Trump finally Surrenders to Lady Justice - Flying to NYC - Trump Family has Escaped Justice for far Too Long

If the Secret Service had a spine among them or possessed an ounce of loyalty to this once great nation they'd fortify Mar-a-Lago and protect their Principle to the last man. I would suggest they do the same for any other former POTUS. Precedents about to be set will forever change America and the Rubicon cannot be un-forded
Unlike Trump, the SS is loyal to the Constitution and the rule of law.
NYT reports:
Donald Trump is expected to fly to New York this week from his home in Florida to be arrested.
He is going there to be arraigned.

because there are tapes of him telling officials to find votes.
Yes, look for missed votes not create illegal ones. Democrats are looking for and finding more votes all the time.

Some of his aides are very worried about the documents investigation that the Justice Department has.
Yes, if Trump is guilty of anything, that'll make Biden 10X more guilty as he took all of his while not even POTUS and had them stored where anyone could have gotten at them!

It’s worth remembering his company was convicted on 17 counts of tax fraud and other crimes last year.
No it is not because none of that is related in any way to the current matter.

There are more instances out there of the family Trump, getting away with things. Hopefully, we can start listing them all here -- for posterity.
We need a list for the Biden family too since they are the one's actually dictating US policy!
Russell Brand isn't wrong: The Dems have been trying to bring Trump down since he announced his presidency run in 2014-2015.
Trump attractiveness to the public was him not being a part of the system which was dangerous to both parties.

If the Secret Service had a spine among them or possessed an ounce of loyalty to this once great nation they'd fortify Mar-a-Lago and protect their Principle to the last man. I would suggest they do the same for any other former POTUS. Precedents about to be set will forever change America and the Rubicon cannot be un-forded
Lol man you red hats sure are dumb.
NYT reports:
Donald Trump is expected to fly to New York this week from his home in Florida to be arrested.

quotes below.
Maggie: Georgia has bothered Trump personally for a while, possibly because there are tapes of him telling officials to find votes. Some of his aides are very worried about the documents investigation that the Justice Department has. It’s a clearer-cut issue, and a federal judge overseeing grand jury matters showed in a recent ruling that she’s taking the government’s claims seriously.

Maggie: Trump has been trying to avoid being indicted since he was first criminally investigated in the 1970s. He actually hasn’t faced enormous criminal legal threats since then. He has instead operated in a world in which so much is based on machine politics and what Marie Brenner, the journalist, once described as New York’s “favor economy.”

A project involving two of his kids was investigated by the Manhattan district attorney about a decade ago, but for a variety of reasons there were no indictments. Then, when he was president, he was protected because of a Justice Department opinion against indicting a sitting president. It’s worth remembering his company was convicted on 17 counts of tax fraud and other crimes last year. So this is something of a slow roll.

There are more instances out there of the family Trump, getting away with things. Hopefully, we can start listing them all here -- for posterity.
and when he does NOT get arrested,you will be on the suicide hotline watch.:auiqs.jpg:

too bad you cannot accept these pesky facts from tucker WHY he is being indicted.

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here is WHY trump is being indicted and WHY these four presidents are not.trump is not one of them so they go after him.

NYT reports:
Donald Trump is expected to fly to New York this week from his home in Florida to be arrested.

quotes below.
Maggie: Georgia has bothered Trump personally for a while, possibly because there are tapes of him telling officials to find votes. Some of his aides are very worried about the documents investigation that the Justice Department has. It’s a clearer-cut issue, and a federal judge overseeing grand jury matters showed in a recent ruling that she’s taking the government’s claims seriously.

Maggie: Trump has been trying to avoid being indicted since he was first criminally investigated in the 1970s. He actually hasn’t faced enormous criminal legal threats since then. He has instead operated in a world in which so much is based on machine politics and what Marie Brenner, the journalist, once described as New York’s “favor economy.”

A project involving two of his kids was investigated by the Manhattan district attorney about a decade ago, but for a variety of reasons there were no indictments. Then, when he was president, he was protected because of a Justice Department opinion against indicting a sitting president. It’s worth remembering his company was convicted on 17 counts of tax fraud and other crimes last year. So this is something of a slow roll.

There are more instances out there of the family Trump, getting away with things. Hopefully, we can start listing them all here -- for posterity.

NYT reports:
Donald Trump is expected to fly to New York this week from his home in Florida to be arrested.

quotes below.
Maggie: Georgia has bothered Trump personally for a while, possibly because there are tapes of him telling officials to find votes. Some of his aides are very worried about the documents investigation that the Justice Department has. It’s a clearer-cut issue, and a federal judge overseeing grand jury matters showed in a recent ruling that she’s taking the government’s claims seriously.

Maggie: Trump has been trying to avoid being indicted since he was first criminally investigated in the 1970s. He actually hasn’t faced enormous criminal legal threats since then. He has instead operated in a world in which so much is based on machine politics and what Marie Brenner, the journalist, once described as New York’s “favor economy.”

A project involving two of his kids was investigated by the Manhattan district attorney about a decade ago, but for a variety of reasons there were no indictments. Then, when he was president, he was protected because of a Justice Department opinion against indicting a sitting president. It’s worth remembering his company was convicted on 17 counts of tax fraud and other crimes last year. So this is something of a slow roll.

There are more instances out there of the family Trump, getting away with things. Hopefully, we can start listing them all here -- for posterity.
So has the Biden family.
I don’t see any line on the 1040 called “hush money to slut,” nor did Quicken Books have that listed as a possible expense.
P.S. I also didn’t see any line for “income for hush money for being a slut,” but then again, it wouldn’t impact me.
So Frankinpoop has no answer to:
Innocent of what exactly? What charges have been brought? Outside of his son Hunter's issues, What criminal investigations are you aware of?
If any Biden is proven to have broken any laws, they'll get no defense of the sort you see surround the family and team of Trump. There is no cult-of-personality surrounding Biden or his family.

"harges have NOT been brought against Biden" because no sane individual has accused him of enriching himself via payments from the what you call 'Communists'


If Joe Biden were accused of one tenth the shit Trumap has been accused of... He'd be eaten alive by liberals , moderate every American.
In other news Democrats have not been held accountable for the crime of stealing a Presidential election, attempting a coup against a duly elected President, Biden is still collecting his foreign interest corruption money and Crooked Hillary skates away because of "no fucking intent".
But….but….but….Trump reported an expense on the wrong line!
Here's what Trump is guilty of...

President Trump’s “crime” is standing for US citizens against the DC Marxist globalist oligarch controlled cesspool.
His “crime” is calling out the Bushes, the Obamas, and the Clintons for what they really are.
His “crime” is calling out the sold out congress and DC bureaucracy for what it is.
His “crime” is for standing for our Constitution.
NYC is as big a cesspool as DC. It’s why they, the Marxist globalist oligarchs, use NYC and DC for their unjust prosecutions. They know no justice will be served from the prosecutors to the judges to the jury.
These people are demon controlled.
These people are hellbent on destroying the foundation of our country. President Trump stands in the way.
This prosecution isn’t only against President Trump, it’s against all those that would stand for our Constitution, that stand for true justice, and that stand for the Judeo-Christian tenets that made our nation great.

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