Trump electable to ANYTHING? Not hardly

Obama's plan: deport 100, allow 10,000 to enter illegally. put the 10,000 on welfare and food stamps and give them fake democrat voter cards.

THAT is your messiah's plan and you fricken well know it.

I am sure an operation like that can be exposed specially by a combination Sherlock Holmes and Einstein like do realize you are a dumb fk ...
What's your point? So far I haven't seen any proposal for a "path to citizenship" that required anything more than was required of any citizen of this country: speaking English, paying your taxes, yada, yada, yada. . . .

Is there any reason that illegals should be allowed to remain in this country? I can't think of one.
I can think of a couple. 65% of the people in the country don't want them deported so any plan to deport them all would not have the support of the people.. Our existing laws and a host of federal court rulings would make it all but impossible to remove them.
The poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted on August 17-18 also probed voter opinion on whether the U.S. should deport all illegal immigrants convicted of felonies. Ninety-two percent of likely GOP voters agreed, while just 4 percent disagreed.
Poll: Majorities Support Border Wall, Deporting Criminal Illegal Immigrants - Breitbart

Most Americans want them deported. Some prefer if they self deport and don't want to pay to deport them.
the poll was for FELONS...illegals who have committed a felony....and THIS has been Obama's plan, since deportation funds are LIMITED by how much congress alots to INS for deportations, then they should focus on deporting felons, gang members, drug dealers etc FIRST.....

THIS POLL supports Obama's plan.

Obama's plan: deport 100, allow 10,000 to enter illegally. put the 10,000 on welfare and food stamps and give them fake democrat voter cards.

THAT is your messiah's plan and you fricken well know it.
That's simply a made up, regurgitated, LIE.

Nope, his actions and words confirm it. Has he secured the border? NO. Has he stopped illegal immigration? NO. Has he prosecuted sanctuary cities for their violations of federal law? NO. Has he taken action to put illegals on welfare and food stamps? YES.

YOU have your head in the sand, or up obama's butt.
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ere a judge FDR might have appointed him to the Supreme Court

You think this is going to make Trump cower?

Only your fetid breath makes folks cower....T-Rump is not gonna be President and Kim Davis is not going to be the National Priestress...

Duggar SecState

I say we keep the hard working Christian immigrants and deport our America hating Progressives
This is beyond stupid. This was in 1929! 85 years ago!

Now te rotten apple doesn't fall from the tree, but digging up something so old smacks of desperation.

What you should concentrate your fire on things done by Donald. That is horrible enough. He brags about his expulsion from grade school for committing assault and battery on a teacher and being sent to rich kids juvie for 5 years. That is what he has done that is 5 times more horrible than what his father did
ere a judge FDR might have appointed him to the Supreme Court

You think this is going to make Trump cower?

Only your fetid breath makes folks cower....T-Rump is not gonna be President and Kim Davis is not going to be the National Priestress...

Duggar SecState

I say we keep the hard working Christian immigrants and deport our America hating Progressives
If I get deported US average IQ drops big time...exactly the opposite of if you were deported.............
ere a judge FDR might have appointed him to the Supreme Court

You think this is going to make Trump cower?

Only your fetid breath makes folks cower....T-Rump is not gonna be President and Kim Davis is not going to be the National Priestress...

Duggar SecState

I say we keep the hard working Christian immigrants and deport our America hating Progressives
If I get deported US average IQ drops big time...exactly the opposite of if you were deported.............

That's funny. And original.

Have you considered a career as a comedy writer? I hear carrottop is looking for new material
ere a judge FDR might have appointed him to the Supreme Court

You think this is going to make Trump cower?

Only your fetid breath makes folks cower....T-Rump is not gonna be President and Kim Davis is not going to be the National Priestress...

Duggar SecState

I say we keep the hard working Christian immigrants and deport our America hating Progressives
If I get deported US average IQ drops big time...exactly the opposite of if you were deported.............

That's funny. And original.

Have you considered a career as a comedy writer? I hear carrottop is looking for new material
I retired with D Letterman..........

It is of interest actually -- the KKK of 1927 was above all anti-immigrant, and that's the same guy that hatched Rump. Is it not reasonable to presume a father influences his son?
You talking about Obama or Trump?

Ummm... 1927? The link above? Hello? Or should I say... Hollow?

It is of interest actually -- the KKK of 1927 was above all anti-immigrant, and that's the same guy that hatched Rump. Is it not reasonable to presume a father influences his son?
You talking about Obama or Trump?

Ummm... 1927? The link above? Hello? Or should I say... Hollow?
So you give a shit about Trump's dad but you didn't give a fuck about Obama's communist father and grandparents. ROFL

It is of interest actually -- the KKK of 1927 was above all anti-immigrant, and that's the same guy that hatched Rump. Is it not reasonable to presume a father influences his son?
You talking about Obama or Trump?

Ummm... 1927? The link above? Hello? Or should I say... Hollow?
So you give a shit about Trump's dad but you didn't give a fuck about Obama's communist father and grandparents. ROFL

Were they arrested with the Klan?

