Trump electable to ANYTHING? Not hardly

Because YOU are a DUMBFUCK, OCDGirl.... here is the VIDEO of you fucking DemocRATS BOOOING GOD at the DNC Convention...the one where you had to have a photo ID to get in, but NOT NEEDED when you fuckers VOTE!..... NOTE the fucking ARAB delegate screaming NO!!!

Can't answer the question then huh?
It figures.

OCDGirl, apparently DIDN'T look at the scumbag DemocRATS BOOOING GOD, and the video telling her WHY GOD was brought up!.... You embarrass me as being part of the human race!

So you can't answer the question. Can't even address it.
As I said, stop the presses, this is a first.

I know I scare you, little OCDGirl, and I know you have found out the answer to your question that is in that video, but I wonder why you continue to make yourself look like a complete fucking :ahole-1: with every reply to my posts... Please keep it up, it's entertaining and reveals just how desperate you are to garner approval from your subversive friends! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So you can't answer the question. At all.

If we're confused about what the verb "answer" means, it means a direct response in your own words. It doesn't mean going out to find Googly Images or YouTubes. Nor does it mean a diarrheaic stream of meltdown emoticons. It means your own ideas.

Which apparently do not exist.
Color me shocked.

Deflection to unrelated topic in five... four... three...

You're amazing! You're also one of the dumbest, and OCD centric idiots I've ever read.... Try 0.53 of the video, and read WHY they are voting on GOD!

Liberalism, has developed past a mental disorder to complete dementia with OCDPogo!
Can't answer the question then huh?
It figures.

OCDGirl, apparently DIDN'T look at the scumbag DemocRATS BOOOING GOD, and the video telling her WHY GOD was brought up!.... You embarrass me as being part of the human race!

So you can't answer the question. Can't even address it.
As I said, stop the presses, this is a first.

I know I scare you, little OCDGirl, and I know you have found out the answer to your question that is in that video, but I wonder why you continue to make yourself look like a complete fucking :ahole-1: with every reply to my posts... Please keep it up, it's entertaining and reveals just how desperate you are to garner approval from your subversive friends! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So you can't answer the question. At all.

If we're confused about what the verb "answer" means, it means a direct response in your own words. It doesn't mean going out to find Googly Images or YouTubes. Nor does it mean a diarrheaic stream of meltdown emoticons. It means your own ideas.

Which apparently do not exist.
Color me shocked.

Deflection to unrelated topic in five... four... three...

You're amazing! You're also one of the dumbest, and OCD centric idiots I've ever read.... Try 0.53 of the video, and read WHY they are voting on GOD!

Liberalism, has developed past a mental disorder to complete dementia with OCDPogo!

So you can't answer.
Thought we established that.
OCDGirl, apparently DIDN'T look at the scumbag DemocRATS BOOOING GOD, and the video telling her WHY GOD was brought up!.... You embarrass me as being part of the human race!

So you can't answer the question. Can't even address it.
As I said, stop the presses, this is a first.

I know I scare you, little OCDGirl, and I know you have found out the answer to your question that is in that video, but I wonder why you continue to make yourself look like a complete fucking :ahole-1: with every reply to my posts... Please keep it up, it's entertaining and reveals just how desperate you are to garner approval from your subversive friends! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So you can't answer the question. At all.

If we're confused about what the verb "answer" means, it means a direct response in your own words. It doesn't mean going out to find Googly Images or YouTubes. Nor does it mean a diarrheaic stream of meltdown emoticons. It means your own ideas.

Which apparently do not exist.
Color me shocked.

Deflection to unrelated topic in five... four... three...

You're amazing! You're also one of the dumbest, and OCD centric idiots I've ever read.... Try 0.53 of the video, and read WHY they are voting on GOD!

Liberalism, has developed past a mental disorder to complete dementia with OCDPogo!

