Trump family sued by NY

LARA TRUMP: Unfortunately, this is more of the same. This is political targeting of Donald Trump, of our entire family, and anyone with our last name. Obviously, Letitia James is a deranged individual. …She ran for attorney general, not on getting gangs and violent criminals off the street, not on making sure that drugs weren't rampant, not on making New York state a safe place for people to raise their families and for the elderly to live. She ran solely on taking down Donald Trump. That has been her focus. And after investigating my father-in-law, his company, and my entire family for three years and combing through apparently millions of documents, the best she could come up with was no criminal charge, of course, but a civil lawsuit against my father-in-law, my husband, and his siblings. And it's absolutely outrageous to see this when you have New York crumbling, whenever you see the number of people who are fleeing that state every day because they do not feel it has been a safe place to live. … It's absolutely disgraceful and disgusting. She is derelict in her duty, as far as I'm concerned, in the office of the attorney general. She's an embarrassment to herself, of the office, and of the United States of America.

The Attorney General serves all New Yorkers in numerous matters affecting their daily lives. The Attorney General's Office is charged with the statutory and common law powers to protect consumers and investors, charitable donors, the public health and environment, civil rights, and the rights of wage-earners and businesses across the State.

The Attorney General's authority also includes the activities and investigations of the State Organized Crime Task Force and Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. While the Attorney General acts independently of the Governor, the Governor or a state agency may request the Attorney General to undertake specific criminal investigations and prosecutions.

The legal functions of the Department of Law are divided primarily into five major divisions: Appeals and Opinions, State Counsel, Criminal Justice, Economic Justice and Social Justice.

Over 650 Assistant Attorneys General and over 1,700 employees, including forensic accountants, legal assistants, scientists, investigators and support staff serve in the Office of the Attorney General in many locations across New York State.

Highlighted the parts of your post having to do with crime. My God, how are you ever left unsupervised, being that stupid?
New York sues Donald Trump, company and family members over widespread fraud claims, seeks at least $250 million in penalties

New York Attorney General Letitia James on Wednesday sued former President Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, three of his adult children, and others for allegedly widespread fraud involving false financial statements related to the company.

The lawsuit filed in Manhattan Supreme Court seeks at least $250 million in damages.

The complaint says that Trump’s personal financial statements “for the period 2011 through 2021 were fraudulent and misleading in both their composition and presentation.”

″ The number of grossly inflated asset values is staggering, affecting most if not all of the real estate holdings in any given year. All told, Mr. Trump, the Trump Organization, and the other Defendants, as part of a repeated pattern and common scheme, derived more than 200 false and misleading valuations of assets included in the 11 Statements covering 2011 through 2021.”

Another legal front opens up for the Trump crime family.
Another bogus lawsuit filed purely to get Trump.
Holy shit. If any of that is even half true, the state of New York can use its asset seizure laws to confiscate all of his properties. Not only that, the referral to the the SDNY will likely result in banking and wire fraud, and the referral to the IRS will result in felony tax evasion.

There are no special masters that are going to be able to bail out the Trump criminal enterprise on this one.
You have a vivid imagination.

Well Trump makes perfect sense, and clearly Leticia James is crooked, filing a frivolous lawsuit.

What bothers me is that she will pay no price for this. She should be PERSONALLY liable for the legal expenses on both sides.

Again, I get that she's crooked and engaged in financial terrorism against Trump, but her terrorist acts are also costing the taxpayers of New York millions of dollars to pursue her politically motivated vendetta.
Well, as the article says, because Trump is Trump.
If he was anybody else it would have been a given.
hahaha yeah yeah....the dems who have been trying for 7 years to indict him, decided, ah we got all this evidence, but we won't.....pleasse.

You aren't even trying anymore
Another bogus lawsuit filed purely to get Trump.
But moreover, this is really a campaign stunt by James, who is losing her reelection bid. She used Trump hatred as her campaign in 2018. Now she is abusing her office to continue her vendetta.

She has admitted - bragged really - that she is filing bogus lawsuits to "bleed Trump." She is a financial terrorist.
I know you aren't an American, and things work differently in Communist China, but the Commander In Chief can NOT steal documents.

Dealing with you scum is like watching "Pinky and the Brain," only you aren't cute or amusing.

