Trump electable to ANYTHING? Not hardly

Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk

Agreed--if Trump by some miracle should win the nomination, he in no way would win the White House.

But I don't think is in this race to win it. Trump is here to drive it into Hillary Clinton's lap. No one will ever convince that a person who has changed their party status 5 times is a conservative. No one will ever convince me that a conservative would donate to Hillary Clinton's senate campaign fund.

TRUMP FLIP-FLOPPING on Immigration: In 2012 Donald Trump blasted Republicans for their loss, stating the reason for their loss was that they were too mean spirited toward illegals. READ IT:

The Clinton's and the Trump's are long time family friends, even their protected daughters (Chesea & Ivanka are BEST FRIENDS)--indicating a long term friendly relationship. READ IT:
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton -



http:// http:// http://



Bill Clinton's Trojan Horse
Oh, the PAIN the CommiecRATS and RINO'S must be going through.....ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

Latest National Poll: Donald Trump CRUSHES Field – 36% Support, No-One Even Close… ^ | September 7, 2015 | sundance
With favorables improving, unfavorables decreasing and two-thirds of the electorate now believing Trump can win the nomination, the latest YouGov National Poll shows Donald Trump dominating the rest of the field.This is the eighth consecutive regional and national poll with Jeb Bush in single digits; a devastating reality for the RNC/GOPe machine. The debate this week will be their final opportunity to save Jeb – the pressure is astronomical, and you can guarantee Fiorina and Rubio will be called upon to deliver the goods and take out Trump. Donald Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t even need the debate. Full...

Oh, the PAIN the CommiecRATS and RINO'S must be going through.....ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

Latest National Poll: Donald Trump CRUSHES Field – 36% Support, No-One Even Close… ^ | September 7, 2015 | sundance
With favorables improving, unfavorables decreasing and two-thirds of the electorate now believing Trump can win the nomination, the latest YouGov National Poll shows Donald Trump dominating the rest of the field.This is the eighth consecutive regional and national poll with Jeb Bush in single digits; a devastating reality for the RNC/GOPe machine. The debate this week will be their final opportunity to save Jeb – the pressure is astronomical, and you can guarantee Fiorina and Rubio will be called upon to deliver the goods and take out Trump. Donald Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t even need the debate. Full...


Hate to throw water on your fire here, but when Trump blew it on the foreign terrorist leaders--the journalist was a CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOW HOST--Da Duh. It appears that any media asking Donald Trump questions, that he can't answer is the ENEMY.

"A radio host who will co-moderate the Sept. 16 Republican primary debate in California stumped Donald Trump on Thursday with tough questions about Middle Eastern terror leaders, but heard clear answers a few hours later from the billionaire's rival Carly Fiorina.

Trump's interview with conservative broadcaster Hugh Hewitt hadn't yet aired when Fiorina rattled off responses to questions about the leaders of Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, the al-Nusra Front and the ISIS terror army.

'I'm looking for the next commander-in-chief to know who Hassan Nasrallah is, and Zawahiri, and al-Julani, and al-Baghdadi,' Hewitt told Trump. 'Do you know the players without a scorecard yet? 'No,' the business tycoon replied.

FIORINA faced with the same challenge, conceded that it's easy to 'get confused a bit between the name and group because they sound a bit alike sometimes, so I have to pause and think sometimes.''But, I certainly know all those names both of the individual leaders and of the terrorist groups. I certainly understand where these terrorists are in play.' Hamas is focused in Palestinian territories,' Fiorina added. 'Hezbollah focuses in Beirut and other places. But the truth is both of them are proxies of Iran. Both of them threaten Israel. Both of them are going to be benefiting from the agreement which Obama and Kerry have struck with Iran.'

Trump's approach was to deflect the question rather than answer it. You know, I'll tell you honestly – I think by the time we get to office, they'll all be changed,' he said. 'They'll be all gone.'

Trump would later claim Hewitt had asked him a 'gotcha question.' But he conceded that 'I knew you were going to ask me things like this.'

Fiorina insisted that 'I don’t think they’re "gotcha questions" at all.' She focused on describing 'the depth of the ideology that Israel cannot exist, and so Hamas or Hezbollah or the Quds force or Al-Nusra or the Supreme Leader in Iran chant "Death to America," closely followed by "We must wipe Israel off the face of the map".' 'This isn't a joke,' she said.

