Trump Fired Obama Attourney General

Now THAT'S the kind of President we've been needing for a very long time!

Kudoes to President Trump! This is what you were elected for. Keep up the good work!
In the White House statement, it says Sally Yates "betrayed the Dept. of Justice".

Of course, that's such a huge load of bullshit because defending the constitution is never a betrayal.

His Muslim ban is not only a stupid Executive Order, it's indefensible in court. Just like how the Trump administration had no defense when they faced the judge the other night. This EO will never stand, so let a Trump AG wage the losing case.

She wasn't defending the Constitution......the judge should also be impeached.....
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.
But, most places don't pay unemployment as soon if you resign. Getting fired will ensure her unemployment checks will start almost immediately.
Donald Trump is absolutely amazing!

Bannon is amazing too....they are the best!!!!:clap:
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
You almost have to feel bad for Trump, having to deal with this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life, and now here he is.

Are you really this fucking stupid.....or do you just pretend to be this stupid when you post? You ever build a skyscraper? Ever have to worry about a business empire every day of your really are a stupid f**k....
Give me a hundred million dollars and a massive network of real estate connections like Trump inherited and I'll get back to you on how hard it is to delegate everythi-... I mean run a business empire.
I'm ashamed that a fellow Virginian agreed to fill the vacancy and work for the vile monster Trump. You should read the White House statement about the firing. It's more like a twitter comment than anything close to Presidential.

You'll be even more upset when the Dems lose the governor's mansion.
Unlikely. Virginia rejected Trump in November. The days of Virginia hating minorities and supporting religious zealotry are long past.
You mean they're not gonna vote for Democrats anymore?
You have to understand, many-a-lib feel a job is a form of entitlement. Trump will replace anyone he doesn't feel is up to par, and you'll see it over and over again, so get used to it and thank God.
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that. There will be blowback and fallout. I'm listening to Professor Laurence Tribe commenting at this time...

Don't get your panties in an uproar.

He is going to lose - even with a 5-4 majority



So, Dana Boente has now been sworn in as Adolf Trump's new SS Officer.
I'm ashamed that a fellow Virginian agreed to fill the vacancy and work for the vile monster Trump. You should read the White House statement about the firing. It's more like a twitter comment than anything close to Presidential.

You'll be even more upset when the Dems lose the governor's mansion.
Unlikely. Virginia rejected Trump in November. The days of Virginia hating minorities and supporting religious zealotry are long past.
You mean they're not gonna vote for Democrats anymore?
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.
But, most places don't pay unemployment as soon if you resign. Getting fired will ensure her unemployment checks will start almost immediately.
You don't necessarily qualify for unemployment if you are fired.
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.


The job of the AG is to defend the US constitution and enforce the law.

The specific Executive Order at hand is unlawful. It clearly violates tenets of the constitution. It is so indefensible that all the Trump administration could do the other night was throw up their hands because they had no coherent case to make.
I've been reading lots of posts that quote the "unlawful and unconstitutional" aspects of this EO. What exactly makes it either?
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.


The job of the AG is to defend the US constitution and enforce the law.

The specific Executive Order at hand is unlawful. It clearly violates tenets of the constitution. It is so indefensible that all the Trump administration could do the other night was throw up their hands because they had no coherent case to make.
I've been reading lots of posts that quote the "unlawful and unconstitutional" aspects of this EO. What exactly makes it either?
It's a Muslim ban, which violates the First Amendment. That's why the pseudocons are too chickenshit to call it what it is, including Trump.
The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.

Mr. Trump comes from the private sector, not government. In the private sector, you do the job that you're being paid to do, or else you get fired and replaced with someone who will. It's encouraging to see Mr. Trump bringing this reality to government as well. Surely, we will see a lot more dead wood trimmed in the coming months.
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.


The job of the AG is to defend the US constitution and enforce the law.

The specific Executive Order at hand is unlawful. It clearly violates tenets of the constitution. It is so indefensible that all the Trump administration could do the other night was throw up their hands because they had no coherent case to make.
I've been reading lots of posts that quote the "unlawful and unconstitutional" aspects of this EO. What exactly makes it either?

That is an easy answer.....democrats need refugees in order to have them vote in the 2018 mid term elections.....Trump's executive order stops therefore he is not only hitler, what he did was unAmerican and UnConstitutional.....
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


To be fair Ms Yates was an Obama Appointee who stated that she was NOT going to defend Trumps immigration EO. Trump has the right to appoint his own people.



Duh, I'm fully aware of that. There will be blowback and fallout. I'm listening to Professor Laurence Tribe commenting at this time...

Don't get your panties in an uproar.

He is going to lose - even with a 5-4 majority



So, Dana Boente has now been sworn in as Adolf Trump's new SS Officer.

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