Trump electable to ANYTHING? Not hardly

You are a complete and utter :ahole-1:... you fucking leftist idiots NEVER read or CHECK anything before sticking your own shit in your mouths!

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study ...
Jul 06, 2010 · ... is a staggering $113 billion a year ... illegal immigrants in the United States is a ... Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a ...

Deporting All Undocumented Immigrants Would Cost Billions ...
How Much Would It Cost to Deport All Undocumented Immigrants? ... 10.8 million undocumented immigrants in America would be $200 billion over ... Send yourself a …

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

I see you use FOX as your "news" source. Note to U : Murdoch and Ailes went to court to be able to lie legally. I do not recognize ANYTHING coming from FOX as anything but a flagrant lie. Try again using a reputable source.

For Huggy, the terminally stupid liberal that thinks a FOX story is false, I take it back Huggy, you have to have a SINGLE DIGIT IQ or you wouldn't have made yourself look like such a retarded dickweed instead of checking ANY search engine!

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States ...
Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the ... The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount ...

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year
Apr 08, 2015 · The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed ...

Best Answer: Well, since the liberals don't like Fox News stating such facts, look who else is making such statements. Now they can shove their head in the sand about this and whine about the truth telling on them as usual.

This study was done in Minnesota back in '05.

The cost in TX. The study done in '06.

Illegal immigration and the cost to Texas

The cost in Indiana. - National/World News - How Much does Illegal Immigration Cost Indiana?

The study done in TN.

The cost in CA. Study done in '06.

Immigration's Cost Analysis - Voice of San Diego

This study was done in '08.

Facts always destroy what liberals want to believe!

Source(s): Liberalism is a hate crime!

Strange ALL these sources come up with FOX's estimate. Ya know what? I don't believe you or your sources.

I'll go with personal experience that tells me Mexicans are for the most part good people.

Ya...I think I'll go with that.

You know what, I couldn't give a shit less if you believe me or not, this is put to the forum, of which there are thousands of THINKING beings, unlike you who is still trying!

If "you couldn't give a shit less" then stop trying so hard to prove you do give a shit.
Your our entertainment for tonight, you're so stupid, we can pull your chain anytime and have you react!
Your "numbers" are ridiculous. I know a lot of immigrants, mostly Mexicans and they ALL pull their own weight. Your claim that it costs us 115 billion a year to take care of Mexicans in this country is wholly bullshit. From what I have personally seen the Mexicans in this country ADD to the GDP not take from it. The vast majority of them work their asses off. AND just who exactly is going to pick our fruit and produce with all the Mexicans in jail or on their way back South at our expense? They not only do the menial work, they do much of the hard work such as hoof around at construction sites hauling the materials to the expert white guys to install. They do the clean up. They shovel the asphalt in road paving and screet the concrete pours.

I don't know who's ass you reached into to get your numbers but it certainly wasn't from Mr. Reality.

You are a complete and utter :ahole-1:... you fucking leftist idiots NEVER read or CHECK anything before sticking your own shit in your mouths!

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study ...
Jul 06, 2010 · ... is a staggering $113 billion a year ... illegal immigrants in the United States is a ... Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a ...

Deporting All Undocumented Immigrants Would Cost Billions ...
How Much Would It Cost to Deport All Undocumented Immigrants? ... 10.8 million undocumented immigrants in America would be $200 billion over ... Send yourself a …

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

I see you use FOX as your "news" source. Note to U : Murdoch and Ailes went to court to be able to lie legally. I do not recognize ANYTHING coming from FOX as anything but a flagrant lie. Try again using a reputable source.

For Huggy, the terminally stupid liberal that thinks a FOX story is false, I take it back Huggy, you have to have a SINGLE DIGIT IQ or you wouldn't have made yourself look like such a retarded dickweed instead of checking ANY search engine!

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States ...
Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the ... The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount ...

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year
Apr 08, 2015 · The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed ...

Best Answer: Well, since the liberals don't like Fox News stating such facts, look who else is making such statements. Now they can shove their head in the sand about this and whine about the truth telling on them as usual.

This study was done in Minnesota back in '05.

The cost in TX. The study done in '06.

Illegal immigration and the cost to Texas

The cost in Indiana. - National/World News - How Much does Illegal Immigration Cost Indiana?

The study done in TN.

The cost in CA. Study done in '06.

Immigration's Cost Analysis - Voice of San Diego

This study was done in '08.

