Trump Fired Obama Attourney General

Trump's EO violated the 1st Amendment regarding religion.

Number 1) the first amendment does not apply to non-citizens not on US soil or not under US jurisdictional sovereignty.

Number 2) the SCOTUS has ruled that ideological tests are perfectly constitutional for immigration.

Number 3) if the US Constitution does in fact apply globally then the inverse must likewise be true and I demand my Common Wealth and EU citizenships as well as my oil stipends from Norway, Kuwait, Iraq, et al.
Yes, and by golly, if Trump starts ordering Muslims into the gas chambers, zee employeez vill do as zey are tolt or zey vill be FFFFIRED!

Godwin's Law says: You Lose!

And by the way, the last President to order that people be placed in Internment Camps was the great LeftWing Godhead, FDR.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.
Where does it say she's right and he's wrong? You left that part out.

Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.
Yes, and by golly, if Trump starts ordering Muslims into the gas chambers, zee employeez vill do as zey are tolt or zey vill be FFFFIRED!

Godwin's Law says: You Lose!

And by the way, the last President to order that people be placed in Internment Camps was the great LeftWing Godhead, FDR.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.
Trump's EO violated the 1st Amendment regarding religion.

Number 1) the first amendment does not apply to non-citizens not on US soil or not under US jurisdictional sovereignty.

Number 2) the SCOTUS has ruled that ideological tests are perfectly constitutional for immigration.

Number 3) if the US Constitution does in fact apply globally then the inverse must likewise be true and I demand my Common Wealth and EU citizenships as well as my oil stipends from Norway, Kuwait, Iraq, et al.
Godwin's Law says: You Lose!

And by the way, the last President to order that people be placed in Internment Camps was the great LeftWing Godhead, FDR.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.
Where does it say she's right and he's wrong? You left that part out.

Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.

Uh, the order specified country of origin, not religion.

And where was your outrage when Obabble denied entry to Cuban refugees?
Godwin's Law says: You Lose!

And by the way, the last President to order that people be placed in Internment Camps was the great LeftWing Godhead, FDR.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

How SAD that you flunked Civics.

Judges are part of the Judiciary, which is a co-equal branch of the Government and not subordinate to the President. AGs work for the President, and represent the Executive Branch. Any AG who is insubordinate due to policy decisions should resign or be fired. Period.
Trump's EO violated the 1st Amendment regarding religion.

Number 1) the first amendment does not apply to non-citizens not on US soil or not under US jurisdictional sovereignty.

Number 2) the SCOTUS has ruled that ideological tests are perfectly constitutional for immigration.

Number 3) if the US Constitution does in fact apply globally then the inverse must likewise be true and I demand my Common Wealth and EU citizenships as well as my oil stipends from Norway, Kuwait, Iraq, et al.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.
Where does it say she's right and he's wrong? You left that part out.

Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.

Uh, the order specified country of origin, not religion.

And where was your outrage when Obabble denied entry to Cuban refugees?

Obama merely lifted the wet foot/dry foot policy, that's not a ban on refugees, you simpleton. READ something.

The order was clearly targeted at Muslims. The constitution contravenes orders with orders that have the practical effect of discriminating based on religious preference.
Godwin's Law says: You Lose!

And by the way, the last President to order that people be placed in Internment Camps was the great LeftWing Godhead, FDR.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

The AG is not a judge, the AG enforces law...Trump signed an EO and the AG must comply.
Trump's EO violated the 1st Amendment regarding religion.

Number 1) the first amendment does not apply to non-citizens not on US soil or not under US jurisdictional sovereignty.

Number 2) the SCOTUS has ruled that ideological tests are perfectly constitutional for immigration.

Number 3) if the US Constitution does in fact apply globally then the inverse must likewise be true and I demand my Common Wealth and EU citizenships as well as my oil stipends from Norway, Kuwait, Iraq, et al.
Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.
Where does it say she's right and he's wrong? You left that part out.

Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.

Uh, the order specified country of origin, not religion.

And where was your outrage when Obabble denied entry to Cuban refugees?

Obama merely lifted the wet foot/dry foot policy, that's not a ban on refugees, you simpleton. READ something.

The order was clearly targeted at Muslims. The constitution contravenes orders with orders that have the practical effect of discriminating based on religious preference.

And Trump merely carried out the visa restrictions put in place by Obabble in 2015 for the seven countries.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

How SAD that you flunked Civics.

Judges are part of the Judiciary, which is a co-equal branch of the Government and not subordinate to the President. AGs work for the President, and represent the Executive Branch. Any AG who is insubordinate due to policy decisions should resign or be fired. Period.