But that didn't stop The Donald from blasting Hewitt on Friday morning as a 'third-rate radio announcer' curing an appearance on the MSBNC 'Morning Joe' program."
Trump stymped on terror questions but Carly knows the answers cold


Conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt--the guy that beat up on poor--poor Donald Trump.
Oh, the PAIN the CommiecRATS and RINO'S must be going through.....ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

Latest National Poll: Donald Trump CRUSHES Field – 36% Support, No-One Even Close… ^ | September 7, 2015 | sundance
With favorables improving, unfavorables decreasing and two-thirds of the electorate now believing Trump can win the nomination, the latest YouGov National Poll shows Donald Trump dominating the rest of the field.This is the eighth consecutive regional and national poll with Jeb Bush in single digits; a devastating reality for the RNC/GOPe machine. The debate this week will be their final opportunity to save Jeb – the pressure is astronomical, and you can guarantee Fiorina and Rubio will be called upon to deliver the goods and take out Trump. Donald Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t even need the debate. Full...


Hate to throw water on your fire here, but when Trump blew it on the foreign terrorist leaders--the journalist was a CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOW HOST--Da Duh. It appears that any media asking Donald Trump questions, that he can't answer is the ENEMY.

"A radio host who will co-moderate the Sept. 16 Republican primary debate in California stumped Donald Trump on Thursday with tough questions about Middle Eastern terror leaders, but heard clear answers a few hours later from the billionaire's rival Carly Fiorina.

Trump's interview with conservative broadcaster Hugh Hewitt hadn't yet aired when Fiorina rattled off responses to questions about the leaders of Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, the al-Nusra Front and the ISIS terror army.

'I'm looking for the next commander-in-chief to know who Hassan Nasrallah is, and Zawahiri, and al-Julani, and al-Baghdadi,' Hewitt told Trump. 'Do you know the players without a scorecard yet? 'No,' the business tycoon replied.

FIORINA faced with the same challenge, conceded that it's easy to 'get confused a bit between the name and group because they sound a bit alike sometimes, so I have to pause and think sometimes.''But, I certainly know all those names both of the individual leaders and of the terrorist groups. I certainly understand where these terrorists are in play.' Hamas is focused in Palestinian territories,' Fiorina added. 'Hezbollah focuses in Beirut and other places. But the truth is both of them are proxies of Iran. Both of them threaten Israel. Both of them are going to be benefiting from the agreement which Obama and Kerry have struck with Iran.'

Trump's approach was to deflect the question rather than answer it. You know, I'll tell you honestly – I think by the time we get to office, they'll all be changed,' he said. 'They'll be all gone.'

Trump would later claim Hewitt had asked him a 'gotcha question.' But he conceded that 'I knew you were going to ask me things like this.'

Fiorina insisted that 'I don’t think they’re "gotcha questions" at all.' She focused on describing 'the depth of the ideology that Israel cannot exist, and so Hamas or Hezbollah or the Quds force or Al-Nusra or the Supreme Leader in Iran chant "Death to America," closely followed by "We must wipe Israel off the face of the map".' 'This isn't a joke,' she said.

But that didn't stop The Donald from blasting Hewitt on Friday morning as a 'third-rate radio announcer' curing an appearance on the MSBNC 'Morning Joe' program."
Trump stymped on terror questions but Carly knows the answers cold


Conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt--the guy that beat up on poor--poor Donald Trump.
The best intelligence briefings and foreign policy advisers in the world are not a substitute for knowledge of foreign policy. The same can be said of how the federal government operates, governmental finance, economic policy, the lawmaking process, and the justice system, No president of course knows it all but a president should have at least some applicable knowledge and experience which Trump just doesn't have. Presidents make decisions based on the knowledge and experience they bring to the office. If that knowledge and experience is running a real estate and property development business and a reality TV show, then that will be the basic knowledge and experience he will draw on for his decisions as president.
Last edited:
It amazes me that dems and libs do not know what the word "illegal" means.
It comes as no surprise that those on the right have no idea what 'due process of the law' means.

we understand it quite well. If you are in this country illegally you get arrested, the police and INS determine that you are in fact here illegally and you get deported. There is no court hearing or trial required.