So you can't answer.
Thought we established that.
You're being stupid, everyone on the board can see that. Ignoring the fact that the DNC outlawed God in their conference. Boo'd it out of existence they did. Have to have everything spelled out for them because too stupid to read/see it for themselves.
When people get disgusted enough with government and the political system they will vote for anyone that tells them what they want to hear with conviction and confidence without any explanation as how it might be accomplished. We've seen this before in Germany, Italian, and Africa.

Trump will solve the immigration problem, quick and easy by just throwing illegals out the country. It's simple quick, and easy, no problem. Deficit, he won't allow it. Next ISIS, he'll cut off their supply money and kick their ass. Drugs, he will make all drugs legal and tax the sales. Climate change is a hoax so he will cut off all funding. Free trade is a problem so he will break previous trade treaties and put a 35% tariff on imports.

Notice that Trump never mentions congress yet everything he proposes would require action by congress. Hitler did much the same thing. He told Germany what he would do, not what government would do. We all know how he fulfilled his promises.

How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.

Treaties are in force until we decide to tear them up. Where is it written that treaties last forever?

The reason people like Trump is specifically because he is promising to deport 10 million people. Americans have had their fill of illegal aliens. Why should they be allowed to stay?
Despite Trump's claims about what he will do, he can not violate trade treaties approved by congress and don't think for a minute that congress is going to break NAFTA and start a trade war with Mexico over building a stupid wall that Homeland Security doesn't want.
How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.

Treaties are in force until we decide to tear them up. Where is it written that treaties last forever?

The reason people like Trump is specifically because he is promising to deport 10 million people. Americans have had their fill of illegal aliens. Why should they be allowed to stay?
Despite Trump's claims about what he will do, he can not violate trade treaties approved by congress and don't think for a minute that congress is going to break NAFTA and start a trade war with Mexico over building a stupid wall that Homeland Security doesn't want.
Fuck Congress, Fuck NAFTA, build the damn wall. No new immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job. Period. It's what the people want, it's what the people demand.
How many times are morons like you going to compare Trump to Hitler and his supporters to Nazis? Climate change is a hoax. Trump has only proposed to use tariffs as leverage with countries like China and Mexico.

What solutions to Dims offer about illegal immigration? All they have is an endless supply of excuses for doing nothing. The voters are tired of hearing excuses as to why we can't solve relatively simple problems and we can't shut off the spending valve.

Voters have gotten wise to the fact that they are being scammed. You're promoting the scam. You're part of the problem. Trump may not be the perfect solution, but at least he offers solutions instead of excuses.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.

Treaties are in force until we decide to tear them up. Where is it written that treaties last forever?

The reason people like Trump is specifically because he is promising to deport 10 million people. Americans have had their fill of illegal aliens. Why should they be allowed to stay?
Despite Trump's claims about what he will do, he can not violate trade treaties approved by congress and don't think for a minute that congress is going to break NAFTA and start a trade war with Mexico over building a stupid wall that Homeland Security doesn't want.
Congress can vote to violate treaties any time it wants to, and it has done so countless times. ON the other hand, the president can violate the "agreement" with Iran since it wasn't approved by a 2/3 vote of the Senate and therefore isn't a valid treaty. It wasn't even approved by a majority vote.
He doesn't have to identify where they came from. If they aren't USA citizens, they will leave or sit in jail. It's really not that difficult. Most of them speak Spanish, and they come from Mexico. People from Mexico have accents, just like Americans have accents. Furthermore, since they are citizens of the countries they came from, those countries cannot refuse to take them back. What would be the basis of refusing?

You seem to misunderstand the problem, you can't simply say "they speak spanish so they must come from Mexico, let's dump them there". You can't force Mexico to take those people if you can't prove they're Mexicans.

Also, put 10 million people in jail? Do you have that many jails, or are you going to use the FEMA concentration camps?

And you still haven't explained how you're going to find the millions of illegals, homeland security is going to do razzias, asking brown skinned people for their papers?

Do you open-borders assholes even think about the excuses you make?

I'm not making excuses, comrade. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's promises are very difficult in practice, unless you're a big fan of totalitarian police states of course.

