Trump dropped out of the Paris Climate accord and Al Gore said NOTHING

The fact remains that you've bought into the lie. None of Al's predictions have come true.
Another ignoramus bottom feeder bringing up the rear.
Earth's oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating | John Abraham

Not one of Gore's predictions have come true, is Miami or NYC under water yet?
NONE of Al's predictions have come true. None. How many cities are under water?

The "warmers" have 3 "sinking" island chains - the Marshalls, the Solomons, and another around New Guinea. All three are right on the lip of the tectonic formation known as the Pacific Ring of Fire, on the subduction side. Just how STUPID does one have to be to fall for that????

Life in a disappearing country
View attachment 139090 View attachment 139090 The whole OP is based on a lie.

Al Gore: Exit From Paris Deal Is ‘Reckless and Indefensible’

Al Gore: Exit From Paris Deal Is ‘Reckless and Indefensible’
Did Gore come out of his cave to say this? did he answer questions that he can not answer, such as WHY IS THE GLOBAL TEMP NOT WARMING even as CO2 rises.

Look the guy is an idiot to people who own stocks, since you are a poor fool you love him

Your entire thread is based on a lie and I shoved that lie up your fat ass.
Instead of having the least amount of integrity to admit it, you double down on your stupidity and dishonesty.

The fact remains that you've bought into the lie. None of Al's predictions have come true.
Another ignoramus bottom feeder bringing up the rear.
Earth's oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating | John Abraham

Not one of Gore's predictions have come true, is Miami or NYC under water yet?
The answer is yes. Thanks again for demonstrating how Ill informed you are.
Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun
View attachment 139090 View attachment 139090 The whole OP is based on a lie.

Al Gore: Exit From Paris Deal Is ‘Reckless and Indefensible’

Al Gore: Exit From Paris Deal Is ‘Reckless and Indefensible’
Did Gore come out of his cave to say this? did he answer questions that he can not answer, such as WHY IS THE GLOBAL TEMP NOT WARMING even as CO2 rises.

Look the guy is an idiot to people who own stocks, since you are a poor fool you love him

Your entire thread is based on a lie and I shoved that lie up your fat ass.
Instead of having the least amount of integrity to admit it, you double down on your stupidity and dishonesty.

Answer this honestly. Was half of NJ covered in a glacier 20,000 years ago?
As the leaders of the G-20 worked thru solutions to combat the warming of the planet,

The planet is "warming" because you have a beaked birdbrain and do not understand the difference between data and FUDGE.

Fortunately, the British Court had 50 times the intelligence you do...

Research Team Slams Global Warming Data In New Report: "Not Reality... Totally Inconsistent With Credible Temperature Data" | Zero Hedge

The real data looks something like this:

so the idiot uses FUDGE sources to demonstrate he's an illiterate trump supporter. Zero Hedge. Lol
I used a science source. You used ZeroHedge.

Game set match.
Actually, the way to phrase it is this way.

1 million years ago, North America was covered with glaciers down past Indiana, while Greenland was completely green...

Ancient Greenland Was Actually Green

So, during the past million years, North America THAWED while Greenland FROZE, all at the SAME time on the same planet with the same atmosphere with the same amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. So what did CO2 have to do with either event???

View attachment 139090 View attachment 139090 The whole OP is based on a lie.

Al Gore: Exit From Paris Deal Is ‘Reckless and Indefensible’

Al Gore: Exit From Paris Deal Is ‘Reckless and Indefensible’
Did Gore come out of his cave to say this? did he answer questions that he can not answer, such as WHY IS THE GLOBAL TEMP NOT WARMING even as CO2 rises.

Look the guy is an idiot to people who own stocks, since you are a poor fool you love him

Your entire thread is based on a lie and I shoved that lie up your fat ass.
Instead of having the least amount of integrity to admit it, you double down on your stupidity and dishonesty.

Answer this honestly. Was half of NJ covered in a glacier 20,000 years ago?

I keep stomping this cromagnon man into the dirt with facts and he keeps coming back for more. Educate yourself on your own time. I can't spend my entire day educating you.

