...we've been played? How about you've been played. Hillary doesn't have to call Trump names....all she has to do is play videos of Trump using his own words...he's a disgusting individual, and any woman that would vote for this jackass after the way he treats women must have no sense of dignity and very low self-esteem.

Yeah the Clinton campaign is going to blow a gasket. In 1996 he spent a fortune on her for a wellness regime. He did everything he could so she could retain her title.

Go see the thread. It's positively lavish. Unreal what he did for her. She's an evil bitch from hell to lie about him the way she has.

And she obviously has been lying her ass off to the Clinton campaign and now she's busted big time.

And Trump despite what you say treats the women in life with great love and respect.

I don't know about great love and respect.

I know Bill Clinton humiliated his wife in public....but whose counting ?

She was a business venture. Apparently, one about to fail.

I posted about some whining sniveling author who uses this to troll for Clinton:

If it walks like a fat person.....

If you follow the thread, you'll see a couple of wannabe beauty queens calling foul because you can call a blue sky blue, but you can't call a fat person fat.
Donald Trump is lower then scum. The guy has no class or respect for the office he seeks. He makes me sick.

Matthew you've all been played by this chick. Go see my new Miss Universe thread. She's busted big time. Wait till you see what Trump paid for to help her keep her title.


Clinton's going to freak out so big. Everyone's been played big time by this liar.

Geez...we've been played? How about you've been played. Hillary doesn't have to call Trump names....all she has to do is play videos of Trump using his own words...he's a disgusting individual, and any woman that would vote for this jackass after the way he treats women must have no sense of dignity and very low self-esteem.

Yeah the Clinton campaign is going to blow a gasket. In 1996 he spent a fortune on her for a wellness regime. He did everything he could so she could retain her title.

Go see the thread. It's positively lavish. Unreal what he did for her. She's an evil bitch from hell to lie about him the way she has.

And she obviously has been lying her ass off to the Clinton campaign and now she's busted big time.

And Trump despite what you say treats the women in life with great love and respect.

Yeah, right, keep telling yourself spite of seeing a video with him saying all those awful things. So you think that because someone helps a person they then have the right to insult them and call them mean and hateful names? Your perspective is obviously flawed,,,,you shouldn't accept name calling as normal. Obviously you have little respect for yourself being a woman.

You making judgements on someone else's perspective ! Now that's funny.

Then you turn right back around and commit the same infraction you so hypocritically screech about.

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