You're making excuses. No one is saying these people are going to be deported overnight. It will take years. The government has been deporting people for 100 years. Somehow they manage to find out where they belong. If someone doesn't want to cooperate and tell the authorities where they are citizens, then they can rot in jail. It's that simple.
Yes, it will takes years. A 2010 study by the Center for American Progress (CAP) estimated that the United States would need to spend at least $285 billion over five years to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country. That figure includes the cost of apprehending immigrants, detaining them for an average of 30 days, legally processing them, and transporting them back to their birth countries. In this study it is assumed all deportees will willing accept deportation and do not exercise their rights under due process and the receiving countries agree to accept them, all of which is highly unlikely.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.

Treaties are in force until we decide to tear them up. Where is it written that treaties last forever?

The reason people like Trump is specifically because he is promising to deport 10 million people. Americans have had their fill of illegal aliens. Why should they be allowed to stay?
Despite Trump's claims about what he will do, he can not violate trade treaties approved by congress and don't think for a minute that congress is going to break NAFTA and start a trade war with Mexico over building a stupid wall that Homeland Security doesn't want.
Fuck Congress, Fuck NAFTA, build the damn wall. No new immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job. Period. It's what the people want, it's what the people demand.
You sound just like Trump.
OCDGirl, apparently DIDN'T look at the scumbag DemocRATS BOOOING GOD, and the video telling her WHY GOD was brought up!.... You embarrass me as being part of the human race!

So you can't answer the question. Can't even address it.
As I said, stop the presses, this is a first.

I know I scare you, little OCDGirl, and I know you have found out the answer to your question that is in that video, but I wonder why you continue to make yourself look like a complete fucking :ahole-1: with every reply to my posts... Please keep it up, it's entertaining and reveals just how desperate you are to garner approval from your subversive friends! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So you can't answer the question. At all.

If we're confused about what the verb "answer" means, it means a direct response in your own words. It doesn't mean going out to find Googly Images or YouTubes. Nor does it mean a diarrheaic stream of meltdown emoticons. It means your own ideas.

Which apparently do not exist.
Color me shocked.

Deflection to unrelated topic in five... four... three...

You're amazing! You're also one of the dumbest, and OCD centric idiots I've ever read.... Try 0.53 of the video, and read WHY they are voting on GOD!

Liberalism, has developed past a mental disorder to complete dementia with OCDPogo!

So you can't answer.
Thought we established that.

Slyhunter put you in your place while I was gone, I hope you realize what a complete asshole you are OCDGirl, with you continued stupid and useless rants, not just on me, but many other posters... you really are one large chunk of shit, as an HONEST human goes!
So you can't answer the question. Can't even address it.
As I said, stop the presses, this is a first.

I know I scare you, little OCDGirl, and I know you have found out the answer to your question that is in that video, but I wonder why you continue to make yourself look like a complete fucking :ahole-1: with every reply to my posts... Please keep it up, it's entertaining and reveals just how desperate you are to garner approval from your subversive friends! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So you can't answer the question. At all.

If we're confused about what the verb "answer" means, it means a direct response in your own words. It doesn't mean going out to find Googly Images or YouTubes. Nor does it mean a diarrheaic stream of meltdown emoticons. It means your own ideas.

Which apparently do not exist.
Color me shocked.

Deflection to unrelated topic in five... four... three...

You're amazing! You're also one of the dumbest, and OCD centric idiots I've ever read.... Try 0.53 of the video, and read WHY they are voting on GOD!

Liberalism, has developed past a mental disorder to complete dementia with OCDPogo!

So you can't answer.
Thought we established that.
You're being stupid, everyone on the board can see that. Ignoring the fact that the DNC outlawed God in their conference. Boo'd it out of existence they did. Have to have everything spelled out for them because too stupid to read/see it for themselves.

Wasn't the question. I didn't even bring that up. Learn how to read.

So you can't answer the question. Can't even address it.
As I said, stop the presses, this is a first.

