trump finally makes it to Vietnam

Meeting Kim Jong-un in Ho Chi Minh City is a stroke of genius!

Kim Jung-un will come face to face as to what can happen to a nation who plays nicely in the sandbox. We, the United States will trade with your country, allow others to trade with you so long as you do not threaten us, or your neighbors. YOUR cities too, Kim Jong-un, can be bright and prosperous like Ho Chi Minh City.

Explain how that is a bad thing.
If Obama had meet with little Kim in an effort to bring N Korea into the world community and strip it of nuclear weapons.. He would be lauded as the savior of earth and awarded a dozen more Nobel Peace prizes. ... :cool:
Would Obama withdraw from the Iran treaty when our intelligence agencies and allies tell us that Iran is in compliance? Anyway, after the last meeting Trump said that NK was no longer a threat so why is he going to Vietnam to meet Kim again? On the other hand I`m glad his bone spurs aren`t giving him the problems that kept him out of Vietnam in the 60s.
Trump claims North Korea is 'no longer a nuclear threat'
Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar was in school prior to that, and correct me if I'm wrong, but by the time Obama was old enough, there was no draft.

Obama was old enough to have to register for the draft. But not to be drafted.

However, he could have and should have volunteered to fight and die in Grenada or Panama. The fact that he didn't tells me he is yellow

But your messiah tramp is not a coward because he had bone spurs and when asked, couldn't even remember which foot it was? Oh, and with those bone spurs, played many different kinds of sports. If anyone is yellow....oh wait....he's ORANGE!!

I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your Trump Derangement Syndrome bullshit and cram it where the sun don't shine. I don't have to defend his lack of military service. However, I can point out the cowardice of the filthy ass Democrats that also didn't serve like Slick Willy, Biden, Obama, or, like in Kerry's and Blumenthal's case, were cowards and liars.

No you have to defend him because you can't defend him so you attack Clinton and Obama. That's what tramp cultists usually do. And that TDS shit is just that....shit! People you blame having that are those who can see him for what he really is and aren't brainwashed to think he's their messiah. So keep throwing the insults as that is the typical tramp cultist way too.

I didn't vote for Trump because at the end of the day he is a big government Progressive. I am a real Conservative so he is not my type of man for President. He is a million times better than that worthless piece of affirmative action shithead that you idiot Moon Bats elected but a million times zero is still zero, isn't it?

I don't have to defend anything about him. I voted for somebody else.

However, what is hypocritical is that you filthy ass Trump Derangement Syndrome afflicted assholes will attack Trump but give Slick Willy, Biden, Obama and all those other Democrat turds a pass on the very thing you attack Trump for. You should be ashamed Moon Bat.
Kim Jong-un Takes Train for Vietnam Meeting With Trump

Gee....I hope his bone spurs don't start acting up....

Well at least Trump had an excuse by a doctor, can Bill Clinton say the same thing?
Bill Clinton had a legitimate Rhodes Scholarship
Because he is a smart fucker

Unlike the habitual liar and serial criminal in the WH now....
Obama was old enough to have to register for the draft. But not to be drafted.

However, he could have and should have volunteered to fight and die in Grenada or Panama. The fact that he didn't tells me he is yellow

But your messiah tramp is not a coward because he had bone spurs and when asked, couldn't even remember which foot it was? Oh, and with those bone spurs, played many different kinds of sports. If anyone is yellow....oh wait....he's ORANGE!!

I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your Trump Derangement Syndrome bullshit and cram it where the sun don't shine. I don't have to defend his lack of military service. However, I can point out the cowardice of the filthy ass Democrats that also didn't serve like Slick Willy, Biden, Obama, or, like in Kerry's and Blumenthal's case, were cowards and liars.

No you have to defend him because you can't defend him so you attack Clinton and Obama. That's what tramp cultists usually do. And that TDS shit is just that....shit! People you blame having that are those who can see him for what he really is and aren't brainwashed to think he's their messiah. So keep throwing the insults as that is the typical tramp cultist way too.

I didn't vote for Trump because at the end of the day he is a big government Progressive. I am a real Conservative so he is not my type of man for President. He is a million times better than that worthless piece of affirmative action shithead that you idiot Moon Bats elected but a million times zero is still zero, isn't it?

I don't have to defend anything about him. I voted for somebody else.

However, what is hypocritical is that you filthy ass Trump Derangement Syndrome afflicted assholes will attack Trump but give Slick Willy, Biden, Obama and all those other Democrat turds a pass on the very thing you attack Trump for. You should be ashamed Moon Bat.
Kim Jong-un Takes Train for Vietnam Meeting With Trump

Gee....I hope his bone spurs don't start acting up....

Well at least Trump had an excuse by a doctor, can Bill Clinton say the same thing?
Bill Clinton had a legitimate Rhodes Scholarship
Because he is a smart fucker

Unlike the habitual liar and serial criminal in the WH now....

Did you serve in Vietnam?
Obama was old enough to have to register for the draft. But not to be drafted.

However, he could have and should have volunteered to fight and die in Grenada or Panama. The fact that he didn't tells me he is yellow

But your messiah tramp is not a coward because he had bone spurs and when asked, couldn't even remember which foot it was? Oh, and with those bone spurs, played many different kinds of sports. If anyone is yellow....oh wait....he's ORANGE!!

