Trump family sued by NY

Trump valued his properties according to his needs instead of using any sort of consistent standard. He undervalued them for taxation purposes and he overvalued them when it came to taking on loans backed up by them.

Such practices are deceptive and even fraudulent, can you get that smarty pants?
that's not how it works. the local government appraises it and one then challenges those dollars.
Blowhard, is the job of a public prosecutor to file frivolous lawsuits against political enemies for personal gain?

Sounds just a tad bit corrupt - not that you mind as long as your Reich wins....
I'd actually suggest she's obstructing justice on other fronts by ignoring anything and everything that isn't TDS.
New York sues Donald Trump, company and family members over widespread fraud claims, seeks at least $250 million in penalties

New York Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday sued former President Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, three of his adult children, and others for allegedly widespread fraud involving false financial statements related to the company.

The lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court seeks at least $250 million in damages.

The complaint says that Trump’s personal financial statements “for the period 2011 through 2021 were fraudulent and misleading in both their composition and presentation.”

″ The number of grossly inflated asset values is staggering, affecting most if not all of the real estate holdings in any given year. All told, Mr. Trump, the Trump Organization, and the other Defendants, as part of a repeated pattern and common scheme, derived more than 200 false and misleading valuations of assets included in the 11 Statements covering 2011 through 2021.”

Another legal front opens up for the Trump crime family.
Our democracy is under attack when we allow this much abuse of power in going after people we don't like.
This ridiculous announcement today by the NY DA just cemented another million Trump voters to go to the polls and vote for Trump....
Assets are still in NY.
Is it the job of the State Attorney General to file frivolous lawsuits against political enemies in order to harass them? Even if it gives her failing campaign free publicity in in hopes of reviving her dwindling support, it seems extremely corrupt - criminal abuse of power, in fact.

I know, Reich members aren't subject to the law - still....

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