Trump Fired Obama Attourney General

this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life

He's spent his whole life robbing from and avoiding the peasantry, now he gets to use them as his playthings.
When liberals get badly whooped in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot lately. :itsok:
Get back to me when I start accusing Trump of being a secret Muslim or secretly wanting to destroy the nation you dumb fucking rube

Oh gosh, it was sooooooooooooooooo unfair that we criticized Obama. Don't we know it's ONLY okay to bash Trump?

You butthurt libs get funnier and funnier by the day and Trump's less than 2 weeks in. Life is good!


Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.

Good decision. He needed to get rid of her.

Jeff Sessions will make a great A. G.!
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that. There will be blowback and fallout. I'm listening to Professor Laurence Tribe commenting at this time...

Don't get your panties in an uproar.

He is going to lose - even with a 5-4 majority


Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that. There will be blowback and fallout. I'm listening to Professor Laurence Tribe commenting at this time...

How many hankies and butthurt cream does he need? :biggrin:
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that. There will be blowback and fallout. I'm listening to Professor Laurence Tribe commenting at this time...

How many hankies and butthurt cream does he need? :biggrin:

Preparation N
In the White House statement, it says Sally Yates "betrayed the Dept. of Justice".

Of course, that's such a huge load of bullshit because defending the constitution is never a betrayal.

His Muslim ban is not only a stupid Executive Order, it's indefensible in court. Just like how the Trump administration had no defense when they faced the judge the other night. This EO will never stand, so let a Trump AG wage the losing case.

Again, its not a Muslim ban

Its a ban on entry from specific countries

Obama would understand

It's not even a ban, it's a temporary moratorium on importation of persons whose origins include countries whose policies and politics make them enemies of this country, and only until some means is established to distinguish individuals meaning to harm us from those who probably will not (vetting). But recognizing what the EOs actually mean would not fulfil the f**ktard narrative.
Nixon kept firing Attorneys General until Robert Bork, who finally did what Nixon wanted.

How did that work out?
this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life

He's spent his whole life robbing from and avoiding the peasantry, now he gets to use them as his playthings.
When liberals get badly whooped in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot lately. :itsok:
Get back to me when I start accusing Trump of being a secret Muslim or secretly wanting to destroy the nation you dumb fucking rube

Oh gosh, it was sooooooooooooooooo unfair that we criticized Obama. Don't we know it's ONLY okay to bash Trump?

You butthurt libs get funnier and funnier by the day and Trump's less than 2 weeks in. Life is good!

You were one of the top hysterical ranters
Notice that not one leftist panicking over a "coup" or "fascism" has said "Gosh, maybe we should decrease the power of the govt"?
I haven't had such fun or laughed as much at liberals ever since grandma got her tit caught in the washing machine wringer.

Wow, many experts didn't expect this. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
You almost have to feel bad for Trump, having to deal with this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life, and now here he is.

Are you really this fucking stupid.....or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post? You ever build a skyscraper? Ever have to worry about a business empire every day of your really are a stupid f**k....
this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life

He's spent his whole life robbing from and avoiding the peasantry, now he gets to use them as his playthings.
When liberals get badly whooped in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot lately. :itsok:
Get back to me when I start accusing Trump of being a secret Muslim or secretly wanting to destroy the nation you dumb fucking rube

Oh gosh, it was sooooooooooooooooo unfair that we criticized Obama. Don't we know it's ONLY okay to bash Trump?

You butthurt libs get funnier and funnier by the day and Trump's less than 2 weeks in. Life is good!

You were one of the top hysterical ranters

Really?????? I haven't even been here for several years you moron. I came back the day after Trump won. Look it up.

Find me these hysterical rants, when I haven't been here for like 2/3 years! Complete fail!

Adolf Trump is following in Nixon's footsteps:

Nixon had his Saturday Night Massacre.

Trump has his Monday Night Massacre.​

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