Trump family sued by NY

'leticia" had a tease yesterday before the "explosive announcement" so the groomers could finish diddling kindergartners and assemble for the life-altering press conference. Normally, serious law enforcement doesn't need foreplay, they just go arrest bad guys.

I'm afraid she will just be Fuckup #3617 in this tedious, epic fail of a journey to "get Trump!" She would be so much more comfortable up in the trees picking lice out her ass and munching on it.... and I say that with the same kind of love MV residents have for starving Venezuelans. That deep love.
Trump valued his properties according to his needs instead of using any sort of consistent standard. He undervalued them for taxation purposes and he overvalued them when it came to taking on loans backed up by them.

Such practices are deceptive and even fraudulent, can you get that smarty pants?
I'd like ALL the trump MAGAts to use the same methods on their own property when it comes to tax and/or gaining a loan time. If it's good enough for trump, it should be good enough for them.
So, she's losing her reelection bid. This is a hail Mary move to try and gain ground. She is abusing her office for personal gain, as she's done since day one - utterly corrupt.

The amusing part is the reason she is losing in deep blue New York is her vendetta against Donald Trump and her abuse of power.

This isn't going to help her campaign.

Hopefully once Michel James is sworn in, he brings criminal charges for racketeering, abuse of power, and malicious prosecution against her.

She needs some prison time.
So, she's losing her reelection bid. This is a hail Mary move to try and gain ground. She is abusing her office for personal gain, as she's done since day one - utterly corrupt.

The amusing part is the reason she is losing in deep blue New York is her vendetta against Donald Trump and her abuse of power.

This isn't going to help her campaign.

Hopefully once Michel James is sworn in, he brings criminal charges for racketeering, abuse of power, and malicious prosecution against her.

She needs some prison time.
It looks more like the Trump family can use all the help they can get. Get those checks in the mail. Freedom isn’t free after all!

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