Trump electable to ANYTHING? Not hardly

Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk
He's the 'candidate' for those with an unwarranted hatred of government, and who have no interest in sound, responsible governance.

Hatred of government is entirely warranted. Why wouldn't you hate an operation that acomplishes everything it does at the point of a gun? The phrase "sound, responsible government" is an oxymoron. Can you name one "responsible" thing government has done in the last 100 years?
In the most current poll, Trump is polling at 30%, which is 3% less than Herman Cain was polling at this time four years ago.

Trump doesn't have the temperament to be President. He's a target-rich candidate for the Democrats.

So far, all their target shooting has only increased his popularity.
How many HATE TRUMP threads have you started today? As The Donald puts you in your place Rambling Doe.....

Just the one. But I have a lot of distaste for this weasel. I have visited this thread often.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.

You turds have been gloating for the last four years that Hillary was going to be the next President. When will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?
Listen very very very closely.

I don't like that looser crook Hitlery Rodham Klinton one bit.

I don't like looser crooks in general.

I especially don't like her stooges paving the way for her.

Hitlary Clinton is toast. She won't be the nominee. She is no longer the target of my wrath. She is history.

But that evil despicable racist fraud infesting the republican party is still a danger for the party and for the nation. he has to be stopped, before he manages to resurrect clinton like a zombie.

Thank whoever as YOU only have one vote!
Do you like looser crooks in general?

No. That's why I won't be voting for Hillary, or any Democrat, for that matter.
How many HATE TRUMP threads have you started today? As The Donald puts you in your place Rambling Doe.....

Just the one. But I have a lot of distaste for this weasel. I have visited this thread often.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.

You turds have been gloating for the last four years that Hillary was going to be the next President. When will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?
They never never never admit they are wrong. They just move on to the next disaster they create
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk

Isn't it simply amazing that he is so hated by everyone as you claim yet he is leading in all the polls and even in a head-to-head poll against Hillary? All the pundits and talking heads began ruling him out on day one but he has defied all their "expertise".
The core belief of liberals is predicated on repeating a lie so often, it becomes the truth.

If the lie that Trump is hated, is repeated enough, in a loud enough voice it will become true.

Sometimes the truth is just that. The truth.
How many HATE TRUMP threads have you started today? As The Donald puts you in your place Rambling Doe.....

Just the one. But I have a lot of distaste for this weasel. I have visited this thread often.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.

You turds have been gloating for the last four years that Hillary was going to be the next President. When will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?
They never never never admit they are wrong. They just move on to the next disaster they create

Why is it that the RWers like to be spoken to as if they are idiots? Trump promises a 1600 mile impregnable wall and deporting many millions of people including probably more than a million born here. At what cost? Will that plug the divide between this country and Mexico or all of the countries that border the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean? No. Of course it can't. They will just come by water like the Cubans did.

Just Trumps answer to immigration is astonishingly impossible to implement. Yet just as the Tea Baggers before the Trump-pets they get all squishy in their under garments over this blowhard that can't hope to carry out his outrageous promises and what good did the Tea Bangers do for the country? They brought the congress to a standstill. The made name calling the only method to communicate.

Trump will not win a National Election for one good reason. Most Americans are not that stupid.
Just the one. But I have a lot of distaste for this weasel. I have visited this thread often.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.

You turds have been gloating for the last four years that Hillary was going to be the next President. When will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?
They never never never admit they are wrong. They just move on to the next disaster they create

Why is it that the RWers like to be spoken to as if they are idiots? Trump promises a 1600 mile impregnable wall and deporting many millions of people including probably more than a million born here. At what cost? Will that plug the divide between this country and Mexico or all of the countries that border the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean? No. Of course it can't. They will just come by water like the Cubans did.

Just Trumps answer to immigration is astonishingly impossible to implement. Yet just as the Tea Baggers before the Trump-pets they get all squishy in their under garments over this blowhard that can't hope to carry out his outrageous promises and what good did the Tea Bangers do for the country? They brought the congress to a standstill. The made name calling the only method to communicate.

Trump will not win a National Election for one good reason. Most Americans are not that stupid.

We already hashed this out a few times here, idiot! Cost about $200 Billion to get rid of the shit, costs $113 Billion a year to keep them, save close to $300 BILLION in 5 years! Are there any Evangelical DemocRATS, I believe they, at one time were considered Reagan DemocRATS...