I know I scare you, little OCDGirl, and I know you have found out the answer to your question that is in that video, but I wonder why you continue to make yourself look like a complete fucking :ahole-1: with every reply to my posts... Please keep it up, it's entertaining and reveals just how desperate you are to garner approval from your subversive friends! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So you can't answer the question. At all.

If we're confused about what the verb "answer" means, it means a direct response in your own words. It doesn't mean going out to find Googly Images or YouTubes. Nor does it mean a diarrheaic stream of meltdown emoticons. It means your own ideas.

Which apparently do not exist.
Color me shocked.

Deflection to unrelated topic in five... four... three...

You're amazing! You're also one of the dumbest, and OCD centric idiots I've ever read.... Try 0.53 of the video, and read WHY they are voting on GOD!

Liberalism, has developed past a mental disorder to complete dementia with OCDPogo!

So you can't answer.
Thought we established that.

Slyhunter put you in your place while I was gone, I hope you realize what a complete asshole you are OCDGirl, with you continued stupid and useless rants, not just on me, but many other posters... you really are one large chunk of shit, as an HONEST human goes!

So you went looking for an answer --- and still can't find one.
What a shocker.
Trump is no solution at all. He can't put a tariff on any country without approval of congress. NAFTA established free trade with Mexico. To put the tariffs on Mexico he proposed would require an act of congress nullifying that section of NAFTA, which is not about to happen. There is no way he can deport 10 million illegal immigrants without congress approving the funds required. In addition, the courts would have turn a blind eye to due process. His proposal to legalize drugs would require congress to pass legislation which has zero chance of passing. To think Trump's relationship with congress, even a Republican congress would be anything but adversarial is just wishful thinking.

Then I guess we can't elect anyone because no president can do anything without an act of Congress, right?

One again, all you have is excuses for doing nothing.
No other candidate has promised to do what Trump has promised, deport 10 million people and violate trade treaties.

Treaties are in force until we decide to tear them up. Where is it written that treaties last forever?

The reason people like Trump is specifically because he is promising to deport 10 million people. Americans have had their fill of illegal aliens. Why should they be allowed to stay?
Despite Trump's claims about what he will do, he can not violate trade treaties approved by congress and don't think for a minute that congress is going to break NAFTA and start a trade war with Mexico over building a stupid wall that Homeland Security doesn't want.
Congress can vote to violate treaties any time it wants to, and it has done so countless times. ON the other hand, the president can violate the "agreement" with Iran since it wasn't approved by a 2/3 vote of the Senate and therefore isn't a valid treaty. It wasn't even approved by a majority vote.
Yes, a president can violate a treaty if is handled as an executive agreement; that is, it is not rejected by the Senate and is not approved by a super majority. There are serious ramifications of a future president backing out the agreement. First Iran will have received a large portion of the funds being currently held. If the US backed out of the agreement we would loose the commitment in the treaty from the other 6 nations to reinstate sanctions if Iran continued development of nuclear weapons as well as inspections. There have been over 18,000 executive agreements with other nations and with only a few exceptions, the US has honored those agreements. They are considered a commitment under International law and are considered the most creditable of any nation. If the US were to black out of the Iran agreement it would cast doubt on the creditably of all US agreements.

NAFTA is not an executive agreement, thus Trump would have to ask congress to repeal NAFTA. The chance of congress doing that are about zero.
I know I scare you, little OCDGirl, and I know you have found out the answer to your question that is in that video, but I wonder why you continue to make yourself look like a complete fucking :ahole-1: with every reply to my posts... Please keep it up, it's entertaining and reveals just how desperate you are to garner approval from your subversive friends! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So you can't answer the question. At all.

If we're confused about what the verb "answer" means, it means a direct response in your own words. It doesn't mean going out to find Googly Images or YouTubes. Nor does it mean a diarrheaic stream of meltdown emoticons. It means your own ideas.

Which apparently do not exist.
Color me shocked.

Deflection to unrelated topic in five... four... three...

You're amazing! You're also one of the dumbest, and OCD centric idiots I've ever read.... Try 0.53 of the video, and read WHY they are voting on GOD!