I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your Trump Derangement Syndrome bullshit and cram it where the sun don't shine. I don't have to defend his lack of military service. However, I can point out the cowardice of the filthy ass Democrats that also didn't serve like Slick Willy, Biden, Obama, or, like in Kerry's and Blumenthal's case, were cowards and liars.

No you have to defend him because you can't defend him so you attack Clinton and Obama. That's what tramp cultists usually do. And that TDS shit is just that....shit! People you blame having that are those who can see him for what he really is and aren't brainwashed to think he's their messiah. So keep throwing the insults as that is the typical tramp cultist way too.

I didn't vote for Trump because at the end of the day he is a big government Progressive. I am a real Conservative so he is not my type of man for President. He is a million times better than that worthless piece of affirmative action shithead that you idiot Moon Bats elected but a million times zero is still zero, isn't it?

I don't have to defend anything about him. I voted for somebody else.

However, what is hypocritical is that you filthy ass Trump Derangement Syndrome afflicted assholes will attack Trump but give Slick Willy, Biden, Obama and all those other Democrat turds a pass on the very thing you attack Trump for. You should be ashamed Moon Bat.

I notice you always call someone moon bat as an insult and I think how unintelligent one has to be to keep using it.

If you don't want to be called a Moon Bat then don't post hateful ignorant Moon Bat shit.
Will Trump now claim to be a Vietnam Veteran?

He will come back with a Purple Heart....injury from an errant golf ball...and Time Magazine will have him on their cover as a Vietnam Veteran....well....actually he will have another Time cover bastardized to say that.
Meeting Kim Jong-un in Ho Chi Minh City is a stroke of genius!

Kim Jung-un will come face to face as to what can happen to a nation who plays nicely in the sandbox. We, the United States will trade with your country, allow others to trade with you so long as you do not threaten us, or your neighbors. YOUR cities too, Kim Jong-un, can be bright and prosperous like Ho Chi Minh City.

Explain how that is a bad thing.

The meeting is in Hanoi.
Jim Jong Un will be back on the World Stage! Win for the Killer!
Jim Jong Un will be back on the World Stage! Win for the Killer!

Will you be pissed if President Un decides to adopt Economic Freedom for his people this month? Should the North Korean people continue to suffer so that President Trump doesn't get a victory?
I hear it's possible they will end the Korean War. That would certainly be a start.

But KJU is reportedly about the most paranoid person on earth, so why would he believe the US when we say, "Don't worry about it--throw out your nukes; we're going to sit here on your border with OUR nukes, but don't worry about it."

The only way this will work is if China convinces him that they will protect North Korea, bring him under their nuclear umbrella. Until North Korea stops getting such a black eye in the international community, China is NOT going to promise that, either. So it's kinda a mess. Although I notice that once again, KJU left for the summit after a visit to China. Advice from Big Brother?
Jim Jong Un will be back on the World Stage! Win for the Killer!

Will you be pissed if President Un decides to adopt Economic Freedom for his people this month? Should the North Korean people continue to suffer so that President Trump doesn't get a victory?

Nope! If he does it will be great....but he won't. trump is already talking down expectations.

Dictators only care for themselves and their family. As long an Kim Jong Un is not hungry and his family is safe, he is fine. As it is is with trump...
Will Trump now claim to be a Vietnam Veteran?

He will come back with a Purple Heart....injury from an errant golf ball...and Time Magazine will have him on their cover as a Vietnam Veteran....well....actually he will have another Time cover bastardized to say that.


You're scared doo-doo-less that President Donald Trump will come back with another great victory!
Jim Jong Un will be back on the World Stage! Win for the Killer!

Will you be pissed if President Un decides to adopt Economic Freedom for his people this month? Should the North Korean people continue to suffer so that President Trump doesn't get a victory?
I hear Trumps BFF executed someone with a flame thrower

The type of act Trump condones
I hear it's possible they will end the Korean War. That would certainly be a start.

But KJU is reportedly about the most paranoid person on earth, so why would he believe the US when we say, "Don't worry about it--throw out your nukes; we're going to sit here on your border with OUR nukes, but don't worry about it."

The only way this will work is if China convinces him that they will protect North Korea, bring him under their nuclear umbrella. Until North Korea stops getting such a black eye in the international community, China is NOT going to promise that, either. So it's kinda a mess. Although I notice that once again, KJU left for the summit after a visit to China. Advice from Big Brother?

Kim Jong Un has a lot of reason to be paranoid, there are cutthroats in the North Korean elite. That's why he hasn't traveled that terribly far, just to Hanoi and Singapore for his summits, he needs to stay in position in case situation matters. Very stressful. Remember he saw his own brother assassinated in Malaysia, and his beloved uncle devoured by dogs.

Its really not paranoia if one has good reason to think there might be problems.
I hear Trumps BFF executed someone with a flame thrower

The type of act Trump condones

That would really surprise me, I hadn't heard that.

A friend of mine served in the USMC in Korea during the war, and he revealed that the Nork people were fearful of the USMC's Flame Throwers.
Jim Jong Un will be back on the World Stage! Win for the Killer!

Will you be pissed if President Un decides to adopt Economic Freedom for his people this month? Should the North Korean people continue to suffer so that President Trump doesn't get a victory?
I hear Trumps BFF executed someone with a flame thrower

The type of act Trump condones

Anti-aircraft guns too!
We're any of 'em your relatives?

Guess not.
Then :anj_stfu:

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