Why Evangelicals have flocked to Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Christian Science Monitor ^ | September 4th, 2015 | By Harry Bruinius
The Rev. James Linzey, a retired Army chaplain and vocal leader among some conservative Evangelicals, sums up his ardent support for Donald Trump with a simple observation: “Because he tells it like it is, and he exudes honesty and transparency, and that he’s the kind of person who is not going to deceive us,” says Reverend Linzey, who now heads the Military Bible Association in Escondido, Calif., and who publicly endorsed the Manhattan billionaire on Thursday. “Evangelicals are tired of being deceived by wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Indeed, even as the evangelical minister praises Mr. Trump as “someone with the...
Just the one. But I have a lot of distaste for this weasel. I have visited this thread often.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.

You turds have been gloating for the last four years that Hillary was going to be the next President. When will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?
They never never never admit they are wrong. They just move on to the next disaster they create

Why is it that the RWers like to be spoken to as if they are idiots? Trump promises a 1600 mile impregnable wall and deporting many millions of people including probably more than a million born here. At what cost? Will that plug the divide between this country and Mexico or all of the countries that border the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean? No. Of course it can't. They will just come by water like the Cubans did.

Who cares about "plugging the divide?" Can Mexico do anything to hurt us other than sending their human refuse to invade us?

No, I didn't think so.

Just Trumps answer to immigration is astonishingly impossible to implement. Yet just as the Tea Baggers before the Trump-pets they get all squishy in their under garments over this blowhard that can't hope to carry out his outrageous promises and what good did the Tea Bangers do for the country? They brought the congress to a standstill. The made name calling the only method to communicate.

Trump will not win a National Election for one good reason. Most Americans are not that stupid.

What is impossible about building a 1600 mile wall? It's only 4 times longer than the wall the Israelis are building, and our economy is 50 times the size of Israel's.

Whenever anyone says solving the immigration problem is impossible, they are just making excuses for doing nothing. They are open-borders assholes who hate America.

Go fuck yourselves.
Trump isn't a serious candidate – he'll never be president and he knows it.

What's sad is there are those who think he is a serious candidate.

It's easy to blather endlessly about claims that can't be proven. That's the mark of the intellectually challenged.
Trump is a charlatan. A carnival barker. That Republicans flock to him is proof that the average voter is an idiot. But I suspect he has no staying power. We'll see closer to January what the scene looks like. A lready I've seen articles talking about a "surge" for Carson. This is absurd. I suspect the media is making polls and then blowing up the stories about those polls.
Trump is a charlatan. A carnival barker. That Republicans flock to him is proof that the average voter is an idiot. But I suspect he has no staying power. We'll see closer to January what the scene looks like. A lready I've seen articles talking about a "surge" for Carson. This is absurd. I suspect the media is making polls and then blowing up the stories about those polls.

You're in perfect agreement with all the media establishment who have been 100% wrong for the last month.
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk

Isn't it simply amazing that he is so hated by everyone as you claim yet he is leading in all the polls and even in a head-to-head poll against Hillary? All the pundits and talking heads began ruling him out on day one but he has defied all their "expertise".

You'll burst a lot of the lefties wet dream bubbles. they have it all figured out.:coffee:
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.

You turds have been gloating for the last four years that Hillary was going to be the next President. When will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?
They never never never admit they are wrong. They just move on to the next disaster they create

Why is it that the RWers like to be spoken to as if they are idiots? Trump promises a 1600 mile impregnable wall and deporting many millions of people including probably more than a million born here. At what cost? Will that plug the divide between this country and Mexico or all of the countries that border the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean? No. Of course it can't. They will just come by water like the Cubans did.

Who cares about "plugging the divide?" Can Mexico do anything to hurt us other than sending their human refuse to invade us?

No, I didn't think so.

Just Trumps answer to immigration is astonishingly impossible to implement. Yet just as the Tea Baggers before the Trump-pets they get all squishy in their under garments over this blowhard that can't hope to carry out his outrageous promises and what good did the Tea Bangers do for the country? They brought the congress to a standstill. The made name calling the only method to communicate.

Trump will not win a National Election for one good reason. Most Americans are not that stupid.

What is impossible about building a 1600 mile wall? It's only 4 times longer than the wall the Israelis are building, and our economy is 50 times the size of Israel's.

Whenever anyone says solving the immigration problem is impossible, they are just making excuses for doing nothing. They are open-borders assholes who hate America.

Go fuck yourselves.
Trump is a charlatan. A carnival barker. That Republicans flock to him is proof that the average voter is an idiot. But I suspect he has no staying power. We'll see closer to January what the scene looks like. A lready I've seen articles talking about a "surge" for Carson. This is absurd. I suspect the media is making polls and then blowing up the stories about those polls.

You're in perfect agreement with all the media establishment who have been 100% wrong for the last month.
Even a stopped clock.
Trump is appalling. If you dont find him appalling you are appalling.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.