Liberalism, has developed past a mental disorder to complete dementia with OCDPogo!

So you can't answer.
Thought we established that.
You're being stupid, everyone on the board can see that. Ignoring the fact that the DNC outlawed God in their conference. Boo'd it out of existence they did. Have to have everything spelled out for them because too stupid to read/see it for themselves.

Wasn't the question. I didn't even bring that up. Learn how to read.

I know I scare you, little OCDGirl, and I know you have found out the answer to your question that is in that video, but I wonder why you continue to make yourself look like a complete fucking :ahole-1: with every reply to my posts... Please keep it up, it's entertaining and reveals just how desperate you are to garner approval from your subversive friends! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

So you can't answer the question. At all.

If we're confused about what the verb "answer" means, it means a direct response in your own words. It doesn't mean going out to find Googly Images or YouTubes. Nor does it mean a diarrheaic stream of meltdown emoticons. It means your own ideas.

Which apparently do not exist.
Color me shocked.

Deflection to unrelated topic in five... four... three...

You're amazing! You're also one of the dumbest, and OCD centric idiots I've ever read.... Try 0.53 of the video, and read WHY they are voting on GOD!

Liberalism, has developed past a mental disorder to complete dementia with OCDPogo!

So you can't answer.
Thought we established that.

Slyhunter put you in your place while I was gone, I hope you realize what a complete asshole you are OCDGirl, with you continued stupid and useless rants, not just on me, but many other posters... you really are one large chunk of shit, as an HONEST human goes!

So you went looking for an answer --- and still can't find one.
What a shocker.

You don't know what your doing anymore!... You're minds completely MUSH!

Won't it all be so simple and easy for you liberals to understand when we no longer have House, Senate or Judiciary and one individual of indeterminate gender just tells you what to do hour-by-hour!
He doesn't have to identify where they came from. If they aren't USA citizens, they will leave or sit in jail. It's really not that difficult. Most of them speak Spanish, and they come from Mexico. People from Mexico have accents, just like Americans have accents. Furthermore, since they are citizens of the countries they came from, those countries cannot refuse to take them back. What would be the basis of refusing?

You seem to misunderstand the problem, you can't simply say "they speak spanish so they must come from Mexico, let's dump them there". You can't force Mexico to take those people if you can't prove they're Mexicans.

Also, put 10 million people in jail? Do you have that many jails, or are you going to use the FEMA concentration camps?

And you still haven't explained how you're going to find the millions of illegals, homeland security is going to do razzias, asking brown skinned people for their papers?

Do you open-borders assholes even think about the excuses you make?

I'm not making excuses, comrade. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's promises are very difficult in practice, unless you're a big fan of totalitarian police states of course.

You're making excuses. No one is saying these people are going to be deported overnight. It will take years. The government has been deporting people for 100 years. Somehow they manage to find out where they belong. If someone doesn't want to cooperate and tell the authorities where they are citizens, then they can rot in jail. It's that simple.

It amazes me that dems and libs do not know what the word "illegal" means.
It comes as no surprise that those on the right have no idea what 'due process of the law' means.

we understand it quite well. If you are in this country illegally you get arrested, the police and INS determine that you are in fact here illegally and you get deported. There is no court hearing or trial required.
He doesn't have to identify where they came from. If they aren't USA citizens, they will leave or sit in jail. It's really not that difficult. Most of them speak Spanish, and they come from Mexico. People from Mexico have accents, just like Americans have accents. Furthermore, since they are citizens of the countries they came from, those countries cannot refuse to take them back. What would be the basis of refusing?

You seem to misunderstand the problem, you can't simply say "they speak spanish so they must come from Mexico, let's dump them there". You can't force Mexico to take those people if you can't prove they're Mexicans.

Also, put 10 million people in jail? Do you have that many jails, or are you going to use the FEMA concentration camps?

And you still haven't explained how you're going to find the millions of illegals, homeland security is going to do razzias, asking brown skinned people for their papers?

