Trump family sued by NY

How can the federal government get involved in a state tax issue?

My God, you are fucked in the head! You are a stupid as Leticia James.
dude, the sheep were told, remember this is who they are....
Demofks hav taught them that they are sheep and when wolves come, you must not fight them, you must call the shepherd
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Don has no evidence to support his claims. It's why he plead the 5th 440 times.
Trump isn't the one filing frivolous lawsuits, abusing a public office for a vendetta against a political rival.

Utterly corrupt Letitia James is.

The good news is that she is set to lose her bid for another term.

Hopefully Michael Henry will bring criminal charges against her once he takes office, for abuse of power and prosecutorial misconduct.

She needs some prison time for what she's done.
I think Trump is a crook for sure but this seems weak. Filed in civil court for overinflating values of property for loans.. shouldnt the banks sue or file a complaint if that is the case?
Admittedly I'm not keeping score, but didn't NY previously decline to file a full criminal complaint?
They already failed in the criminal case, they couldn't find anything. LOL! These people are idiots.
No, they're evil.

They are bleeding Trump.

Utterly Corrupt James knows that her suit has no merit. But it gives her publicity, and it costs Trump money to defend against her bogus suit.

Hopefully Letitia James is prosecuted for her flagrant corruption and abuse of power next year, when Michael Henry takes office.
This is just another bogus filing to make George Soros feel like he's getting something for his money. Leticia "the whale " James has been doing this for years.
New York Attorney General Letitia James broke NY law when she doxed Trump's organization members.
They can sue NY and win.

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