You turds have been gloating for the last four years that Hillary was going to be the next President. When will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?
They never never never admit they are wrong. They just move on to the next disaster they create

Why is it that the RWers like to be spoken to as if they are idiots? Trump promises a 1600 mile impregnable wall and deporting many millions of people including probably more than a million born here. At what cost? Will that plug the divide between this country and Mexico or all of the countries that border the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean? No. Of course it can't. They will just come by water like the Cubans did.

Just Trumps answer to immigration is astonishingly impossible to implement. Yet just as the Tea Baggers before the Trump-pets they get all squishy in their under garments over this blowhard that can't hope to carry out his outrageous promises and what good did the Tea Bangers do for the country? They brought the congress to a standstill. The made name calling the only method to communicate.

Trump will not win a National Election for one good reason. Most Americans are not that stupid.

We already hashed this out a few times here, idiot! Cost about $200 Billion to get rid of the shit, costs $113 Billion a year to keep them, save close to $300 BILLION in 5 years! Are there any Evangelical DemocRATS, I believe they, at one time were considered Reagan DemocRATS...

Why Evangelicals have flocked to Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Christian Science Monitor ^ | September 4th, 2015 | By Harry Bruinius
The Rev. James Linzey, a retired Army chaplain and vocal leader among some conservative Evangelicals, sums up his ardent support for Donald Trump with a simple observation: “Because he tells it like it is, and he exudes honesty and transparency, and that he’s the kind of person who is not going to deceive us,” says Reverend Linzey, who now heads the Military Bible Association in Escondido, Calif., and who publicly endorsed the Manhattan billionaire on Thursday. “Evangelicals are tired of being deceived by wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Indeed, even as the evangelical minister praises Mr. Trump as “someone with the...

Your "numbers" are ridiculous. I know a lot of immigrants, mostly Mexicans and they ALL pull their own weight. Your claim that it costs us 115 billion a year to take care of Mexicans in this country is wholly bullshit. From what I have personally seen the Mexicans in this country ADD to the GDP not take from it. The vast majority of them work their asses off. AND just who exactly is going to pick our fruit and produce with all the Mexicans in jail or on their way back South at our expense? They not only do the menial work, they do much of the hard work such as hoof around at construction sites hauling the materials to the expert white guys to install. They do the clean up. They shovel the asphalt in road paving and screet the concrete pours.

I don't know who's ass you reached into to get your numbers but it certainly wasn't from Mr. Reality.
Trump is a charlatan. A carnival barker. That Republicans flock to him is proof that the average voter is an idiot. But I suspect he has no staying power. We'll see closer to January what the scene looks like. A lready I've seen articles talking about a "surge" for Carson. This is absurd. I suspect the media is making polls and then blowing up the stories about those polls.

You're in perfect agreement with all the media establishment who have been 100% wrong for the last month.
Even a stopped clock.
Trump is appalling. If you dont find him appalling you are appalling.
This weasel is going to be the next President of the United States. It's time for a real Man in the White House.
He beats your criminal Hillary Clinton.

Thankfully Trump won't be the next president.

The only question is will you and other Trump supporters have the courage to admit you were wrong.

You turds have been gloating for the last four years that Hillary was going to be the next President. When will you have the courage to admit you were wrong?
They never never never admit they are wrong. They just move on to the next disaster they create

Why is it that the RWers like to be spoken to as if they are idiots? Trump promises a 1600 mile impregnable wall and deporting many millions of people including probably more than a million born here. At what cost? Will that plug the divide between this country and Mexico or all of the countries that border the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean? No. Of course it can't. They will just come by water like the Cubans did.

Who cares about "plugging the divide?" Can Mexico do anything to hurt us other than sending their human refuse to invade us?

No, I didn't think so.

Just Trumps answer to immigration is astonishingly impossible to implement. Yet just as the Tea Baggers before the Trump-pets they get all squishy in their under garments over this blowhard that can't hope to carry out his outrageous promises and what good did the Tea Bangers do for the country? They brought the congress to a standstill. The made name calling the only method to communicate.

Trump will not win a National Election for one good reason. Most Americans are not that stupid.

What is impossible about building a 1600 mile wall? It's only 4 times longer than the wall the Israelis are building, and our economy is 50 times the size of Israel's.

Whenever anyone says solving the immigration problem is impossible, they are just making excuses for doing nothing. They are open-borders assholes who hate America.

Go fuck yourselves.

Your spoiled brat schtick only goes so far...then reality smacks you in the ass and you have to move on to another impossible promise that will go unkept.

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