Do you open-borders assholes even think about the excuses you make?

I'm not making excuses, comrade. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's promises are very difficult in practice, unless you're a big fan of totalitarian police states of course.

You're making excuses. No one is saying these people are going to be deported overnight. It will take years. The government has been deporting people for 100 years. Somehow they manage to find out where they belong. If someone doesn't want to cooperate and tell the authorities where they are citizens, then they can rot in jail. It's that simple.
Yes, it will takes years. A 2010 study by the Center for American Progress (CAP) estimated that the United States would need to spend at least $285 billion over five years to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country. That figure includes the cost of apprehending immigrants, detaining them for an average of 30 days, legally processing them, and transporting them back to their birth countries. In this study it is assumed all deportees will willing accept deportation and do not exercise their rights under due process and the receiving countries agree to accept them, all of which is highly unlikely.

CAP is a Soros-funded, communist, open-borders propaganda mill. Nothing it publishes can be taken at face value.

One thing this CAP "study" is ignoring is the fact that once the deportations get rolling, a lot of illegals will self-deport. I see no reason why every immigrant needs to be detained for 30 days. If they agree to return, many of them will be detained for as few as one day. The only right they have under due process is a hearing lasting less than an hour to determine their immigration status.

CAP grossly overestimates the cost of the process, especially once it gets streamlined.
He doesn't have to identify where they came from. If they aren't USA citizens, they will leave or sit in jail. It's really not that difficult. Most of them speak Spanish, and they come from Mexico. People from Mexico have accents, just like Americans have accents. Furthermore, since they are citizens of the countries they came from, those countries cannot refuse to take them back. What would be the basis of refusing?

You seem to misunderstand the problem, you can't simply say "they speak spanish so they must come from Mexico, let's dump them there". You can't force Mexico to take those people if you can't prove they're Mexicans.

Also, put 10 million people in jail? Do you have that many jails, or are you going to use the FEMA concentration camps?

And you still haven't explained how you're going to find the millions of illegals, homeland security is going to do razzias, asking brown skinned people for their papers?

Do you open-borders assholes even think about the excuses you make?

I'm not making excuses, comrade. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's promises are very difficult in practice, unless you're a big fan of totalitarian police states of course.

You're making excuses. No one is saying these people are going to be deported overnight. It will take years. The government has been deporting people for 100 years. Somehow they manage to find out where they belong. If someone doesn't want to cooperate and tell the authorities where they are citizens, then they can rot in jail. It's that simple.

It amazes me that dems and libs do not know what the word "illegal" means.
It comes as no surprise that those on the right have no idea what 'due process of the law' means.

we understand it quite well. If you are in this country illegally you get arrested, the police and INS determine that you are in fact here illegally and you get deported. There is no court hearing or trial required.

They are entitled to a hearing, but that should last less than 15 minutes.
You seem to misunderstand the problem, you can't simply say "they speak spanish so they must come from Mexico, let's dump them there". You can't force Mexico to take those people if you can't prove they're Mexicans.

Also, put 10 million people in jail? Do you have that many jails, or are you going to use the FEMA concentration camps?

And you still haven't explained how you're going to find the millions of illegals, homeland security is going to do razzias, asking brown skinned people for their papers?

I'm not making excuses, comrade. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's promises are very difficult in practice, unless you're a big fan of totalitarian police states of course.

You're making excuses. No one is saying these people are going to be deported overnight. It will take years. The government has been deporting people for 100 years. Somehow they manage to find out where they belong. If someone doesn't want to cooperate and tell the authorities where they are citizens, then they can rot in jail. It's that simple.

It amazes me that dems and libs do not know what the word "illegal" means.
It comes as no surprise that those on the right have no idea what 'due process of the law' means.

we understand it quite well. If you are in this country illegally you get arrested, the police and INS determine that you are in fact here illegally and you get deported. There is no court hearing or trial required.

They are entitled to a hearing, but that should last less than 15 minutes.

