Trump Fired Obama Attourney General

Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that. There will be blowback and fallout. I'm listening to Professor Laurence Tribe commenting at this time...
In the White House statement, it says Sally Yates "betrayed the Dept. of Justice".

Of course, that's such a huge load of bullshit because defending the constitution is never a betrayal.

His Muslim ban is not only a stupid Executive Order, it's indefensible in court. Just like how the Trump administration had no defense when they faced the judge the other night. This EO will never stand, so let a Trump AG wage the losing case.

Keep on sputtering because that's all you can do.

You can't stop the immigration hold and you can't stop who Trump fires.

You guys stuck with Obama and Hillary and you wound up completely without any power!

Deal with that!

I'm ashamed that a fellow Virginian agreed to fill the vacancy and work for the vile monster Trump. You should read the White House statement about the firing. It's more like a twitter comment than anything close to Presidential.

You'll be even more upset when the Dems lose the governor's mansion.
Unlikely. Virginia rejected Trump in November. The days of Virginia hating minorities and supporting religious zealotry are long past.

Indeed, but as you know, there are no guarantees in politics, and your protestor class is pissing off the real humans.
Your evil class is pissing off real humans to the point of protesting
Acting AG Yates: I'm not going to do my job.

Trump: You're fired.

The Left: I can't believe he did that! Fascist!
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that.

Then also be aware that you and your ilk have NO SAY about his immigration hold and who he fires.
A.G. You're fired. Go golf with Obama either you're with America or you're not. If you're not get the fuck out of the way!
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that.

Then also be aware that you and your ilk have NO SAY about his immigration hold and who he fires.

We have lots of say - and will be saying it.
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
She was just a political piece of shit
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

Au contraire, I suspect morale will skyrocket, except among the other leftovers who will also be fired.

We'll see. I always said Trump will treat the office as if he is a monarch and not a public servant. The stock market is going to tank. He is not being just simply unpredictable, he is erratic and impulsive and destructive.

Where are these so-called brilliant negotiating skills of his?

He is going to fuck the economy and this country. hope we can impeach him before too much damage is done.

Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


Dupe post Trump Fired Obama Attourney General
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.
Please liberals!!!! Go Fucking Nuts Over This!!!!!! I want you to take to the streets and trash every car,building and everything else you can fuck up!!!! Riot and burn every fucking thing you can!!!!!
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

Au contraire, I suspect morale will skyrocket, except among the other leftovers who will also be fired.

We'll see. I always said Trump will treat the office as if he is a monarch and not a public servant. The stock market is going to tank. He is not being just simply unpredictable, he is erratic and impulsive and destructive.

Where are these so-called brilliant negotiating skills of his?

He is going to fuck the economy and this country. hope we can impeach him before too much damage is done.
Obama forced millions into shit that they did not want....
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that.

Then also be aware that you and your ilk have NO SAY about his immigration hold and who he fires.

We have lots of say - and will be saying it.

Um, no you don't.

You don't have a majority in the House, the Senate, a lot more state houses and senates, governorships, and Trump gets onto the USSC tomorrow.

You guys are powerless!

But you go ahead and block traffic with another protest.

That will really help you come 2018! (yeah right!)

Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that.

Then also be aware that you and your ilk have NO SAY about his immigration hold and who he fires.

We have lots of say - and will be saying it.

Yountalkntil your blue in th he face

We'll ignore you and implement very good policy
this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life

He's spent his whole life robbing from and avoiding the peasantry, now he gets to use them as his playthings.
When liberals get badly whooped in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot lately. :itsok:

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