How come you're trying so hard to shoo this away? You haven't touched my point at all. You're just going "b-but... but... O'bama!" I tire of this childish prattle.
What difference at this point does it make?

It is of interest actually -- the KKK of 1927 was above all anti-immigrant, and that's the same guy that hatched Rump. Is it not reasonable to presume a father influences his son?
You talking about Obama or Trump?

Ummm... 1927? The link above? Hello? Or should I say... Hollow?
So you give a shit about Trump's dad but you didn't give a fuck about Obama's communist father and grandparents. ROFL

Were they arrested with the Klan?

How come you're trying so hard to shoo this away? You haven't touched my point at all. You're just going "b-but... but... O'bama!" I tire of this childish prattle.
0bama's relations in disgusting and horrible groups of turds is equal to Trump's relations in disgusting and horrible groups of turds. If one is relevant, so is the other. I feel neither is that relavant. But if you feel Trump's Father's actions 85 years ago are relevant for discussion, then Obama's relations activities 45 years ago are equally relavant.
I feel that only discussing the jerk's activities are of merit. We haven't got time to discuss it. Plus, very often the son repudates the father. Or certain acts of the parent.
What difference at this point does it make?

It is of interest actually -- the KKK of 1927 was above all anti-immigrant, and that's the same guy that hatched Rump. Is it not reasonable to presume a father influences his son?
You talking about Obama or Trump?

Ummm... 1927? The link above? Hello? Or should I say... Hollow?
So you give a shit about Trump's dad but you didn't give a fuck about Obama's communist father and grandparents. ROFL

Were they arrested with the Klan?

How come you're trying so hard to shoo this away? You haven't touched my point at all. You're just going "b-but... but... O'bama!" I tire of this childish prattle.
No way democrats love communists. OBAMA'S PRESIDENT. Trump is an entertainer.
It is of interest actually -- the KKK of 1927 was above all anti-immigrant, and that's the same guy that hatched Rump. Is it not reasonable to presume a father influences his son?
You talking about Obama or Trump?

Ummm... 1927? The link above? Hello? Or should I say... Hollow?
So you give a shit about Trump's dad but you didn't give a fuck about Obama's communist father and grandparents. ROFL

Were they arrested with the Klan?

How come you're trying so hard to shoo this away? You haven't touched my point at all. You're just going "b-but... but... O'bama!" I tire of this childish prattle.
No way democrats love communists. OBAMA'S PRESIDENT. Trump is an entertainer.

Not a very good one. But perhaps better than you.
Your question was, what difference does it (the 1927 story) make.
I answered what difference it makes.
Then you went all "b-but... but.. O'bama".
Thing is, we've all heard that joke before, and it wasn't even funny the first time.

Neither your question nor my answer had anything to do with O'bama. If you can't handle the answer --- don't ask the question.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
Nearly half the people illegally in the country are not guilty of any crime so there is no need to grant amnesty. They are here with expired visas which by law is a status violation. The law doesn't require any penalty other than barring re-entry if deported. Almost all the remainder of illegals in the country are guilty of only entering the country illegally, a misdemeanor with a penalty of a maximum of 6 months in jail and a fine of $500 for first offense. Except for convicted felons, there is no deportation requirement in the law for either violation. Deportation is an administration procedure, not a penalty that can be applied by the judge if he feels it's warranted. The penalty for illegal entry is almost never applied by a judge but rather deportation is ordered it the accused does not have one of valid defense in the law..

A path to citizenship should certainly require more than just living in the US and having a job. There have been a number proposals as the what that procedure might be.

What's your point? So far I haven't seen any proposal for a "path to citizenship" that required anything more than was required of any citizen of this country: speaking English, paying your taxes, yada, yada, yada. . . .

Is there any reason that illegals should be allowed to remain in this country? I can't think of one.
I can think of a couple. 65% of the people in the country don't want them deported so any plan to deport them all would not have the support of the people.. Our existing laws and a host of federal court rulings would make it all but impossible to remove them.

Public opinion isn't a reason. Furthermore, such polls are highly suspect.

What court rulings have made it impossible to deport illegal aliens?
I agree a single poll is always suspect. However when we have numerous polls by different polling services covering the last several years, that all come come up with the same conclusion, the vast majority of American are strongly opposed to deporting all illegal immigrants then accuracy is not in doubt: For example:
Gallop: only 14% to 21% of all American favor deporting all illegal immigrants.
Quinnipac: 20 to 35%
Public Opinion Research: 27% to 34%
Pew Research: 24% to 30%
CBS New York Times: 27% to 30%

These polls also show clearly that most Americans support a path to citizenship for illegal immigrates. They also show that Americans are strongly in favor of deporting illegal immigrants convicted of felonies.

Public opinion certainly does matter. It was one of the primary reasons prohibition was a failure in the US or more recently laws against the sale and use of marijuana. Laws that the public does not support are unenforceable in democratic country. Without the support of local communities and local law enforcement, mass deportations of illegal immigrants would be impossible.

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