Trump finally Surrenders to Lady Justice - Flying to NYC - Trump Family has Escaped Justice for far Too Long

In other news Democrats have not been held accountable for the crime of stealing a Presidential election, attempting a coup against a duly elected President, Biden is still collecting his foreign interest corruption money and Crooked Hillary skates away because of "no fucking intent".
It’s also being reported that the Communist spy balloon that Biden allowed to fly over our country for an entire week DID gather and transmit sensitive information to China.

I guess all those payoffs the Commies made to the Bidens bought them a lot of………tolerance.
Trump's enemies will paint him as an illegitimate white supremacist president and try to start a Civil War.....or......... they will steal the election and announce that Michelle Obama is president and the exact thing in reverse.
Any or all of that shit is possible in America now.
If the Secret Service had a spine among them or possessed an ounce of loyalty to this once great nation they'd fortify Mar-a-Lago and protect their Principle to the last man. I would suggest they do the same for any other former POTUS. Precedents about to be set will forever change America and the Rubicon cannot be un-forded
That's not their job.....but you knew that.
It’s also being reported that the Communist spy balloon that Biden allowed to fly over our country for an entire week DID gather and transmit sensitive information to China.

I guess all those payoffs the Commies made to the Bidens bought them a lot of………tolerance.
okie dokie. by who?

The US Intel Community had a heads up long before ot came anywhere nears secret stuff. We the USA, gathered intel on the Chinese.
So you really think the Biden's are innocent, and have done no wrong?
Innocent of what exactly? What charges have been brought? Outside of his son Hunter's issues, What criminal investigations are you aware of?

If any Biden is proven to have broken any laws, they'll get no defense of the sort you see surround the family and team of Trump. There is no cult-of-personality surrounding Biden or his family.
Innocent of what exactly? What charges have been brought? Outside of his son Hunter's issues, What criminal investigations are you aware of?

If any Biden is proven to have broken any laws, they'll get no defense of the sort you see surround the family and team of Trump. There is no cult-of-personality surrounding Biden or his family.
The fact that charges have NOT been brought against Biden for enriching himself via payments from the Communists - and that charges HAVE been made against Trump for legally paying money for a NDA- just shows how this is no longer America, where justice is supposed to be blind.
The fact that charges have NOT been brought against Biden for enriching himself via payments from the Communists - and that charges HAVE been made against Trump for legally paying money for a NDA- just shows how this is no longer America, where justice is supposed to be blind.
He is a Biden cultist, there is no reasoning with them!
So you really think the Biden's are innocent, and have done no wrong?
So Frankinpoop has no answer to:
Innocent of what exactly? What charges have been brought? Outside of his son Hunter's issues, What criminal investigations are you aware of?
If any Biden is proven to have broken any laws, they'll get no defense of the sort you see surround the family and team of Trump. There is no cult-of-personality surrounding Biden or his family.
The fact that charges have NOT been brought against Biden for enriching himself via payments from the Communists - and that charges HAVE been made against Trump for legally paying money for a NDA- just shows how this is no longer America, where justice is supposed to be blind.
Charges have been made against Trump for legally paying money for a NDA? Where did you get this from?
The fact that charges have NOT been brought against Biden for enriching himself via payments from the Communists - and that charges HAVE been made against Trump for legally paying money for a NDA- just shows how this is no longer America, where justice is supposed to be blind.
"harges have NOT been brought against Biden" because no sane individual has accused him of enriching himself via payments from the what you call 'Communists'
So Frankinpoop has no answer to:
Innocent of what exactly? What charges have been brought? Outside of his son Hunter's issues, What criminal investigations are you aware of?
If any Biden is proven to have broken any laws, they'll get no defense of the sort you see surround the family and team of Trump. There is no cult-of-personality surrounding Biden or his family.
Frankinpoop? What are you 12?

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