I am not sure what you mean by a hearing. They should be asked to prove their citizenship, if they can't then they are deported immediately. There is no requirement for a court, judge, or jury.
He doesn't have to identify where they came from. If they aren't USA citizens, they will leave or sit in jail. It's really not that difficult. Most of them speak Spanish, and they come from Mexico. People from Mexico have accents, just like Americans have accents. Furthermore, since they are citizens of the countries they came from, those countries cannot refuse to take them back. What would be the basis of refusing?

You seem to misunderstand the problem, you can't simply say "they speak spanish so they must come from Mexico, let's dump them there". You can't force Mexico to take those people if you can't prove they're Mexicans.

Also, put 10 million people in jail? Do you have that many jails, or are you going to use the FEMA concentration camps?

And you still haven't explained how you're going to find the millions of illegals, homeland security is going to do razzias, asking brown skinned people for their papers?

Do you open-borders assholes even think about the excuses you make?

I'm not making excuses, comrade. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's promises are very difficult in practice, unless you're a big fan of totalitarian police states of course.

You're making excuses. No one is saying these people are going to be deported overnight. It will take years. The government has been deporting people for 100 years. Somehow they manage to find out where they belong. If someone doesn't want to cooperate and tell the authorities where they are citizens, then they can rot in jail. It's that simple.

It amazes me that dems and libs do not know what the word "illegal" means.
It comes as no surprise that those on the right have no idea what 'due process of the law' means.

we understand it quite well. If you are in this country illegally you get arrested, the police and INS determine that you are in fact here illegally and you get deported. There is no court hearing or trial required.
No. neither the police nor ICE can legally deport you. That can only be done by a signed deportation order from an immigration court judge. A fast track deportation can be used only if the person agrees and the receiving country has agreed. I think only Mexico has agreed to this procedure. If the person refuses fast track deportation then they will go through the detention and deportation process as provided in immigration law which is as follows.
  • First after being arrested and ICE makes an initial determination that you are in the country illegally, the deportation officer must decide how you are to be charged, usually being in the country with an expire visa or entering the country illegally, or if you were previously arrested and convicted of a crime.
  • In order to initiate removal proceedings, the deportation officer will serve you and the Immigration Court with a Notice to Appear. The Notice to Appear lists the charges against you. You then have the right to see an Immigration Judge.
  • If you choose not to fight deportation, you can agree to voluntary deportation. In which case a judge will sign the order and you will be deported to the country you choose, usually with 3 to 30 days after the country you are being sent agrees to the deportation.
  • If you choose to fight deportation, you have the right to an attorney, but the court will not provide one because immigration court is a civil court not a criminal court. There will usually be two hearing on your case, however the second is when you actually present your defense. If judge rules against you, you have right to appeal the deportation to a the Board of Immigration Appeals.
This basic procedure is enshrined in immigration law. Little can done to shortcut the process without the court's approval because the person being accuse does have certain rights under due process and these rights can not be set aside by executive order.

What Happens When an Undocumented (Illegal) Immigrant Is Caught? |
He doesn't have to identify where they came from. If they aren't USA citizens, they will leave or sit in jail. It's really not that difficult. Most of them speak Spanish, and they come from Mexico. People from Mexico have accents, just like Americans have accents. Furthermore, since they are citizens of the countries they came from, those countries cannot refuse to take them back. What would be the basis of refusing?

You seem to misunderstand the problem, you can't simply say "they speak spanish so they must come from Mexico, let's dump them there". You can't force Mexico to take those people if you can't prove they're Mexicans.

Also, put 10 million people in jail? Do you have that many jails, or are you going to use the FEMA concentration camps?

And you still haven't explained how you're going to find the millions of illegals, homeland security is going to do razzias, asking brown skinned people for their papers?

Do you open-borders assholes even think about the excuses you make?

I'm not making excuses, comrade. I'm simply pointing out that Trump's promises are very difficult in practice, unless you're a big fan of totalitarian police states of course.