The AG's job is to advise the president, something President Bannon barred her from doing by simply slipping this EO into the administration's hands without even bothering to consult officials. Should the AG also enforce genocide orders from the president?
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

The AG is not a judge, the AG enforces law...Trump signed an EO and the AG must comply.
Nope. Wrong. Dead wrong. The AG should never enforce or defend a law they believe to be unconstitutional.

You are proving my illustrative point about gas chambers.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

The AG is not a judge, the AG enforces law...Trump signed an EO and the AG must comply.


Here is the oath, and it has NOTHING to do with being a sycophant to the president:

"I (name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and
defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies,
foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; that I take this obligation freely without any mental
reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully
discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So
help me God."
Trump's EO violated the 1st Amendment regarding religion.

Number 1) the first amendment does not apply to non-citizens not on US soil or not under US jurisdictional sovereignty.

Number 2) the SCOTUS has ruled that ideological tests are perfectly constitutional for immigration.

Number 3) if the US Constitution does in fact apply globally then the inverse must likewise be true and I demand my Common Wealth and EU citizenships as well as my oil stipends from Norway, Kuwait, Iraq, et al.
No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.
Where does it say she's right and he's wrong? You left that part out.

Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.

Uh, the order specified country of origin, not religion.

And where was your outrage when Obabble denied entry to Cuban refugees?

Obama merely lifted the wet foot/dry foot policy, that's not a ban on refugees, you simpleton. READ something.

The order was clearly targeted at Muslims. The constitution contravenes orders with orders that have the practical effect of discriminating based on religious preference.

And Trump merely carried out the visa restrictions put in place by Obabble in 2015 for the seven countries.

Obama named 7 countries of concern, he created no Visa restrictions. Christ you people are stupid.

Trump’s facile claim that his refugee policy is similar to Obama’s in 2011
Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

How SAD that you flunked Civics.

Judges are part of the Judiciary, which is a co-equal branch of the Government and not subordinate to the President. AGs work for the President, and represent the Executive Branch. Any AG who is insubordinate due to policy decisions should resign or be fired. Period.

The AG's job is to advise the president, something President Bannon barred her from doing by simply slipping this EO into the administration's hands without even bothering to consult officials. Should the AG also enforce genocide orders from the president?

The AG is not the sole legal advisor. Nor does an Advisor's opinion overrule the President's power to make decisions. Sally should have resigned. She was insubordinate for political reasons, not for "constitutional" ones.
Yes, and by golly, if Trump starts ordering Muslims into the gas chambers, zee employeez vill do as zey are tolt or zey vill be FFFFIRED!

Godwin's Law says: You Lose!

And by the way, the last President to order that people be placed in Internment Camps was the great LeftWing Godhead, FDR.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.
Fraid not. It is not the job of the AG to be a yers man to the President.
Trump's EO violated the 1st Amendment regarding religion.

Number 1) the first amendment does not apply to non-citizens not on US soil or not under US jurisdictional sovereignty.

Number 2) the SCOTUS has ruled that ideological tests are perfectly constitutional for immigration.

Number 3) if the US Constitution does in fact apply globally then the inverse must likewise be true and I demand my Common Wealth and EU citizenships as well as my oil stipends from Norway, Kuwait, Iraq, et al.
No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.
Where does it say she's right and he's wrong? You left that part out.

Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.

Uh, the order specified country of origin, not religion.

And where was your outrage when Obabble denied entry to Cuban refugees?

Obama merely lifted the wet foot/dry foot policy, that's not a ban on refugees, you simpleton. READ something.

The order was clearly targeted at Muslims. The constitution contravenes orders with orders that have the practical effect of discriminating based on religious preference.

And Trump merely carried out the visa restrictions put in place by Obabble in 2015 for the seven countries.
Liar. Blaming Obama for Trump's illegal ban on Muslims?
Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

The AG is not a judge, the AG enforces law...Trump signed an EO and the AG must comply.
Nope. Wrong. Dead wrong. The AG should never enforce or defend a law they believe to be unconstitutional.

You are proving my illustrative point about gas chambers.

Wrong, the AG does not interrupt law, that is for a judge. The AG also serves the President and can be dismissed if the AG refuse to comply. See what happened yesterday for proof
Godwin's Law says: You Lose!

And by the way, the last President to order that people be placed in Internment Camps was the great LeftWing Godhead, FDR.
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.
Fraid not. It is not the job of the AG to be a yers man to the President.
Number 1) the first amendment does not apply to non-citizens not on US soil or not under US jurisdictional sovereignty.