Everyday you have a new evil plan to "Get Trump and end the Constitution."

Last month it was Herr Leaksensmears and his Gestapo Henchmen raiding Mar-a-Lago, but like all your evil schemes, it failed. Yester day you started a new evil scheme to "Get Trump and end the Constitution." It too will fail in a short time, and then you vile filth will hatch yet another evil scheme. You've been doing this for 6 years. Evil like you is never ending, I suppose.

He wasn't the "Commander in Chief" when he stole the documents. He was a private citizen. And then when they asked for them back, he denied, and then he refused, and then he lied. That's called "obstruction of justice".

And then you spout a pack of lies, and conspiracy theories as told to you by Trump himself. Trump stole the documents he had no right to take. He cannot unclassify documents without going through the full process regardless of what he says.

And last but not least, nothing Trump has done since he lost the election is "constitutional" at all. In fact, everything he's done is in violation of both the Constitution, and the laws of the land.
You REALLY need to look up the definition of "treason" because you don't get it.

{Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.}

Leticia James plotted to overthrow the executive branch of the United States government, an act of war.

She is irrefutably guilty of treason.
From the NY complaint:

Trump falsely inflated his net worth by billions to cheat the system... to cheat all of us.

Wow. I guess we're all now going to find out if that's true.

If it's true, will it matter to the cult? Of course not.

If the claim were true - it isn't, but if it were, how EXACTLY does that "cheat the system," dumbfuck?

"He'll pay more in taxes than he should - NO FAIR."

You Nazis are such DUMB motherfuckers.

{Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.}

Leticia James plotted to overthrow the executive branch of the United States government, an act of war.

She is irrefutably guilty of treason.
How? Trump is NOT president.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

When did she do that and how?
He wasn't the "Commander in Chief" when he stole the documents.

Oh, so he went to the white house after he left office?

He just said to the white house staff "Hey, I used to work here, you don't mind if I take some things?"

Do you grasp just how FUCKING STUPID you sound?

He was a private citizen. And then when they asked for them back, he denied, and then he refused, and then he lied. That's called "obstruction of justice".

So, any private citizen can just go in and start picking up Super-dooper double probation top secret squirrel documents?

Do you grasp just how FUCKING STUPID you sound?

And then you spout a pack of lies, and conspiracy theories as told to you by Trump himself. Trump stole the documents he had no right to take. He cannot unclassify documents without going through the full process regardless of what he says.

Hmm. should I take the word of a Chinese Communist troll on a message board, or the United States Supreme Court?

It's a tough call..

But the ruling WAS TESTED back in 2012 when Bathhouse Barry was being flexible for Vlad, and gave Putin dozens of Top Secret documents to aid Putin in his invasion of Ukraine and occupation of the Crimea.

The courts ruled that Barry declassified the documents by the ACT of giving them to a hostile foreign enemy.

And last but not least, nothing Trump has done since he lost the election is "constitutional" at all. In fact, everything he's done is in violation of both the Constitution, and the laws of the land.

Right, I mean the Constitution CLEARLY says in Article 93, clause 41 "Orange Man Bad"

Do you grasp just how FUCKING STUPID you sound?
How? Trump is NOT president.

Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.

When did she do that and how?
He was the first dozen times she did this shit.

Is this like a group account, and the Prog moron of your group is on the Tory account today? Yesterday you were almost sensible.
I am sure the trial will tell us.

This frivolous lawsuit is never going to trial.

Laticia James only has a couple of months left as AG.

I know that this got all you Trump hating Nazis all tingly in your nether regions, but it's the open corruption by James where her vendetta against Trump and her promotion of violent crime and criminals is causing deep blue New York to elect a Republican.
Good luck with that seeing as it doesn't account for inflated sq. footage numbers. It also ignores if it were true appraisers who valued Trump properties at half of what Trump did, who are pro's who know the market, would have been more aligned with Trump's numbers.
If it's going to turn out that Trump is not worth nearly what he claims, and that he's been blatantly lying all these years about his wealth and success, it more than likely will be because of this case. So, we'll see.

One thing we can be sure of, his net worth could be below zero, and his cultists will pretend not to care. They know he's been grifting them for six years now, and they've forgiven him for all of that. He is their earthly deity.


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