You're making excuses. No one is saying these people are going to be deported overnight. It will take years. The government has been deporting people for 100 years. Somehow they manage to find out where they belong. If someone doesn't want to cooperate and tell the authorities where they are citizens, then they can rot in jail. It's that simple.
Yes, it will takes years. A 2010 study by the Center for American Progress (CAP) estimated that the United States would need to spend at least $285 billion over five years to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants currently in the country. That figure includes the cost of apprehending immigrants, detaining them for an average of 30 days, legally processing them, and transporting them back to their birth countries. In this study it is assumed all deportees will willing accept deportation and do not exercise their rights under due process and the receiving countries agree to accept them, all of which is highly unlikely.

CAP is a Soros-funded, communist, open-borders propaganda mill. Nothing it publishes can be taken at face value.

One thing this CAP "study" is ignoring is the fact that once the deportations get rolling, a lot of illegals will self-deport. I see no reason why every immigrant needs to be detained for 30 days. If they agree to return, many of them will be detained for as few as one day. The only right they have under due process is a hearing lasting less than an hour to determine their immigration status.

CAP grossly overestimates the cost of the process, especially once it gets streamlined.
Deportation is a civil action ordered by a civil court, not a criminal court. The deportees chose the country they will be sent because ICE doesn't know where they originated. The country does not have to take them back. We can't just dump them across boarder. 23 countries refuse or have significantly delay deportations. Luckily, Mexico is not one of them.

Most deportations fall into one of two categories.Those that have been picked up by the boarder patrol within 50 miles of the boarder and those convicted of crimes. Most of those picked up by the Boarder Patrol agree to voluntary deportation. They are often deported in 3 days. Deportation of those convicted of crimes have almost no allowable defense and most of them also agree to voluntary deportation.

Of the 10 million that Trump is going to deport many have jobs, families, and are part of the community. Most of these people are not going to volunteer to be deported. Why should they? They will have lawyers, there are a number of defenses available under the current law, and 56% of the deportation cases argued by lawyers are won.

The big delays after the judge signs the deportation order occur when a deportee requests deportation to a country that refuses or delays approving the deportation. There is a limit on how long a person can be detained for deportation. We have had illegal immigrants who are dangerous convicted felons released because you can not hold a person who has not been convicted of a crime indefinitely.

For those that choose to fight deportation, it takes an average of 10 to 15 days after a notice of deportation before they have their hearing. If they appeal, then the Board of Appeals has 30 days to reach a decision. Then after the court makes it's decision, the judge signs the deportation order. Documents are sent to receiving country for approval. Once documents are approved. Transportation is scheduled.

Mass deportations just can't be done with the existing law. There are just too many safeguard to insure fair and just treatment of the accused. Furthermore the law grants the judge great latitude as to who get's deported. With the exception of the convicted felons, the law allows the judge to forego deportation temporary or permanently. In short, if we want to do what Trump is proposing, the law will have to be changed.

What Happens When an Undocumented (Illegal) Immigrant Is Caught? |
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You're making excuses. No one is saying these people are going to be deported overnight. It will take years. The government has been deporting people for 100 years. Somehow they manage to find out where they belong. If someone doesn't want to cooperate and tell the authorities where they are citizens, then they can rot in jail. It's that simple.

It amazes me that dems and libs do not know what the word "illegal" means.
It comes as no surprise that those on the right have no idea what 'due process of the law' means.

we understand it quite well. If you are in this country illegally you get arrested, the police and INS determine that you are in fact here illegally and you get deported. There is no court hearing or trial required.

They are entitled to a hearing, but that should last less than 15 minutes.

I am not sure what you mean by a hearing. They should be asked to prove their citizenship, if they can't then they are deported immediately. There is no requirement for a court, judge, or jury.
By law, you can not deport a person that doesn't agree to being deported without a hearing before an immigration judge. Only that judge has the authority to sign a deportation order. Deportation is not required by law except for convicted felons. Except for convicted felons, the accused has the right to appeal the decision.

You can't deport a person simply because they do not have proof of citizenship. The burden of proof in a case of illegal entry lies with the court, not the defendant.
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