Number 2) the SCOTUS has ruled that ideological tests are perfectly constitutional for immigration.

Number 3) if the US Constitution does in fact apply globally then the inverse must likewise be true and I demand my Common Wealth and EU citizenships as well as my oil stipends from Norway, Kuwait, Iraq, et al.
Where does it say she's right and he's wrong? You left that part out.

Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.

Uh, the order specified country of origin, not religion.

And where was your outrage when Obabble denied entry to Cuban refugees?

Obama merely lifted the wet foot/dry foot policy, that's not a ban on refugees, you simpleton. READ something.

The order was clearly targeted at Muslims. The constitution contravenes orders with orders that have the practical effect of discriminating based on religious preference.

And Trump merely carried out the visa restrictions put in place by Obabble in 2015 for the seven countries.
Liar. Blaming Obama for Trump's illegal ban on Muslims?

You're a idiot. Go wrap yourself in your Obabble Snuggie and watch MSNBC.
No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

The AG is not a judge, the AG enforces law...Trump signed an EO and the AG must comply.
Nope. Wrong. Dead wrong. The AG should never enforce or defend a law they believe to be unconstitutional.

You are proving my illustrative point about gas chambers.

Wrong, the AG does not interrupt law, that is for a judge. The AG also serves the President and can be dismissed if the AG refuse to comply. See what happened yesterday for proof

True, AG serves at the pleasure of the president. For once, you get something right.
No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

The AG is not a judge, the AG enforces law...Trump signed an EO and the AG must comply.
Nope. Wrong. Dead wrong. The AG should never enforce or defend a law they believe to be unconstitutional.

You are proving my illustrative point about gas chambers.

Wrong, the AG does not interrupt law, that is for a judge. The AG also serves the President and can be dismissed if the AG refuse to comply. See what happened yesterday for proof

Indeed. And it's great to see Trump refuse to be bullied by Obabble operatives.
No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.

Absolute bullshit. You don't understand the job of the AG. This is like saying judges have to resign rather than rule against the President.

How SAD that you flunked Civics.

Judges are part of the Judiciary, which is a co-equal branch of the Government and not subordinate to the President. AGs work for the President, and represent the Executive Branch. Any AG who is insubordinate due to policy decisions should resign or be fired. Period.

The AG's job is to advise the president, something President Bannon barred her from doing by simply slipping this EO into the administration's hands without even bothering to consult officials. Should the AG also enforce genocide orders from the president?

The AG is not the sole legal advisor. Nor does an Advisor's opinion overrule the President's power to make decisions. Sally should have resigned. She was insubordinate for political reasons, not for "constitutional" ones.

She wasn't "insubordinate" for political reasons. 4 federal courts have struck down this illegal order. How fucking retarded are you?
The acting AG was following her conscience. Simple as that.

And like I said, I expected her to be fired for it.

But if Trump did decide to start gassing Muslims, I have no doubt many here would find a way to be okay with it.

Then she should have resigned. What Trump did was perfectly legal and it was her job to support the President.

No it wasn't, and no it wasn't.

Her job is to uphold the Constitution.

Her job is to defend the decisions made by the President, which have already been evaluated as to constitutionality. If she thinks they are unconstitutional, then she should resign in protest.

She did neither.
Fraid not. It is not the job of the AG to be a yers man to the President.
Uh, disallowing entry of valid visa holders and green card holders into the USA because of their religion is unconstitutional. Period.

Uh, the order specified country of origin, not religion.

And where was your outrage when Obabble denied entry to Cuban refugees?

Obama merely lifted the wet foot/dry foot policy, that's not a ban on refugees, you simpleton. READ something.

The order was clearly targeted at Muslims. The constitution contravenes orders with orders that have the practical effect of discriminating based on religious preference.

And Trump merely carried out the visa restrictions put in place by Obabble in 2015 for the seven countries.
Liar. Blaming Obama for Trump's illegal ban on Muslims?

You're a idiot. Go wrap yourself in your Obabble Snuggie and watch MSNBC.

"AN" idiot.

If you're going to insult people's intelligence, learn English first.
He's spent his whole life robbing from and avoiding the peasantry, now he gets to use them as his playthings.

No. He's teaching a large portion of self-important, stuck up and entitled Federal employees a lesson everyone in the Private workforce learned their first day on the job.....

Do what the fuck your boss tells you to do, whether or not you like/agree with it, or expect to be terminated with extreme prejudice.

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