Trump electable to ANYTHING? Not hardly

You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
Nearly half the people illegally in the country are not guilty of any crime so there is no need to grant amnesty. They are here with expired visas which by law is a status violation. The law doesn't require any penalty other than barring re-entry if deported. Almost all the remainder of illegals in the country are guilty of only entering the country illegally, a misdemeanor with a penalty of a maximum of 6 months in jail and a fine of $500 for first offense. Except for convicted felons, there is no deportation requirement in the law for either violation. Deportation is an administration procedure, not a penalty that can be applied by the judge if he feels it's warranted. The penalty for illegal entry is almost never applied by a judge but rather deportation is ordered it the accused does not have one of valid defense in the law..

A path to citizenship should certainly require more than just living in the US and having a job. There have been a number proposals as the what that procedure might be.

What's your point? So far I haven't seen any proposal for a "path to citizenship" that required anything more than was required of any citizen of this country: speaking English, paying your taxes, yada, yada, yada. . . .

Is there any reason that illegals should be allowed to remain in this country? I can't think of one.
I can think of a couple. 65% of the people in the country don't want them deported so any plan to deport them all would not have the support of the people.. Our existing laws and a host of federal court rulings would make it all but impossible to remove them.
The poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted on August 17-18 also probed voter opinion on whether the U.S. should deport all illegal immigrants convicted of felonies. Ninety-two percent of likely GOP voters agreed, while just 4 percent disagreed.
Poll: Majorities Support Border Wall, Deporting Criminal Illegal Immigrants - Breitbart
I agree the convicted felons that illegal immigrants should be deported and in most polls 80%+ agree.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
Nearly half the people illegally in the country are not guilty of any crime so there is no need to grant amnesty. They are here with expired visas which by law is a status violation. The law doesn't require any penalty other than barring re-entry if deported. Almost all the remainder of illegals in the country are guilty of only entering the country illegally, a misdemeanor with a penalty of a maximum of 6 months in jail and a fine of $500 for first offense. Except for convicted felons, there is no deportation requirement in the law for either violation. Deportation is an administration procedure, not a penalty that can be applied by the judge if he feels it's warranted. The penalty for illegal entry is almost never applied by a judge but rather deportation is ordered it the accused does not have one of valid defense in the law..

A path to citizenship should certainly require more than just living in the US and having a job. There have been a number proposals as the what that procedure might be.

What's your point? So far I haven't seen any proposal for a "path to citizenship" that required anything more than was required of any citizen of this country: speaking English, paying your taxes, yada, yada, yada. . . .

Is there any reason that illegals should be allowed to remain in this country? I can't think of one.
I can think of a couple. 65% of the people in the country don't want them deported so any plan to deport them all would not have the support of the people.. Our existing laws and a host of federal court rulings would make it all but impossible to remove them.
The poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted on August 17-18 also probed voter opinion on whether the U.S. should deport all illegal immigrants convicted of felonies. Ninety-two percent of likely GOP voters agreed, while just 4 percent disagreed.
Poll: Majorities Support Border Wall, Deporting Criminal Illegal Immigrants - Breitbart

Most Americans want them felons deported. Some prefer if they self deport and don't want to pay to deport them.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
You're probably right; most American don't want to just make legal residents or citizens out of everyone here illegally. I sure don't.

There's a big difference between amnesty and a path to citizenship. Amnesty grants undocumented immigrants legal status. They don't have to do anything other than apply to receive legal status. A path to citizenship requires a person earn the right to live in this country and/or become a citizens. A wide range of criteria has been proposed such as living here for a number of years with no criminal convictions and maintaining steady employment, learning English, demonstrating a knowledge of how our democracy works, service in armed services, paying back taxes and fees, etc. A gallop poll released in Aug 2015 shows 65% of American favor a path to citizenship. That's up from 64% in 2011 and 59% in 2007. The poll also shows only 14% in 2015, 13% in 2011, and 15% in 2007 favor deporting all illegal immigrants back to their home country.