They are entitled to a hearing, but that should last less than 15 minutes.

I am not sure what you mean by a hearing. They should be asked to prove their citizenship, if they can't then they are deported immediately. There is no requirement for a court, judge, or jury.
By law, you can not deport a person that doesn't agree to being deported without a hearing before an immigration judge. Only that judge has the authority to sign a deportation order. Deportation is not required by law except for convicted felons. Except for convicted felons, the accused has the right to appeal the decision.

You can't deport a person simply because they do not have proof of citizenship. The burden of proof in a case of illegal entry lies with the court, not the defendant.

If the US government was ever to get serious about enforcing our immigration laws, this procedure could be done very quickly. The delays that you list are used as excuses for not enforcing the laws that already exist.

You claim that the country of origin does not have to accept them back, but you also say that we have to accept them into this country if their home country doesn't want them back. Do you have any how illogical that is?
Oh, the PAIN the CommiecRATS and RINO'S must be going through.....ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

Latest National Poll: Donald Trump CRUSHES Field – 36% Support, No-One Even Close… ^ | September 7, 2015 | sundance
With favorables improving, unfavorables decreasing and two-thirds of the electorate now believing Trump can win the nomination, the latest YouGov National Poll shows Donald Trump dominating the rest of the field.This is the eighth consecutive regional and national poll with Jeb Bush in single digits; a devastating reality for the RNC/GOPe machine. The debate this week will be their final opportunity to save Jeb – the pressure is astronomical, and you can guarantee Fiorina and Rubio will be called upon to deliver the goods and take out Trump. Donald Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t even need the debate. Full...


Hate to throw water on your fire here, but when Trump blew it on the foreign terrorist leaders--the journalist was a CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOW HOST--Da Duh. It appears that any media asking Donald Trump questions, that he can't answer is the ENEMY.

"A radio host who will co-moderate the Sept. 16 Republican primary debate in California stumped Donald Trump on Thursday with tough questions about Middle Eastern terror leaders, but heard clear answers a few hours later from the billionaire's rival Carly Fiorina.

Trump's interview with conservative broadcaster Hugh Hewitt hadn't yet aired when Fiorina rattled off responses to questions about the leaders of Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, the al-Nusra Front and the ISIS terror army.

'I'm looking for the next commander-in-chief to know who Hassan Nasrallah is, and Zawahiri, and al-Julani, and al-Baghdadi,' Hewitt told Trump. 'Do you know the players without a scorecard yet? 'No,' the business tycoon replied.

FIORINA faced with the same challenge, conceded that it's easy to 'get confused a bit between the name and group because they sound a bit alike sometimes, so I have to pause and think sometimes.''But, I certainly know all those names both of the individual leaders and of the terrorist groups. I certainly understand where these terrorists are in play.' Hamas is focused in Palestinian territories,' Fiorina added. 'Hezbollah focuses in Beirut and other places. But the truth is both of them are proxies of Iran. Both of them threaten Israel. Both of them are going to be benefiting from the agreement which Obama and Kerry have struck with Iran.'

Trump's approach was to deflect the question rather than answer it. You know, I'll tell you honestly – I think by the time we get to office, they'll all be changed,' he said. 'They'll be all gone.'

Trump would later claim Hewitt had asked him a 'gotcha question.' But he conceded that 'I knew you were going to ask me things like this.'

Fiorina insisted that 'I don’t think they’re "gotcha questions" at all.' She focused on describing 'the depth of the ideology that Israel cannot exist, and so Hamas or Hezbollah or the Quds force or Al-Nusra or the Supreme Leader in Iran chant "Death to America," closely followed by "We must wipe Israel off the face of the map".' 'This isn't a joke,' she said.