The fact remains that you've bought into the lie. None of Al's predictions have come true.
Another ignoramus bottom feeder bringing up the rear.
Earth's oceans are warming 13% faster than thought, and accelerating | John Abraham

Not one of Gore's predictions have come true, is Miami or NYC under water yet?
The answer is yes. Thanks again for demonstrating your stupidity.
Flooding of Coast, Caused by Global Warming, Has Already Begun

The answer is no, no Cities are under water. Nothing has "begun" you little parrots latch on to seasonal happenings to "prove" your religion. You've bought into the lie and your pride won't let you admit it. Next you'll talk about "consensus" and how you heard that 97% of all scientists are on board. ;) The Paris accord was simply shit to transfer American dollars to 3rd world shit holes. So was Kyoto, that's why it went down 98-0.
The NYT blamed the Syrian Civil War on "global Warming" because of a drought.....

never noticing that a WARMER Earth is also a WETTER Earth and hence if there was ongoing "warming" (which there is not) that would cause FEWER DROUGHTS not more....

SUB HUMAN is as SUB HUMAN does....

View attachment 139087
Because the US removed itself from the Paris accord, eleventy bazillion Americans will die. Medical fact.

Trump abdicated his responsibility to the planet because the United States is the leading producer of co2.
As the leaders of the G-20 worked thru solutions to combat the warming of the planet, the orange anus was isolated from the real leaders of the world.

The US is not the leading producer of CO2.

It helps to confuse people with your bullshit lies and make them believe you when you sprinkle in some truth...especially a lie so easily verifiable.

What's wrong with telling the truth that the USA is 2nd in CO2 production?

You just lie to fucking lie, you psychopath.

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia

China is #1 by a fucking mile.

Per capita is a bullshit measurement. Do the poor drowning polar bears give a fuck that China has 4 times the population of America, so the per capita CO2 emissions is lower than the USA.

If China doubles their population overnight, their CO2 per capita would be cut in half! What amazing environmentalists they would be!!
View attachment 139087
Because the US removed itself from the Paris accord, eleventy bazillion Americans will die. Medical fact.

Trump abdicated his responsibility to the planet because the United States is the leading producer of co2.
As the leaders of the G-20 worked thru solutions to combat the warming of the planet, the orange anus was isolated from the real leaders of the world.

The US is not the leading producer of CO2.

It helps to confuse people with your bullshit lies when you sprinkle in some truth...especially a lie so easily verifiable.

What's wrong with telling the truth that the USA is 2nd in CO2 production?

You just lie to fucking lie, you psychopath.

List of countries by carbon dioxide emissions - Wikipedia

China is #1 by a fucking mile.

Per capita is a bullshit measurement. Do the poor drowning polar bears give a fuck that China has 4 times the population of America, so the per capita CO2 emissions is lower than the USA.

If China doubles their population overnight, their CO2 per capita would be cut in half! What amazing environmentalists they would be!!
Yes I did make anerror. The US is the 2nd leading producer of co2. China is first. China is part of the Paris accord. The US is not.
The rest of the world will move forward and our governors have stated they will follow the Paris Accord guidelines too which a direct slap in the face to POTUS.
If the USA just brings in 100 million Mexicans, it will have reduced its carbon emissions per capital by 30%.

Fucking brilliant plan.
Afraid to do your own research.
Here let me help you, you seem useless.

If you can parrot it, it must be true, since you are the birdbrain doing the parroting.

Your side is arguing GLOBAL "warming" and cites melting Arctic Sea Ice as evidence. When informed the Antarctic Sea ice is growing, you fail SCIENCE miserably.

Either sea ice is melting GLOBALLY or it isn't.

It isn't.

Hence, sea ice is not evidence of "global" warming.

But you do not understand that because your brain doesn't have the ability to do anything other than parrot...

The NYT blamed the Syrian Civil War on "global Warming" because of a drought.....

never noticing that a WARMER Earth is also a WETTER Earth and hence if there was ongoing "warming" (which there is not) that would cause FEWER DROUGHTS not more....

SUB HUMAN is as SUB HUMAN does....

Its not only theNYT that have stated the Syrian War and the displacement of its people is due to climate change.
There are many sites that also explain it. the NYT was right all along.
It's now an established fact.

The Ominous Story of Syria's Climate Refugees

The Drought That Preceded Syria's Civil War Was Likely the Worst in 900 Years | VICE News

How Climate Change Flung Syria Into War | Inverse
Afraid to do your own research.
Here let me help you, you seem useless.

If you can parrot it, it must be true, since you are the birdbrain doing the parroting.

Your side is arguing GLOBAL "warming" and cites melting Arctic Sea Ice as evidence. When informed the Antarctic Sea ice is growing, you fail SCIENCE miserably.

Either sea ice is melting GLOBALLY or it isn't.

It isn't.

Hence, sea ice is not evidence of "global" warming.

But you do not understand that because your brain doesn't have the ability to do anything other than parrot...

I gave you the answers but you're too stupid to understand it. That's not my fault.

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