Trump finally Surrenders to Lady Justice - Flying to NYC - Trump Family has Escaped Justice for far Too Long

Frankinpoop? What are you 12?
THE GOP Investigation is political

The FBI has evidence of potential crimes? Is that like 'almost pregnant?'
Look i the mirror 🐑

NYT reports:
Donald Trump is expected to fly to New York this week from his home in Florida to be arrested.

quotes below.
Maggie: Georgia has bothered Trump personally for a while, possibly because there are tapes of him telling officials to find votes. Some of his aides are very worried about the documents investigation that the Justice Department has. It’s a clearer-cut issue, and a federal judge overseeing grand jury matters showed in a recent ruling that she’s taking the government’s claims seriously.

Maggie: Trump has been trying to avoid being indicted since he was first criminally investigated in the 1970s. He actually hasn’t faced enormous criminal legal threats since then. He has instead operated in a world in which so much is based on machine politics and what Marie Brenner, the journalist, once described as New York’s “favor economy.”

A project involving two of his kids was investigated by the Manhattan district attorney about a decade ago, but for a variety of reasons there were no indictments. Then, when he was president, he was protected because of a Justice Department opinion against indicting a sitting president. It’s worth remembering his company was convicted on 17 counts of tax fraud and other crimes last year. So this is something of a slow roll.

There are more instances out there of the family Trump, getting away with things. Hopefully, we can start listing them all here -- for posterity.

At one point I figured you for just an Entertainment posting clownshow. Now I understand you are like all other LW maggots. You are OK with ONE-WAY Political Persecution of Political opposition.

7 years of documents, lawyer fees, travel to and from Big city dirty LW courtrooms. All wasted costs to innocent defendant as nothing has been produced.

But suddenly! We found a technicality. We can drag this out for years and achieve bankruptcy or some Obiden judge to issue gag orders. whatever dude. You suck massive crank.
Again as an example, Obidens' Clinton Foundation Billions changed hands' underage girls, Buying, Smoking Crack (not legal), ANTIFA, BLM all go free, many other true crimes.

Yet these bozo revel in the fact they found a paperwork crime after 7 yrs of investigations and railroading.
Again as an example, Obidens' Clinton Foundation Billions changed hands' underage girls, Buying, Smoking Crack (not legal), ANTIFA, BLM all go free, many other true crimes.

Yet these bozo revel in the fact they found a paperwork crime after 7 yrs of investigations and railroading.
Conspiracy cuckoo stuff
Conspiracy cuckoo stuff

Obviously a mentally challenged LowIQ identity. So many of your type on these type of boards.
too stupid to tie your own shoe or hold a decent pay job with responsibilities.
A total negative into the American population. Another one to add the pile of Total Loss.
Obviously a mentally challenged LowIQ identity. So many of your type on these type of boards.
too stupid to tie your own shoe or hold a decent pay job with responsibilities.
A total negative into the American population. Another one to add the pile of Total Loss.

"The Trump administration indicted Mr. Cohen for the same operative facts -- indicted him, convicted him with a guilty plea and incarcerated him," he continued. "Now they're squealing like a pig stuck under a gate. But if there is one system of justice if you're going to indict Bonnie bonnie, you've got to indict Clyde."
"Now. I'm not a big fan of this case, actually, I'm not," he admitted. "I think it's far more consequential what he's alleged to have done wrong in Georgia, allegedly pressuring people to turn over the election."
"f all those distinguished republican politicians had said the same thing when the same case was brought against Michael Cohen by the Trump administration, they'd have a little credibility."
Obviously a mentally challenged LowIQ identity. So many of your type on these type of boards.
too stupid to tie your own shoe or hold a decent pay job with responsibilities.
A total negative into the American population. Another one to add the pile of Total Loss.

Can we get an English translator in here?

"Obviously a mentally challenged LowIQ identity. So many of your type on these type of boards.

too stupid to tie your own shoe or hold a decent pay job with responsibilities.

A total negative into the American population. Another one to add the pile of Total Loss."
Obviously a mentally challenged LowIQ identity. So many of your type on these type of boards.
too stupid to tie your own shoe or hold a decent pay job with responsibilities.
A total negative into the American population. Another one to add the pile of Total Loss.

So, you play tough guy with a red list, yet hide your profile?



red flag list coward.jpg
If the Secret Service had a spine among them or possessed an ounce of loyalty to this once great nation they'd fortify Mar-a-Lago and protect their Principle to the last man.

Oddly enough, it occurred to me that if this were Biden or another democrat being indicted in another state, you literally WOULD have to go in there and dig them out, they would NEVER voluntarily just show up on their own recognizance, giving legitimacy to the charges.

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