But that didn't stop The Donald from blasting Hewitt on Friday morning as a 'third-rate radio announcer' curing an appearance on the MSBNC 'Morning Joe' program."
Trump stymped on terror questions but Carly knows the answers cold


Conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt--the guy that beat up on poor--poor Donald Trump.
The best intelligence briefings and foreign policy advisers in the world are not a substitute for knowledge of foreign policy. The same can be said of how the federal government operates, governmental finance, economic policy, the lawmaking process, and the justice system, No president of course knows it all but a president should have at least some applicable knowledge and experience which Trump just doesn't have. Presidents make decisions based on the knowledge and experience they bring to the office. If that knowledge and experience is running a real estate and property development business and a reality TV show, then that will be the basic knowledge and experience he will draw on for his decisions as president.

the line highlighted in red explains why obama has failed so miserably as president.
It comes as no surprise that those on the right have no idea what 'due process of the law' means.

we understand it quite well. If you are in this country illegally you get arrested, the police and INS determine that you are in fact here illegally and you get deported. There is no court hearing or trial required.

They are entitled to a hearing, but that should last less than 15 minutes.

I am not sure what you mean by a hearing. They should be asked to prove their citizenship, if they can't then they are deported immediately. There is no requirement for a court, judge, or jury.
By law, you can not deport a person that doesn't agree to being deported without a hearing before an immigration judge. Only that judge has the authority to sign a deportation order. Deportation is not required by law except for convicted felons. Except for convicted felons, the accused has the right to appeal the decision.

You can't deport a person simply because they do not have proof of citizenship. The burden of proof in a case of illegal entry lies with the court, not the defendant.

If the US government was ever to get serious about enforcing our immigration laws, this procedure could be done very quickly. The delays that you list are used as excuses for not enforcing the laws that already exist.

You claim that the country of origin does not have to accept them back, but you also say that we have to accept them into this country if their home country doesn't want them back. Do you have any how illogical that is?
What you don't seem grasp is that most immigration law is civil law, not criminal law.

Almost half of the illegals in the county entered legally and did not leave or renew their visa at expiration. This is a status violation, not a crime. Illegal entry is a crime but only a misdemeanor which carries a fine of $500 and maximum of 6 mos. jail for a first offense. Deportation is not required by the law except in the case of convicted felons.

To treat illegal immigrants as criminals, then the law must be changed. Deportation would have to be made a penalty and the wide discretion that judges have would have to be removed. I don't agree with this but it's what would be needed to do the mass deportations that Trump proposes.
What you don't seem grasp is that most immigration law is civil law, not criminal law.

Almost half of the illegals in the county entered legally and did not leave or renew their visa at expiration. This is a status violation, not a crime. Illegal entry is a crime but only a misdemeanor which carries a fine of $500 and maximum of 6 mos. jail for a first offense. Deportation is not required by the law except in the case of convicted felons.

To treat illegal immigrants as criminals, then the law must be changed. Deportation would have to be made a penalty and the wide discretion that judges have would have to be removed. I don't agree with this but it's what would be needed to do the mass deportations that Trump proposes.
Then the law needs to be changed. Violations need to criminalized, and if need be set up a mega prison in Alaska to hold em all for their 5 years sentence. This has got way out of hand.
Trump is a jerk, he doesn't believe a word of what he is saying, but a conversation about immigration needs to be started
It comes as no surprise that those on the right have no idea what 'due process of the law' means.

we understand it quite well. If you are in this country illegally you get arrested, the police and INS determine that you are in fact here illegally and you get deported. There is no court hearing or trial required.

They are entitled to a hearing, but that should last less than 15 minutes.

I am not sure what you mean by a hearing. They should be asked to prove their citizenship, if they can't then they are deported immediately. There is no requirement for a court, judge, or jury.
By law, you can not deport a person that doesn't agree to being deported without a hearing before an immigration judge. Only that judge has the authority to sign a deportation order. Deportation is not required by law except for convicted felons. Except for convicted felons, the accused has the right to appeal the decision.

You can't deport a person simply because they do not have proof of citizenship. The burden of proof in a case of illegal entry lies with the court, not the defendant.

If the US government was ever to get serious about enforcing our immigration laws, this procedure could be done very quickly. The delays that you list are used as excuses for not enforcing the laws that already exist.

You claim that the country of origin does not have to accept them back, but you also say that we have to accept them into this country if their home country doesn't want them back. Do you have any how illogical that is?
As illogical as it may seem to you, the country receiving the deportee haves the right to refuse to accept a deportation. In fact there are 23 countries who have said no or just endlessly delayed deportations.