Facts always destroy what liberals want to believe!

Source(s): Liberalism is a hate crime!

Strange ALL these sources come up with FOX's estimate. Ya know what? I don't believe you or your sources.

I'll go with personal experience that tells me Mexicans are for the most part good people.

Ya...I think I'll go with that.

What does whether they are "good people" have to do with their cost to the American taxpayer?

I don't believe the estimates provided by Vigilante. The Mexicans I know work hard and pay their own freight.
Really? I have to compliment you on such a vivid imagination. :lol:

Still taking advantage of children I see from your avie pic. CLASSY!

Still no explanation of why the wall can't be built. All you've got is excuses for doing nothing. That's why Trump is going to win. He's not making excuses. Americans are tired of hearing excuses.

Not MY problem. Mexicans don't bother me. I actually like most of them. I think the "wall" idea is stupid.

There's your problem, you TRY to think!

Why would I trouble myself to build a wall to keep out people that do not bother me?

You can go watch your reality shows. The majority will vote to build the wall. Of course, you will get a bill for it like everyone else.

You know, we hit them with facts and it's like they just don't understand English.... perhaps Spanish for this THUG?

Poll: Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out Illegal Immigrants
... Majority Wants Wall Built to Keep Out Illegal Immigrants. A majority of Americans agree with Donald Trump that a wall should be built along ... want the border ...
You are a complete and utter :ahole-1:... you fucking leftist idiots NEVER read or CHECK anything before sticking your own shit in your mouths!

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study ...
Jul 06, 2010 · ... is a staggering $113 billion a year ... illegal immigrants in the United States is a ... Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a ...

Deporting All Undocumented Immigrants Would Cost Billions ...
How Much Would It Cost to Deport All Undocumented Immigrants? ... 10.8 million undocumented immigrants in America would be $200 billion over ... Send yourself a …

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

I see you use FOX as your "news" source. Note to U : Murdoch and Ailes went to court to be able to lie legally. I do not recognize ANYTHING coming from FOX as anything but a flagrant lie. Try again using a reputable source.

For Huggy, the terminally stupid liberal that thinks a FOX story is false, I take it back Huggy, you have to have a SINGLE DIGIT IQ or you wouldn't have made yourself look like such a retarded dickweed instead of checking ANY search engine!

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States ...
Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the ... The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount ...

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year
Apr 08, 2015 · The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed ...

Best Answer: Well, since the liberals don't like Fox News stating such facts, look who else is making such statements. Now they can shove their head in the sand about this and whine about the truth telling on them as usual.

This study was done in Minnesota back in '05.

The cost in TX. The study done in '06.

Illegal immigration and the cost to Texas

The cost in Indiana. - National/World News - How Much does Illegal Immigration Cost Indiana?

The study done in TN.

The cost in CA. Study done in '06.

Immigration's Cost Analysis - Voice of San Diego

This study was done in '08.

Facts always destroy what liberals want to believe!

Source(s): Liberalism is a hate crime!

Strange ALL these sources come up with FOX's estimate. Ya know what? I don't believe you or your sources.

I'll go with personal experience that tells me Mexicans are for the most part good people.

Ya...I think I'll go with that.

What does whether they are "good people" have to do with their cost to the American taxpayer?

I don't believe the estimates provided by Vigilante. The Mexicans I know work hard and pay their own freight.

Does that bother your pea sized brain?
That is true. Someone with no good experience, like Obama, will do very very badly. So you are going to repeat the mistake with Trump? -0bama at least knew their names. Trump doesn't even know that

I didn't vote for Obama the first time so I certainly was not so stupid as to vote for him the second time. I see a change here with some great payback. Trump for President with Ben Carson or Ted Cruz as vice-pres and Trey Gowdy as attorney gerneral.. With the stroke of a pen Trump can void every executive order Obama put in place.
All the more reason to be glad Trump will never be president.
That is true. Someone with no good experience, like Obama, will do very very badly. So you are going to repeat the mistake with Trump? -0bama at least knew their names. Trump doesn't even know that

I didn't vote for Obama the first time so I certainly was not so stupid as to vote for him the second time. I see a change here with some great payback. Trump for President with Ben Carson or Ted Cruz as vice-pres and Trey Gowdy as attorney gerneral.. With the stroke of a pen Trump can void every executive order Obama put in place.
All the more reason to be glad Trump will never be president.