In U.S., 65% Favor Path to Citizenship for Illegal Immigrants

If they're already here, and they're working, they aren't being asked to do anything that any other American isn't already doing. So how do the "earn" it? Any deal that lets them stay in the country is amnesty, especially if it eventually allows them to become citizens.
Nearly half the people illegally in the country are not guilty of any crime so there is no need to grant amnesty. They are here with expired visas which by law is a status violation. The law doesn't require any penalty other than barring re-entry if deported. Almost all the remainder of illegals in the country are guilty of only entering the country illegally, a misdemeanor with a penalty of a maximum of 6 months in jail and a fine of $500 for first offense. Except for convicted felons, there is no deportation requirement in the law for either violation. Deportation is an administration procedure, not a penalty that can be applied by the judge if he feels it's warranted. The penalty for illegal entry is almost never applied by a judge but rather deportation is ordered it the accused does not have one of valid defense in the law..

A path to citizenship should certainly require more than just living in the US and having a job. There have been a number proposals as the what that procedure might be.

What's your point? So far I haven't seen any proposal for a "path to citizenship" that required anything more than was required of any citizen of this country: speaking English, paying your taxes, yada, yada, yada. . . .

Is there any reason that illegals should be allowed to remain in this country? I can't think of one.
I can think of a couple. 65% of the people in the country don't want them deported so any plan to deport them all would not have the support of the people.. Our existing laws and a host of federal court rulings would make it all but impossible to remove them.
The poll of 1,000 likely voters conducted on August 17-18 also probed voter opinion on whether the U.S. should deport all illegal immigrants convicted of felonies. Ninety-two percent of likely GOP voters agreed, while just 4 percent disagreed.
Poll: Majorities Support Border Wall, Deporting Criminal Illegal Immigrants - Breitbart

Most Americans want them deported. Some prefer if they self deport and don't want to pay to deport them.
And I am one of them. Polls show that 80%+ of the people want illegal immigrant felons deported. However, only 20 to 30% of Americans want all illegal immigrants to leave the country. However, when people are asked should all illegal immigrants be deported the number falls under 20%.
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The documentary about Donald Trump that Trump suppressed for 24 years
The explosive 1991 documentary Donald Trump did everything in his power to suppress -

Trump: What’s the Deal? chronicles the real-estate developer and presidential hopeful’s rise to power. His self-described “addiction” to acquiring cash and real estate drove him to build developments in Manhattan, Atlantic City, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. He skirted the law on multiple occasions throughout his career, underpaying his workers, associating with mob bosses, committing union fraud, harassing tenants, and ignoring environmental regulations, yet managed to evade legal retribution.
The documentary about Donald Trump that Trump suppressed for 24 years
The explosive 1991 documentary Donald Trump did everything in his power to suppress -

Trump: What’s the Deal? chronicles the real-estate developer and presidential hopeful’s rise to power. His self-described “addiction” to acquiring cash and real estate drove him to build developments in Manhattan, Atlantic City, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. He skirted the law on multiple occasions throughout his career, underpaying his workers, associating with mob bosses, committing union fraud, harassing tenants, and ignoring environmental regulations, yet managed to evade legal retribution.
Sounds like a smart guy. The smarts we need for President.
Smart guy? He was committing felonies that would have put in Juvenile Detention in 8th grade, and he brags about them. He is a thug. He has committed crime and got away with them because of his parents money.

we don't need such a scofflaw. The Clintons were bad enough.
The documentary about Donald Trump that Trump suppressed for 24 years
The explosive 1991 documentary Donald Trump did everything in his power to suppress -

Trump: What’s the Deal? chronicles the real-estate developer and presidential hopeful’s rise to power. His self-described “addiction” to acquiring cash and real estate drove him to build developments in Manhattan, Atlantic City, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. He skirted the law on multiple occasions throughout his career, underpaying his workers, associating with mob bosses, committing union fraud, harassing tenants, and ignoring environmental regulations, yet managed to evade legal retribution.
Sounds like a smart guy. The smarts we need for President.
Yeah too bad about all those "business bankruptcies"...I prefer my smart people to not have multiple bankruptcies...
Smart guy? He was committing felonies that would have put in Juvenile Detention in 8th grade, and he brags about them. He is a thug. He has committed crime and got away with them because of his parents money.

