Trump erupts:"it's sad that R's, who were carried over the line on my back, do little to protect me"

He does have a point. Alot of his cabinet have not stood behind him and been outspoken. Can you imagine the Democrats if this were happening to Obama?

You have to grow a pair and accept that the nation chose a business person for a reason. Stand behind him and speak out against the witch hunt. These GOP aren't taking this investigation personal, and they should.

He has to wait till the weekend, to get back to WH South, to connect with
his dealer.
Trump has never done drugs, drank alcohol or smoked a cigarette in his life. I don't believe his children ever have either. Too bad US presidents Obama and Clinton can't say the same. You simply cannot bring him down to their level. Even with your phony pictures.

Never as in not even once in his life. Those who know him say it is a 100% truth. Not one drink, not one cigarette, not one illegal drug - no not even once. I suppose this would certainly be a novel idea for Democrats as they have come to expect that their presidents are drug users, drinkers and even drug dealers. Certainly both Obama and Clinton were drug dealers. Right?

If you really want to know the truth, Obama sucked other men's dicks for crack cocaine back in the day.

True story.
52 THOUSAND in support of his twitter post, AND STILL CLIMBING.
The only Senate Republican carried over the line by Trump was probably Roy Blunt. Rest of GOP Senators ran ahead of him in close races.
With a net worth of $3.5 billion dollars, sitting in the White House, and you say his life of "one failure after another"?
So you admit that Don THE Con was lying when he claimed a net worth of over 10 billion.
Thank you.

Haven't you figured out that quoting the Washington Post has as little credibility as quoting Alex Jones?
Haven't you figured out that Donald Trump is a Fucking lying machine and that only total loser asshole submissive Rubes believe word one that comes from that lying Orange Bitch

‘Impotent clown’: Internet mocks Trump for blaming legislative fails on Russian hack scandal
President Donald Trump appeared to be searching for someone to blame for legislative failures during a Sunday afternoon Twitterstorm.
John B. outlines when Russian president and Clinton colluded to interfere in each others elections to help one another remain in as presidents.
The liberals and fake Republicans are falling apart every time Trump tweets to the American people. It proves his popularity and that Americans are with him. They can't stand it.
The liberals and fake Republicans are falling apart every time Trump tweets to the American people. It proves his popularity and that Americans are with him. They can't stand it.

Not to mention the fake news media jackals. They are livid because Trump is going over their heads before they get a chance to distort what he says.
every saturday & every sunday, trump goes on a twitter rant. here's today's....

Why start a thread like this? Twitter rant????

I thought you were on the right side.

I was wrong and it seems you are just another snowflake. :dunno:
every saturday & every sunday, trump goes on a twitter rant. here's today's....

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:36 AM, Rob Goldstone wrote:

Good morning

Emin just called and asked me to contact you with something very interesting.

The Crown prosecutor of Russia met with his father Aras
this morning and in their meeting offered to provide the Trump campaign with some official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary and her dealings with Russia and would be very useful to your father.

This is obviously very high level and sensitive information but is part of Russia and its government's support for Mr. Trump - helped along by Aras and Emin.

What do you think is the best way to handle this information and would you be able to speak to Emin about it directly?

I can also send this info to your father via Rhona, but it is ultra sensitive so wanted to send to you first.


Rob Goldstone

On Jun 3, 2016, at 10:53, Donald Trump Jr. wrote:

Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it's what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?



You treasonous cocksucks that are still supporting the treasonous fat senile old orange clown cannot deny that the Trump campaign actively sought to collude with the Russians to affect the outcome of the election. It is right there in Donald Trump Jr.'s eager response to the proposed meeting. Then he sent the e-mails to Kushner and Manafort, who also agreed to the meeting. Thus far, we don't know what was discussed, as we have only the words of known liars for what was agreed to at that meeting. Not only that, we don't know if there were further meetings.

What we do know is that the treasonous fat senile old orange clown has lied about the Russian contacts from day one. As has almost everyone in his administration. Time for the liars to go to jail for the lies they have put their names to on security documents.
The liberals and fake Republicans are falling apart every time Trump tweets to the American people. It proves his popularity and that Americans are with him. They can't stand it.

Not to mention the fake news media jackals. They are livid because Trump is going over their heads before they get a chance to distort what he says.
Silly asshole, no one needs to distort what the treasonous fat senile old orange clown says. It is so far out there that, by itself, it brands him as unfit to occupy any position of responsibility at any level of government.
If you feel morally obligated to hand this country over to the progressives because Donald Trump is icky, you're just as bad as the progressives!
The liberals and fake Republicans are falling apart every time Trump tweets to the American people. It proves his popularity and that Americans are with him. They can't stand it.

Not to mention the fake news media jackals. They are livid because Trump is going over their heads before they get a chance to distort what he says.
Silly asshole, no one needs to distort what the treasonous fat senile old orange clown says. It is so far out there that, by itself, it brands him as unfit to occupy any position of responsibility at any level of government.

Ya know, Binky: Every time you post the same old worn-out lyrics to that sad song of yours, I'm convinced that there's something in the drinking water that makes you Portlandians the way you are. What was it? Fukushima radiation? Agricultural runoff? Lack of real food like meat, potatoes, and whiskey?

What is it?
he's at it again!


he also liked this tweet below, something he rarely does (a like is basically an endorsement)
folks will accuse him of inciting violence against the press
So infuriating watching some Republicans fold and capitulate to pressure from Democrats and fake news media. Utterly USELESS individuals
every saturday & every sunday, trump goes on a twitter rant. here's today's....


A rant?
What is it you think he is saying?

I see truth there as do millions of others.

You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face. A number of Republicans ran well ahead of Trump. Trump had no coattails.

It's a matter of opinion. Not about a few, but the big overall picture.
I know truth better than you it seems.
Repubs wouldn't have won both houses if it wasn't for Trump.
He does have a point. Alot of his cabinet have not stood behind him and been outspoken. Can you imagine the Democrats if this were happening to Obama?

You have to grow a pair and accept that the nation chose a business person for a reason. Stand behind him and speak out against the witch hunt. These GOP aren't taking this investigation personal, and they should.

The reason they selected Trump was because he was not Clinton. The vote came down to who you hate the least. If None of the Above was a option and it meant Trump and Clinton couldn't run again, it would have won in a landslide. I suspect a lot of Americans wish they were able to do what the British did. Call new elections before they are scheduled.
every saturday & every sunday, trump goes on a twitter rant. here's today's....

Trump is a very intelligent man. This is a man who owned Casinos. He is one of the few who was never conned by Bernie Madoff. He can spot a con artist when he sees one. Even a very clever one.
Have you forgotten this? He knew all along what some of these fake Republicans were going to do. He just wanted the American people to see it so that when he buries them in the hole they dug for him everyone will say they got what they deserved. Their political careers will be finished. Trump knows that the house always wins in the end and in this case? It will be his White House but first he's going to expose everyone who has been on the take / working against him and give them a lesson they will never forget.

You are delusional. The question is how many Republicans will be dragged down by Trump. Trump is extremely unpopular. He has lost independents who reluctantly voted for him.

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