Whistling past the graveyard.
We already hashed this out a few times here, idiot! Cost about $200 Billion to get rid of the shit, costs $113 Billion a year to keep them, save close to $300 BILLION in 5 years! Are there any Evangelical DemocRATS, I believe they, at one time were considered Reagan DemocRATS...

Why Evangelicals have flocked to Donald Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Christian Science Monitor ^ | September 4th, 2015 | By Harry Bruinius
The Rev. James Linzey, a retired Army chaplain and vocal leader among some conservative Evangelicals, sums up his ardent support for Donald Trump with a simple observation: “Because he tells it like it is, and he exudes honesty and transparency, and that he’s the kind of person who is not going to deceive us,” says Reverend Linzey, who now heads the Military Bible Association in Escondido, Calif., and who publicly endorsed the Manhattan billionaire on Thursday. “Evangelicals are tired of being deceived by wolves in sheep’s clothing.” Indeed, even as the evangelical minister praises Mr. Trump as “someone with the...

Your "numbers" are ridiculous. I know a lot of immigrants, mostly Mexicans and they ALL pull their own weight. Your claim that it costs us 115 billion a year to take care of Mexicans in this country is wholly bullshit. From what I have personally seen the Mexicans in this country ADD to the GDP not take from it. The vast majority of them work their asses off. AND just who exactly is going to pick our fruit and produce with all the Mexicans in jail or on their way back South at our expense? They not only do the menial work, they do much of the hard work such as hoof around at construction sites hauling the materials to the expert white guys to install. They do the clean up. They shovel the asphalt in road paving and screet the concrete pours.

I don't know who's ass you reached into to get your numbers but it certainly wasn't from Mr. Reality.

You are a complete and utter :ahole-1:... you fucking leftist idiots NEVER read or CHECK anything before sticking your own shit in your mouths!

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year, Study ...
Jul 06, 2010 · ... is a staggering $113 billion a year ... illegal immigrants in the United States is a ... Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a ...

Deporting All Undocumented Immigrants Would Cost Billions ...
How Much Would It Cost to Deport All Undocumented Immigrants? ... 10.8 million undocumented immigrants in America would be $200 billion over ... Send yourself a …

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

I see you use FOX as your "news" source. Note to U : Murdoch and Ailes went to court to be able to lie legally. I do not recognize ANYTHING coming from FOX as anything but a flagrant lie. Try again using a reputable source.

For Huggy, the terminally stupid liberal that thinks a FOX story is false, I take it back Huggy, you have to have a SINGLE DIGIT IQ or you wouldn't have made yourself look like such a retarded dickweed instead of checking ANY search engine!

The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on United States ...
Illegal immigration costs U.S. taxpayers about $113 billion a year at the ... The annual outlay that illegal aliens cost U.S. taxpayers is an average amount ...

Illegal Immigration Costs U.S. $113 Billion a Year
Apr 08, 2015 · The cost of harboring illegal immigrants in the United States is a staggering $113 billion a year -- an average of $1,117 for every “native-headed ...

Best Answer: Well, since the liberals don't like Fox News stating such facts, look who else is making such statements. Now they can shove their head in the sand about this and whine about the truth telling on them as usual.

This study was done in Minnesota back in '05.

The cost in TX. The study done in '06.

Illegal immigration and the cost to Texas

The cost in Indiana. - National/World News - How Much does Illegal Immigration Cost Indiana?

The study done in TN.

The cost in CA. Study done in '06.

Immigration's Cost Analysis - Voice of San Diego

This study was done in '08.

Facts always destroy what liberals want to believe!

Source(s): Liberalism is a hate crime!

Strange ALL these sources come up with FOX's estimate. Ya know what? I don't believe you or your sources.

I'll go with personal experience that tells me Mexicans are for the most part good people.

Ya...I think I'll go with that.
It's a fact that the vast majority of Mexicans are good people.

Trump's ignorance, stupidity, and racism will be one of many reasons why he'll never be president.
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk
When people get disgusted enough with government and the political system they will vote for anyone that tells them what they want to hear with conviction and confidence without any explanation as how it might be accomplished. We've seen this before in Germany, Italian, and Africa.

Trump will solve the immigration problem, quick and easy by just throwing illegals out the country. It's simple quick, and easy, no problem. Deficit, he won't allow it. Next ISIS, he'll cut off their supply money and kick their ass. Drugs, he will make all drugs legal and tax the sales. Climate change is a hoax so he will cut off all funding. Free trade is a problem so he will break previous trade treaties and put a 35% tariff on imports.