we don't need such a scofflaw. The Clintons were bad enough.
I have stolen thousands of dollars, in total, from UCF's vending machines.
I have ripped off from homes, shop lifted hundreds of dollars in items, siphoned gas when I needed it.
I have even pointed a rifle at a cop and looked at him through my scope but didn't pull the trigger.
All when I was under the age of 18. I don't have a criminal record. I turned into a decent human being. I trust Trump did too.
The documentary about Donald Trump that Trump suppressed for 24 years
The explosive 1991 documentary Donald Trump did everything in his power to suppress -

Trump: What’s the Deal? chronicles the real-estate developer and presidential hopeful’s rise to power. His self-described “addiction” to acquiring cash and real estate drove him to build developments in Manhattan, Atlantic City, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. He skirted the law on multiple occasions throughout his career, underpaying his workers, associating with mob bosses, committing union fraud, harassing tenants, and ignoring environmental regulations, yet managed to evade legal retribution.
Sounds like a smart guy. The smarts we need for President.
Yeah too bad about all those "business bankruptcies"...I prefer my smart people to not have multiple bankruptcies...
Some CEO's specialize in bankruptcies and are hired on solely to take their corporation through the bankruptcy process. It isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's a business decision with good and bad consequences that you have to deal with. And it's perfectly legal.
The documentary about Donald Trump that Trump suppressed for 24 years
The explosive 1991 documentary Donald Trump did everything in his power to suppress -

Trump: What’s the Deal? chronicles the real-estate developer and presidential hopeful’s rise to power. His self-described “addiction” to acquiring cash and real estate drove him to build developments in Manhattan, Atlantic City, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. He skirted the law on multiple occasions throughout his career, underpaying his workers, associating with mob bosses, committing union fraud, harassing tenants, and ignoring environmental regulations, yet managed to evade legal retribution.
Sounds like a smart guy. The smarts we need for President.
Yeah too bad about all those "business bankruptcies"...I prefer my smart people to not have multiple bankruptcies...
Some CEO's specialize in bankruptcies and are hired on solely to take their corporation through the bankruptcy process. It isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's a business decision with good and bad consequences that you have to deal with. And it's perfectly legal.
Yeah yeah Trump is a whiz ..a whiz a homeless man took on the street Ok
The documentary about Donald Trump that Trump suppressed for 24 years
The explosive 1991 documentary Donald Trump did everything in his power to suppress -

Trump: What’s the Deal? chronicles the real-estate developer and presidential hopeful’s rise to power. His self-described “addiction” to acquiring cash and real estate drove him to build developments in Manhattan, Atlantic City, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. He skirted the law on multiple occasions throughout his career, underpaying his workers, associating with mob bosses, committing union fraud, harassing tenants, and ignoring environmental regulations, yet managed to evade legal retribution.
Sounds like a smart guy. The smarts we need for President.
Yeah too bad about all those "business bankruptcies"...I prefer my smart people to not have multiple bankruptcies...
Some CEO's specialize in bankruptcies and are hired on solely to take their corporation through the bankruptcy process. It isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's a business decision with good and bad consequences that you have to deal with. And it's perfectly legal.
Yeah yeah Trump is a whiz ..a whiz a homeless man took on the street Ok
Trump will be the next President of the US.
The documentary about Donald Trump that Trump suppressed for 24 years
The explosive 1991 documentary Donald Trump did everything in his power to suppress -

