Trump dropped out of the Paris Climate accord and Al Gore said NOTHING

Its not only theNYT that have stated the Syrian War and the displacement of its people is due to climate change.
There are many sites that also explain it. the NYT was right all along.
It's not an established fact.

Now it is "climate change" not Global "warming."

There is one specific question that matters here.

When Earth warms, does it get wetter or drier??

Your side wants to answer BOTH because your side never practices actual science....

A WARMER Earth is a WETTER Earth and the NYT and all of those BIRDBRAINS who PARROT the NYT got that 180 degrees wrong.

PROOF = a colder Earth eventually is a completely frozen Earth with no liquid or gaseous H2O. A warmer Earth eventually results in an atmosphere that is 95% steam (gaseous H2O)... Too bad the NYT was too stupid to figure that out...
Not one climate scientist agrees with DT that global warming is a hoax.
Where did Trump get his information?
Probably the same place he gets all of his conspiracy theories.
Directly from his fat ass.
And you idiots support this pathological liar.
Its not only theNYT that have stated the Syrian War and the displacement of its people is due to climate change.
There are many sites that also explain it. the NYT was right all along.
It's not an established fact.

Now it is "climate change" not Global "warming."

There is one specific question that matters here.

When Earth warms, does it get wetter or drier??

Your side wants to answer BOTH because your side never practices actual science....

A WARMER Earth is a WETTER Earth and the NYT and all of those BIRDBRAINS who PARROT the NYT got that 180 degrees wrong.

PROOF = a colder Earth eventually is a completely frozen Earth with no liquid or gaseous H2O. A warmer Earth eventually results in an atmosphere that is 95% steam (gaseous H2O)... Too bad the NYT was too stupid to figure that out...
I gave you 3 valid links explaining why the Syrian problems are due to climate change. You brought NOTHING to the table.
Our Joint Chiefs of staff have stated climate change is our #1 world national defense problem. The lack of water DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE is causing mass migrations and destabilizing the planet.
Take it up with our Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The lack of water DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE

which you say is WARMING not COOLING.... yet a warmer Earth is a wetter Earth....


Mattis didn't say that. Obama's picks likely did, or they would never have been appointed.

But if X number of people say it, it must be true, because "Reasonable" is a living breathing validation of the theory of Joseph Goebbels....
Not one climate scientist

PARROT is as PARROT does.

Definition of "climate scientist" = a left wing fudgebaking liar trusted by Algore to take taxpayer money to produce "studies" that claim "warming" when the raw data didn't show any...

REAL PEOPLE OF SCIENCE see right through the BULLSHIT...

31,000 scientists say "no convincing evidence". — OSS Foundation
Roflmao... so you run to your right wing propaganda sites to lie.
These sites are funded by Big Oil.
I perused it a bit and started laughing when I saw on the side it said CO2 IS NOT A POLLUTANT. Ha ha

Major fail on your part.
I brought valid science. You bring propaganda.

Game set match.
The lack of water DUE TO CLIMATE CHANGE

which you say is WARMING not COOLING.... yet a warmer Earth is a wetter Earth....


Mattis didn't say that. Obama's picks likely did, or they would never have been appointed.

But if X number of people say it, it must be true, because "Reasonable" is a living breathing validation of the theory of Joseph Goebbels....
Moron doesn't even understand who ourJoint Chiefs of Staff are.
" they must be obama's picks" thus not valid.
These men are hardly liberal and made this declaration during the Bush Administration. So once again you have egg on your face.
Too damn funny.
These sites are funded by Big Oil.


The taxpayer funded "climate" "scientists," all 500 of them, are DWARFED by over 30000 actual scientists, but that cannot be accepted unless it is reported by the "news" network that gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate.
I gave you 3 valid links explaining why the Syrian problems are due to climate change. You brought NOTHING to the table.

Translation = Reasonable is making this man smile...

View attachment 139102
Science deniers in the ( not so ) grand tradition of Donald Trump who understands nothing about science. To add to the long list of things he knows nothing about.

The right wing used to embrace science. Now they eschew it.
Sad times we live in.
These sites are funded by Big Oil.


The taxpayer funded "climate" "scientists," all 500 of them, are DWARFED by over 30000 actual scientists, but that cannot be accepted unless it is reported by the "news" network that gave the debate questions to Hillary before the debate.
Sorry. Using a nonscience propaganda site makes you look like the partisan idiot you are.
These men are hardly liberal and made this declaration during the Bush Administration.

Oh tell us how "conservative" W was.

He really controlled spending, didn't he. He socialized senior drugs. He flushed a trillion dollars down the rathole of public education (No Child Left Behind) and was greeted with fresh record low test scores in 2008 as a result.

W was one and only one thing as "US" President = a complete and total puppet of this monster

Why? The fact is that Gore is a con man and charlatan and does not give a shit about the Earth, he just wanted your money and now that he has it he is eating Cheetos and farting all day.
Wrong, Gore has had quite bit to say about Trump walking away from the Paris climate agreement.
“It makes no sense to me,” Gore told “Fox News Sunday.” “I think that it was a reckless decision, an indefensible decision.” “I did my best to persuade him that it was in the country’s best interest,”
Al Gore: Trump's Paris climate decision 'reckless,' indefensible’
View attachment 139090 View attachment 139090 The whole OP is based on a lie.