Notice that Trump never mentions congress yet everything he proposes would require action by congress. Hitler did much the same thing. He told Germany what he would do, not what government would do. We all know how he fulfilled his promises.

How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.
It is interesting to see the worst of human nature in America rally to Trump's blowviating crap.

The RWers here have no memory so it's safe to say that there will be no penalty to expose your individual racism but all thinking Americans will not forget what you have exposed here.
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk
When people get disgusted enough with government and the political system they will vote for anyone that tells them what they want to hear with conviction and confidence without any explanation as how it might be accomplished. We've seen this before in Germany, Italian, and Africa.

Trump will solve the immigration problem, quick and easy by just throwing illegals out the country. It's simple quick, and easy, no problem. Deficit, he won't allow it. Next ISIS, he'll cut off their supply money and kick their ass. Drugs, he will make all drugs legal and tax the sales. Climate change is a hoax so he will cut off all funding. Free trade is a problem so he will break previous trade treaties and put a 35% tariff on imports.

Notice that Trump never mentions congress yet everything he proposes would require action by congress. Hitler did much the same thing. He told Germany what he would do, not what government would do. We all know how he fulfilled his promises.

How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
In the most current poll, Trump is polling at 30%, which is 3% less than Herman Cain was polling at this time four years ago.

Trump doesn't have the temperament to be President. He's a target-rich candidate for the Democrats.

He simply swats them away, the democRATS are even more feckless than the RINO's, and if TRUMP were BLACK instead of the good doctor, he'd have 70% polling! Isn't that why the Manchurian muslim won, WHITE GUILT...I believe it was, and the fact he was a COMMUNITY RIOTER made it even better to assuage that WHITE GUILT!

You sure have a low opinion of conservative Republican primary voters.
30% of those voters prefer Trump. However, that also means 70% prefer other candidates. There are none of those other candidates that are in anyway similar to Trump. So when those candidates start dropping out, their supporters aren't about to become Trumpets.
Clearly Trump appeals to the kick the door in/round them up, shoot first/ask questions later, go with the gut/don't think mentality of many on the right; a jackbooted paradigm predicated on contempt for the rule of law, an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, and a desire to disadvantage those perceived to be 'different.'

Trump's supporters seek to create a regime of fear and repression – indeed, to turn back the clock 60 years to when women, African-Americans, and Hispanic Americans lived as second class citizens, and gay Americans were forced to live in the shadows, subject to violence – even death.

Trump's America is not the country the vast majority of Americans want – we as a people are far better than that.
Clearly Trump appeals to the kick the door in/round them up, shoot first/ask questions later, go with the gut/don't think mentality of many on the right; a jackbooted paradigm predicated on contempt for the rule of law, an unwarranted fear of change and diversity, and a desire to disadvantage those perceived to be 'different.'

Trump's supporters seek to create a regime of fear and repression – indeed, to turn back the clock 60 years to when women, African-Americans, and Hispanic Americans lived as second class citizens, and gay Americans were forced to live in the shadows, subject to violence – even death.

Trump's America is not the country the vast majority of Americans want – we as a people are far better than that.

Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk
When people get disgusted enough with government and the political system they will vote for anyone that tells them what they want to hear with conviction and confidence without any explanation as how it might be accomplished. We've seen this before in Germany, Italian, and Africa.

Trump will solve the immigration problem, quick and easy by just throwing illegals out the country. It's simple quick, and easy, no problem. Deficit, he won't allow it. Next ISIS, he'll cut off their supply money and kick their ass. Drugs, he will make all drugs legal and tax the sales. Climate change is a hoax so he will cut off all funding. Free trade is a problem so he will break previous trade treaties and put a 35% tariff on imports.

Notice that Trump never mentions congress yet everything he proposes would require action by congress. Hitler did much the same thing. He told Germany what he would do, not what government would do. We all know how he fulfilled his promises.

How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk
When people get disgusted enough with government and the political system they will vote for anyone that tells them what they want to hear with conviction and confidence without any explanation as how it might be accomplished. We've seen this before in Germany, Italian, and Africa.