Trump: What’s the Deal? chronicles the real-estate developer and presidential hopeful’s rise to power. His self-described “addiction” to acquiring cash and real estate drove him to build developments in Manhattan, Atlantic City, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. He skirted the law on multiple occasions throughout his career, underpaying his workers, associating with mob bosses, committing union fraud, harassing tenants, and ignoring environmental regulations, yet managed to evade legal retribution.
Sounds like a smart guy. The smarts we need for President.
Smart, yes but certainly not what we need as president. The man is unpredictable and his behavior is just plain irrationality at times. Look at what he said about Jindal, a candidate that's polling less than 1%. Trump's only comment was he doesn't waste time on someone polling 1%. Maybe a true statement but this really make no sense. Jindal may have only 1% of the votes but they are votes that Trump is not likely to win with such comments. Trump's sexist disgusting remarks about Megyn Kelly are just another example of his inability to control himself. Mean spirited, belittling put downs to people that that are of no consequence in his campaign is just plain nuts. To his supporters, his verbal attacks on anyone that crosses his path indicates toughness but to most of the nation, it's the action of a rather paranoid person will little control over his temper or his mouth. These are certainly not good traits in a person seeking the presidency.
Last edited:
The documentary about Donald Trump that Trump suppressed for 24 years
The explosive 1991 documentary Donald Trump did everything in his power to suppress -

Trump: What’s the Deal? chronicles the real-estate developer and presidential hopeful’s rise to power. His self-described “addiction” to acquiring cash and real estate drove him to build developments in Manhattan, Atlantic City, Palm Beach, and Los Angeles. He skirted the law on multiple occasions throughout his career, underpaying his workers, associating with mob bosses, committing union fraud, harassing tenants, and ignoring environmental regulations, yet managed to evade legal retribution.
Sounds like a smart guy. The smarts we need for President.
Yeah too bad about all those "business bankruptcies"...I prefer my smart people to not have multiple bankruptcies...
Some CEO's specialize in bankruptcies and are hired on solely to take their corporation through the bankruptcy process. It isn't necessarily a bad thing. It's a business decision with good and bad consequences that you have to deal with. And it's perfectly legal.
Trump was not one of those CEO's hired to bring his companies out of bankruptcy. Much of his famed negotiating skills has come from his ability to protect his personal fortune while the businesses that so proudly trumpet his billion-dollar name are something of a different story. No doubt, Trump is a skilled negotiator but he's also quick tempered, prone to irrational outbursts, and absolutely paranoid when it comes to defending himself against any criticism.
4 Times Donald Trump’s Companies Declared Bankruptcy
Three weeks ago all I knew was he had a lousy toupee. Every day since then has been more and more facts about this slease, from his playing footsie with the clintons, his bankruptcies and divorces, his incredibly stupid plan to finance a fence (Not that expensive, Israel built one 24' tall )... he is stupid, loud, cowardly, insecure, vile, misogynistic... and those are his good points. He is a thug, a fraud, a thief....

Why on earth would one dim bulb like him?
Three weeks ago all I knew was he had a lousy toupee. Every day since then has been more and more facts about this slease, from his playing footsie with the clintons, his bankruptcies and divorces, his incredibly stupid plan to finance a fence (Not that expensive, Israel built one 24' tall )... he is stupid, loud, cowardly, insecure, vile, misogynistic... and those are his good points. He is a thug, a fraud, a thief....

Why on earth would one dim bulb like him?
Maybe because you are wrong.
Three weeks ago all I knew was he had a lousy toupee. Every day since then has been more and more facts about this slease, from his playing footsie with the clintons, his bankruptcies and divorces, his incredibly stupid plan to finance a fence (Not that expensive, Israel built one 24' tall )... he is stupid, loud, cowardly, insecure, vile, misogynistic... and those are his good points. He is a thug, a fraud, a thief....

Why on earth would one dim bulb like him?
Maybe because you are wrong.
I can guarantee you are mistaken. Badly mistaken.
Three weeks ago all I knew was he had a lousy toupee. Every day since then has been more and more facts about this slease, from his playing footsie with the clintons, his bankruptcies and divorces, his incredibly stupid plan to finance a fence (Not that expensive, Israel built one 24' tall )... he is stupid, loud, cowardly, insecure, vile, misogynistic... and those are his good points. He is a thug, a fraud, a thief....

Why on earth would one dim bulb like him?
There're a lot of people in this country that are so discussed with politics that they are ready for a Trump, someone that will promise them whatever they want to hear. And when he can't delivery it will be because of those stupid congressman that make stupid laws and stupid judges making stupid rulings, and the stupid media saying stupid things.
You talking about Obama or Trump?