Al Gore: Exit From Paris Deal Is ‘Reckless and Indefensible’

Al Gore: Exit From Paris Deal Is ‘Reckless and Indefensible’
Did Gore come out of his cave to say this? did he answer questions that he can not answer, such as WHY IS THE GLOBAL TEMP NOT WARMING even as CO2 rises.

Look the guy is an idiot to people who own stocks, since you are a poor fool you love him

Your entire thread is based on a lie and I shoved that lie up your fat ass.
Instead of having the least amount of integrity to admit it, you double down on your stupidity and dishonesty.

Answer this honestly. Was half of NJ covered in a glacier 20,000 years ago?

I keep stomping this cromagnon man into the dirt with facts and he keeps coming back for more. Educate yourself on your own time. I can't spend my entire day educating you.

No kiddy that is not the answer, the fact is that you have no answers to anything, your just go with the idiot flow and spit out whatever CNN says
Final word.
I brought valid substantiated links to the discussion to make my points. Trump whores: nothing other than one propaganda site( CO2 is not a pollutant) In huge quantities it is.
But you're too fucking stupid to see when you're lied to.
Every leader of every major country in the world agrees and accepts the science of climate change, except Donald Trump.
Which is yet another reason why it's been such a tragedy that he represents our great country.

This thread was based on a lie( same ole same ole) and I gladly obliterated that lie.
Yet not one deplorable had the integrity to admit it.
Business as usual.
These men are hardly liberal and made this declaration during the Bush Administration.

Oh tell us how "conservative" W was.

He really controlled spending, didn't he. He socialized senior drugs. He flushed a trillion dollars down the rathole of public education (No Child Left Behind) and was greeted with fresh record low test scores in 2008 as a result.

W was one and only one thing as "US" President = a complete and total puppet of this monster

What the fuckare you talking about? I clearly proved you wrong aboutour Joint Chiefs of Staff and howthey made their statement about what's this country's #1 national defense problem is which is climate change.
Your pathetic rebuttal... OBAMA.
No... they said it during the Bush years.
It's incredible how you can't even follow a conversation.
I brought valid substantiated links


Yeah, like ones which claim that a warming world is DRIER - 180 degrees WRONG

All your left wing BIRDBRAIN can do is PARROT.

You cannot explain how CO2 melted North America while freezing Greenland at the same time. You have no answer to the issue of sea ice. You can't document any sea level rise. In fact, when we went to court in 2007 and your side LOST, you now deny that happened.


Here's some real truth as to WHY the oceans are NOT RISING - 90% of Earth ice on Antarctica is GROWING...

NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses
Final word.
I brought valid substantiated links to the discussion to make my points. Trump whores: nothing other than one propaganda site( CO2 is not a pollutant) In huge quantities it is.
But you're too fucking stupid to see when you're lied to.
Every leader of every major country in the world agrees and accepts the science of climate change, except Donald Trump.
Which is yet another reason why it's been such a tragedy that he represents our great country.

This thread was based on a lie( same ole same ole) and I gladly obliterated that lie.
Yet not one deplorable had the integrity to admit it.
Business as usual.
Dropping out of the agreement was strictly a political move on Trump's part. It will have little effect on the US emission reductions which peaked in 2000 and are down about 19%. The US is on course for meeting the agreement. However, it will certainly have an effect on other countries. For the second largest polluter in the world to turn it's back on a commitment to continue reducing emissions sends the message that America rejects man caused global warming and it's importance. Those may be Trump's beliefs but they certainly do not reflect the beliefs of most Americans. The seriousness of Global Warming has reached an all time high this year with most Americans. In March 2017, Gallup reported over 62% of Americans believed Global Warming is caused by man and it's effects are already being felt. Only 29% of Americans now believe it is due to natural changes
Global Warming Concern at Three-Decade High in US

This is what those WONDERFUL "climate scientists" did in 2005.

We had two and only two measures of atmospheric temps in 2005, satellites and balloons. Both returned highly correlated data showing NO WARMING in the atmosphere....

Key claim against global warming evaporates

"While surface thermometers have clearly shown that the Earth's surface is warming, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data."

More precisely, their choices were

1. admit there is no correlation between CO2 and temperature and hence Global Warming is a complete FRAUD

2. lie, fudge the data, and continue to BILK the TAXPAYER

The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is extremely likely (greater than 95 percent probability) to be the result of human activity since the mid-20th century and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented over decades to millennia.

Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet: Evidence

This is what those WONDERFUL "climate scientists" did in 2005.

We had two and only two measures of atmospheric temps in 2005, satellites and balloons. Both returned highly correlated data showing NO WARMING in the atmosphere....

Key claim against global warming evaporates

"While surface thermometers have clearly shown that the Earth's surface is warming, satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data."

More precisely, their choices were

1. admit there is no correlation between CO2 and temperature and hence Global Warming is a complete FRAUD

2. lie, fudge the data, and continue to BILK the TAXPAYER
This loser had to go back to 2005.
How funny is that.
"There's no correlation between co2 and temperature" says no climate scientist .
Now for the knockout punch from NASA at the top of this post.
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