trump finally makes it to Vietnam

Sounds like your niece is a tough little girl.
Are you posting that because she can kick your ass?
I'd be proud of her if she kicked my ass. I'm teaching her to ski.
I can appreciate the quality time you’re spending with your niece. Let’s hope she grows up appreciating Trump supporters for all the things she’ll be enjoying in future.
I'd rather she think for herself and appreciate what she sees fit to.
I’m sure you do.
Of course I do, wouldn't you?

I’m also good with her being able to kick your ass! lol
How do you figger?

If President Trump is able to convince President Un to abandon Evil and embrace the Free Market System, and all it takes is a little bit of flatterty , why not?
Lol, that's gonna happen.

The liberals will shit a brick if he comes back with success. I know libs hope for failure, so they have something to run on in 2020. If Trump comes back with a tremendous deal, they will be schlonged again next year
Like he did last time?

President Trump is building a relationship with Rocket Man. NK isn't testing missiles and they have reduced anti american propaganda.

I don't know how successful this effort will be, but I would not be surprised if Sheldon Adelson builds a resort in North Korea sooner rather than later or even if there is a Trump International resort in Pyongyang. President Un's father was a tremendous golfer, posting one of the greatest rounds in golf history.

N. Korea doesn't test their missiles anymore because they have COMPLETED testing, and further tests would be wasteful and expensive. We stopped testing our ICBM's when we finally got them to work like we wanted.

As far as Trump brokering a real estate deal between Adelson and N. Korea? I don't really see it happening. And no, N. Korea isn't going to give up their weapons for some real estate deal.

As far as Un's father posting one of the greatest rounds in golf history? Is that verified, or more propaganda from Pyongyang that you are swallowing whole? They also said that Un's father was able to communicate with their Olympic soccer team via invisible cell phones that he developed the technology on too.

North Korean Soccer Coach Talks to 'Dear Leader' Via Invisible Phone

And, if you want some more propaganda to spew, here's another site that says his father was of divine birth, having both a double rainbow and a shining star when he was born.

Kim Jong-il: ten things you never knew
Conservatives are some gullible kids ain't they.

Of course they believe tRump too....
i wonder why jim wont answer flash's question?.....

Cause Jim thinks flash is a piece of shit.....maybe...
like somebody has said:

"President Trump has already been in Vietnam longer than Sen. Richard Blumenthal ever was." :wink:
like somebody has said:

"President Trump has already been in Vietnam longer than Sen. Richard Blumenthal ever was." :wink:

I bet his bone spurs are already starting to act up in his of his feet...
How do you figger?

If President Trump is able to convince President Un to abandon Evil and embrace the Free Market System, and all it takes is a little bit of flatterty , why not?
Lol, that's gonna happen.

The liberals will shit a brick if he comes back with success. I know libs hope for failure, so they have something to run on in 2020. If Trump comes back with a tremendous deal, they will be schlonged again next year
Like he did last time?

President Trump is building a relationship with Rocket Man. NK isn't testing missiles and they have reduced anti american propaganda.

I don't know how successful this effort will be, but I would not be surprised if Sheldon Adelson builds a resort in North Korea sooner rather than later or even if there is a Trump International resort in Pyongyang. President Un's father was a tremendous golfer, posting one of the greatest rounds in golf history.

N. Korea doesn't test their missiles anymore because they have COMPLETED testing, and further tests would be wasteful and expensive. We stopped testing our ICBM's when we finally got them to work like we wanted.

As far as Trump brokering a real estate deal between Adelson and N. Korea? I don't really see it happening. And no, N. Korea isn't going to give up their weapons for some real estate deal.

As far as Un's father posting one of the greatest rounds in golf history? Is that verified, or more propaganda from Pyongyang that you are swallowing whole? They also said that Un's father was able to communicate with their Olympic soccer team via invisible cell phones that he developed the technology on too.

North Korean Soccer Coach Talks to 'Dear Leader' Via Invisible Phone

And, if you want some more propaganda to spew, here's another site that says his father was of divine birth, having both a double rainbow and a shining star when he was born.

Kim Jong-il: ten things you never knew

You are such an idiot! Why do talk about shit that you obviously do not understand?

The NKs ICBMs are about as reliable as you are to not fuck up a post. They have not demonstrated the ability to do anything but hit large expanses of water if they missile ever makes it past the boost phase.

Completed testing? That's hilarious, you incredible dumbass!
Trump is the greatest president we ever had..

After This week NK denuks
New trade deal with China absolutely amazing!

You Trump supporters need to quit jumping the gun.

N. Korea still has nukes and ICBM's.

China trade deal still isn't done. All Trump did was delay imposing the tariffs, but there has been no deal actually signed yet.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

NK has overly large firecrackers and missiles that break apart before getting to ballistic flight. Those missiles also have no way to carry those heavy, clumsy WWII era nukes. That's what they really have.

Not according to the intelligence agencies. They say that N. Korea has fully developed their missile program.

There are the same intelligence agencies that told us that Iraq has massive WMDs. Did you forget that?
like somebody has said:

"President Trump has already been in Vietnam longer than Sen. Richard Blumenthal ever was." :wink:

Blumenthal served his country
Trump faked bone spurs
I hear it's possible they will end the Korean War. That would certainly be a start.

But KJU is reportedly about the most paranoid person on earth, so why would he believe the US when we say, "Don't worry about it--throw out your nukes; we're going to sit here on your border with OUR nukes, but don't worry about it."

The only way this will work is if China convinces him that they will protect North Korea, bring him under their nuclear umbrella. Until North Korea stops getting such a black eye in the international community, China is NOT going to promise that, either. So it's kinda a mess. Although I notice that once again, KJU left for the summit after a visit to China. Advice from Big Brother?

Kim Jong Un has a lot of reason to be paranoid, there are cutthroats in the North Korean elite. That's why he hasn't traveled that terribly far, just to Hanoi and Singapore for his summits, he needs to stay in position in case situation matters. Very stressful. Remember he saw his own brother assassinated in Malaysia, and his beloved uncle devoured by dogs.

Its really not paranoia if one has good reason to think there might be problems.
What are you, his long lost cousin? He ordered the murder of his uncle and brother, and he is so paranoid that he won't even flush his poop into the sewer when he travels, in case someone steals it. It is collected and returned to NoKo with his trusted security guards (lucky guys).
Jim Jong Un will be back on the World Stage! Win for the Killer!

Will you be pissed if President Un decides to adopt Economic Freedom for his people this month? Should the North Korean people continue to suffer so that President Trump doesn't get a victory?
I hear Trumps BFF executed someone with a flame thrower

The type of act Trump condones

Anti-aircraft guns too!
We're any of 'em your relatives?

Guess not.
Then :anj_stfu:

Trump claims he is in love with Kim Jong Un

C''re joshing me, Cooter.
Trump says they have a very special feeling. His words.
Will you be pissed if President Un decides to adopt Economic Freedom for his people this month? Should the North Korean people continue to suffer so that President Trump doesn't get a victory?
I hear Trumps BFF executed someone with a flame thrower

The type of act Trump condones

Anti-aircraft guns too!
We're any of 'em your relatives?

Guess not.
Then :anj_stfu:

Trump claims he is in love with Kim Jong Un

C''re joshing me, Cooter.
Trump says they have a very special feeling. His words.
Trump called him a great leader this morning


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