Ummm... 1927? The link above? Hello? Or should I say... Hollow?
So you give a shit about Trump's dad but you didn't give a fuck about Obama's communist father and grandparents. ROFL

Were they arrested with the Klan?

How come you're trying so hard to shoo this away? You haven't touched my point at all. You're just going "b-but... but... O'bama!" I tire of this childish prattle.
No way democrats love communists. OBAMA'S PRESIDENT. Trump is an entertainer.

Not a very good one. But perhaps better than you.
Your question was, what difference does it (the 1927 story) make.
I answered what difference it makes.
Then you went all "b-but... but.. O'bama".
Thing is, we've all heard that joke before, and it wasn't even funny the first time.

Neither your question nor my answer had anything to do with O'bama. If you can't handle the answer --- don't ask the question.
Oh, the PAIN the CommiecRATS and RINO'S must be going through.....ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!

Latest National Poll: Donald Trump CRUSHES Field – 36% Support, No-One Even Close… ^ | September 7, 2015 | sundance
With favorables improving, unfavorables decreasing and two-thirds of the electorate now believing Trump can win the nomination, the latest YouGov National Poll shows Donald Trump dominating the rest of the field.This is the eighth consecutive regional and national poll with Jeb Bush in single digits; a devastating reality for the RNC/GOPe machine. The debate this week will be their final opportunity to save Jeb – the pressure is astronomical, and you can guarantee Fiorina and Rubio will be called upon to deliver the goods and take out Trump. Donald Trump, on the other hand, doesn’t even need the debate. Full...


Hate to throw water on your fire here, but when Trump blew it on the foreign terrorist leaders--the journalist was a CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOW HOST--Da Duh. It appears that any media asking Donald Trump questions, that he can't answer is the ENEMY.

"A radio host who will co-moderate the Sept. 16 Republican primary debate in California stumped Donald Trump on Thursday with tough questions about Middle Eastern terror leaders, but heard clear answers a few hours later from the billionaire's rival Carly Fiorina.

Trump's interview with conservative broadcaster Hugh Hewitt hadn't yet aired when Fiorina rattled off responses to questions about the leaders of Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, the al-Nusra Front and the ISIS terror army.

'I'm looking for the next commander-in-chief to know who Hassan Nasrallah is, and Zawahiri, and al-Julani, and al-Baghdadi,' Hewitt told Trump. 'Do you know the players without a scorecard yet? 'No,' the business tycoon replied.

FIORINA faced with the same challenge, conceded that it's easy to 'get confused a bit between the name and group because they sound a bit alike sometimes, so I have to pause and think sometimes.''But, I certainly know all those names both of the individual leaders and of the terrorist groups. I certainly understand where these terrorists are in play.' Hamas is focused in Palestinian territories,' Fiorina added. 'Hezbollah focuses in Beirut and other places. But the truth is both of them are proxies of Iran. Both of them threaten Israel. Both of them are going to be benefiting from the agreement which Obama and Kerry have struck with Iran.'

Trump's approach was to deflect the question rather than answer it. You know, I'll tell you honestly – I think by the time we get to office, they'll all be changed,' he said. 'They'll be all gone.'

Trump would later claim Hewitt had asked him a 'gotcha question.' But he conceded that 'I knew you were going to ask me things like this.'

Fiorina insisted that 'I don’t think they’re "gotcha questions" at all.' She focused on describing 'the depth of the ideology that Israel cannot exist, and so Hamas or Hezbollah or the Quds force or Al-Nusra or the Supreme Leader in Iran chant "Death to America," closely followed by "We must wipe Israel off the face of the map".' 'This isn't a joke,' she said.

But that didn't stop The Donald from blasting Hewitt on Friday morning as a 'third-rate radio announcer' curing an appearance on the MSBNC 'Morning Joe' program."
Trump stymped on terror questions but Carly knows the answers cold


Conservative talk show host Hugh Hewitt--the guy that beat up on poor--poor Donald Trump.

So you admit Fiorina didn't know the names either, but somehow she's president material and Trump is not?

Do you know the name of a forum hypocrite?

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