Trump will solve the immigration problem, quick and easy by just throwing illegals out the country. It's simple quick, and easy, no problem. Deficit, he won't allow it. Next ISIS, he'll cut off their supply money and kick their ass. Drugs, he will make all drugs legal and tax the sales. Climate change is a hoax so he will cut off all funding. Free trade is a problem so he will break previous trade treaties and put a 35% tariff on imports.

Notice that Trump never mentions congress yet everything he proposes would require action by congress. Hitler did much the same thing. He told Germany what he would do, not what government would do. We all know how he fulfilled his promises.

How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.

Treaties are in force until we decide to tear them up. Where is it written that treaties last forever?

The reason people like Trump is specifically because he is promising to deport 10 million people. Americans have had their fill of illegal aliens. Why should they be allowed to stay?
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk
When people get disgusted enough with government and the political system they will vote for anyone that tells them what they want to hear with conviction and confidence without any explanation as how it might be accomplished. We've seen this before in Germany, Italian, and Africa.

Trump will solve the immigration problem, quick and easy by just throwing illegals out the country. It's simple quick, and easy, no problem. Deficit, he won't allow it. Next ISIS, he'll cut off their supply money and kick their ass. Drugs, he will make all drugs legal and tax the sales. Climate change is a hoax so he will cut off all funding. Free trade is a problem so he will break previous trade treaties and put a 35% tariff on imports.

Notice that Trump never mentions congress yet everything he proposes would require action by congress. Hitler did much the same thing. He told Germany what he would do, not what government would do. We all know how he fulfilled his promises.

How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.
Along with violating the Constitution for good measure.
When people get disgusted enough with government and the political system they will vote for anyone that tells them what they want to hear with conviction and confidence without any explanation as how it might be accomplished. We've seen this before in Germany, Italian, and Africa.

Trump will solve the immigration problem, quick and easy by just throwing illegals out the country. It's simple quick, and easy, no problem. Deficit, he won't allow it. Next ISIS, he'll cut off their supply money and kick their ass. Drugs, he will make all drugs legal and tax the sales. Climate change is a hoax so he will cut off all funding. Free trade is a problem so he will break previous trade treaties and put a 35% tariff on imports.

Notice that Trump never mentions congress yet everything he proposes would require action by congress. Hitler did much the same thing. He told Germany what he would do, not what government would do. We all know how he fulfilled his promises.

How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.
Along with violating the Constitution for good measure.

How is he violating the Constitution, and since when did libturds give a flying fuck about that?
Treaties are in force until we decide to tear them up. Where is it written that treaties last forever?

The reason people like Trump is specifically because he is promising to deport 10 million people. Americans have had their fill of illegal aliens. Why should they be allowed to stay?

Promising things is easy, actually doing it is a bit more complicated. Has Trump said anything about how he's going to round up 10 million people, identify where they came from, transport them home and force those countries to take them back?

Treaties are in force until we decide to tear them up. Where is it written that treaties last forever?

The reason people like Trump is specifically because he is promising to deport 10 million people. Americans have had their fill of illegal aliens. Why should they be allowed to stay?

Promising things is easy, actually doing it is a bit more complicated. Has Trump said anything about how he's going to round up 10 million people, identify where they came from, transport them home and force those countries to take them back?


He doesn't have to identify where they came from. If they aren't USA citizens, they will leave or sit in jail. It's really not that difficult. Most of them speak Spanish, and they come from Mexico. People from Mexico have accents, just like Americans have accents. Furthermore, since they are citizens of the countries they came from, those countries cannot refuse to take them back. What would be the basis of refusing?

Do you open-borders assholes even think about the excuses you make?
He doesn't have to identify where they came from. If they aren't USA citizens, they will leave or sit in jail. It's really not that difficult. Most of them speak Spanish, and they come from Mexico. People from Mexico have accents, just like Americans have accents. Furthermore, since they are citizens of the countries they came from, those countries cannot refuse to take them back. What would be the basis of refusing?

You seem to misunderstand the problem, you can't simply say "they speak spanish so they must come from Mexico, let's dump them there". You can't force Mexico to take those people if you can't prove they're Mexicans.

Also, put 10 million people in jail? Do you have that many jails, or are you going to use the FEMA concentration camps?

And you still haven't explained how you're going to find the millions of illegals, homeland security is going to do razzias, asking brown skinned people for their papers?

Do you open-borders assholes even think about the excuses you make?

I'm not making excuses, comrade. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's promises are very difficult in practice, unless you're a big fan of totalitarian police states of course.


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