It may sound completely illogical that a deportee get's to request which country he or she wants to be sent but that is the law, Section 241(b)(2)(B) of the Act.

MAP: Countries that refuse or delay deportation of felons
What you don't seem grasp is that most immigration law is civil law, not criminal law.

Almost half of the illegals in the county entered legally and did not leave or renew their visa at expiration. This is a status violation, not a crime. Illegal entry is a crime but only a misdemeanor which carries a fine of $500 and maximum of 6 mos. jail for a first offense. Deportation is not required by the law except in the case of convicted felons.

To treat illegal immigrants as criminals, then the law must be changed. Deportation would have to be made a penalty and the wide discretion that judges have would have to be removed. I don't agree with this but it's what would be needed to do the mass deportations that Trump proposes.
Then the law needs to be changed. Violations need to criminalized, and if need be set up a mega prison in Alaska to hold em all for their 5 years sentence. This has got way out of hand.
Trump is a jerk, he doesn't believe a word of what he is saying, but a conversation about immigration needs to be started
Then you're back into immigration reform which is a huge can of worms for both parties because many of the issues cross party lines. There is support in both parties for some form of path to citizenship which is violently opposed by others. Stronger penalties for those that hire illegals, legal status for undocumented children brought into the US, Visa monitoring and enforcement, building walls and fences, immigration quotos, etc. Once you seriously put immigration law on the table, the final results may be far different than just stronger treatment of immigration law violations.
What you don't seem grasp is that most immigration law is civil law, not criminal law.

Almost half of the illegals in the county entered legally and did not leave or renew their visa at expiration. This is a status violation, not a crime. Illegal entry is a crime but only a misdemeanor which carries a fine of $500 and maximum of 6 mos. jail for a first offense. Deportation is not required by the law except in the case of convicted felons.

To treat illegal immigrants as criminals, then the law must be changed. Deportation would have to be made a penalty and the wide discretion that judges have would have to be removed. I don't agree with this but it's what would be needed to do the mass deportations that Trump proposes.
Then the law needs to be changed. Violations need to criminalized, and if need be set up a mega prison in Alaska to hold em all for their 5 years sentence. This has got way out of hand.
Trump is a jerk, he doesn't believe a word of what he is saying, but a conversation about immigration needs to be started
Then you're back into immigration reform which is a huge can of worms for both parties because many of the issues cross party lines. There is support in both parties for some form of path to citizenship which is violently opposed by others. Stronger penalties for those that hire illegals, legal status for undocumented children brought into the US, Visa monitoring and enforcement, building walls and fences, immigration quotos, etc. Once you seriously put immigration law on the table, the final results may be far different than just stronger treatment of immigration law violations.

The majority of Americans do not support amnesty (a path to citizenship), especially not before the border is sealed - and that means the government demonstrates conclusively that it's sealed, not just gives some baseless promises.
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk

You forgot narcissistic and petulant.
Trump isn't a serious candidate – he'll never be president and he knows it.

What's sad is there are those who think he is a serious candidate.

^ This. I've been saying this all along, he doesn't really want to be president, his head would explode if he actually - somehow - got in.
Trump has to cross a major hurdle, if he somehow pulls enough over enough eyes to get the nomination. He has ruffled the feathers of enough people that he is intensely hated by a majority of americans. If you are hated by 75% of the electorate, your chances of electoral success are remote.

Republicans by the score will vote the democratic ticket. He is as dishonest and corrupt, six of one, half a dozen of the other, as Hillary. He is as lunatic as Bernie Sanders, and he lacks the good parts of either.

I am at a loss why anyone to support him for anything. He is duplicitous, he is corrupt, he is zany, he is a boor, he is a spoiled brat, he is incompetent, he is a blowhard, which means he is a coward. I would vote bernie over him, I would stay home if Hitlary is the nominee. But no way now how am I going to support such a corrupt, dishonest, cowardly, zany jerk

You forgot narcissistic and petulant.
True, I did. It is too late to fix it now.
It is a sideshow and Trump is the master manipulator of the media.

The general population is watching with amusement, some starting if the party will implode on this.

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