Trump Fired Obama Attourney General

I've been reading lots of posts that quote the "unlawful and unconstitutional" aspects of this EO. What exactly makes it either?
Liberals believe that if they repeat a big enough lie often enough, people will believe it, and it will become The Truth. That's what makes it illegal and unconstitutional: Because liberals really, really believe it is.
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.
But, most places don't pay unemployment as soon if you resign. Getting fired will ensure her unemployment checks will start almost immediately.
You don't necessarily qualify for unemployment if you are fired.
True. But given the circumstances, and depending on the political leanings of those making the decisions, the ex-AG might be able to argue that she was wrongfully terminated.
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.


The job of the AG is to defend the US constitution and enforce the law.

The specific Executive Order at hand is unlawful. It clearly violates tenets of the constitution. It is so indefensible that all the Trump administration could do the other night was throw up their hands because they had no coherent case to make.
I've been reading lots of posts that quote the "unlawful and unconstitutional" aspects of this EO. What exactly makes it either?
It's a Muslim ban, which violates the First Amendment. That's why the pseudocons are too chickenshit to call it what it is, including Trump.

No asswipe.......there are 7 countries on the list obama created.....there are 50 muslim majority countries....even someone as stupid as you should be able to tell that 7 is less than 43.........

therefore, it is not a muslim ban, since muslims from the other 43 muslim countries can enter our country with no problem.....

Please....bring intelligence to your posts....
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.


The job of the AG is to defend the US constitution and enforce the law.

The specific Executive Order at hand is unlawful. It clearly violates tenets of the constitution. It is so indefensible that all the Trump administration could do the other night was throw up their hands because they had no coherent case to make.
I've been reading lots of posts that quote the "unlawful and unconstitutional" aspects of this EO. What exactly makes it either?
It's a Muslim ban, which violates the First Amendment. That's why the pseudocons are too chickenshit to call it what it is, including Trump.

It's not, else it would cover all Muslims.
any thoughts on this, sean & sebastian?

I'm ashamed that a fellow Virginian agreed to fill the vacancy and work for the vile monster Trump.

You should be ashamed Yates took the position she did, but you would have to have a moral compass first, so no real surprise...

The road your kind takes gets lower than whale shit on a minute by minute basis...

I hope he called her personally...
The specific Executive Order at hand is unlawful.

"Obama’s administration did stop processing all applications for Iraqi refugees for a six-month time period. (Jimmy Carter and Chester Arthur were also among presidents to restrict immigration by nation state).

A 2013 ABC News article reported, “The State Department stopped processing Iraq refugees for six months in 2011, federal officials told ABC News – even for many who had heroically helped U.S. forces as interpreters and intelligence assets.”

Did President Obama ‘Ban’ Iraqi Refugees?
Exclusive: 'Dozens' of Terrorists May Be in US as Refugees
I've been reading lots of posts that quote the "unlawful and unconstitutional" aspects of this EO. What exactly makes it either?
Liberals believe that if they repeat a big enough lie often enough, people will believe it, and it will become The Truth. That's what makes it illegal and unconstitutional: Because liberals really, really believe it is.
I agree with your reasoning, but I would still be interested in their logic, if there is anything other than wishful thinking and hope that repetition will make it "true".
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.


The job of the AG is to defend the US constitution and enforce the law.

The specific Executive Order at hand is unlawful. It clearly violates tenets of the constitution. It is so indefensible that all the Trump administration could do the other night was throw up their hands because they had no coherent case to make.
I've been reading lots of posts that quote the "unlawful and unconstitutional" aspects of this EO. What exactly makes it either?
It's a Muslim ban, which violates the First Amendment. That's why the pseudocons are too chickenshit to call it what it is, including Trump.

And...on top of that...there is no protection or requirement that we allow anyone into the country regardless of their religious affiliation no...dumb ass, the 1st Amendment does not apply...
"Donald Trump just fired Sally Yates. This is a white nationalist government coup happening right before our eyes" - Keith Ellison pandering to his ISIS base

Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...

WASHINGTON ― President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates on Monday night, hours after she said the Justice Department would not defendTrump’s executive order on immigration.

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said that Yates had been relieved of her duties. Dana Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, was named as acting attorney general.

Spicer’s statement said Yates had “betrayed the Department of Justice” by refusing to defend Trump’s order. The statement said Yates, a career prosecutor who Trump named as acting attorney general, is “weak on borders and very weak on illegal immigration.”

Boente will serve until Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) is confirmed as attorney general.

This is a breaking news story and will be updated.


This is what Obama should have done to Loretta Lynch after she met with Bill Clinton on a tarmac for 45 minutes off the record privately while his wife was under an active DOJ investigation.
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.
But, most places don't pay unemployment as soon if you resign. Getting fired will ensure her unemployment checks will start almost immediately.
You don't necessarily qualify for unemployment if you are fired.
True. But given the circumstances, and depending on the political leanings of those making the decisions, the ex-AG might be able to argue that she was wrongfully terminated.

True! She may be handsomely rewarded for defending the Constitution - which she had a sworn duty to uphold.
I'm ashamed that a fellow Virginian agreed to fill the vacancy and work for the vile monster Trump.

You should be ashamed Yates took the position she did, but you would have to have a moral compass first, so no real surprise...

The road your kind takes gets lower than whale shit on a minute by minute basis...

I hope he called her personally...

I hope she found out about it on the news
this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life

He's spent his whole life robbing from and avoiding the peasantry, now he gets to use them as his playthings.
When liberals get badly whooped in an election, they often start ranting hysterically like this.

It's been happening a lot lately. :itsok:
Get back to me when I start accusing Trump of being a secret Muslim or secretly wanting to destroy the nation you dumb fucking rube

Oh gosh, it was sooooooooooooooooo unfair that we criticized Obama. Don't we know it's ONLY okay to bash Trump?

You butthurt libs get funnier and funnier by the day and Trump's less than 2 weeks in. Life is good!

You were one of the top hysterical ranters

Really?????? I haven't even been here for several years you moron. I came back the day after Trump won. Look it up.

Find me these hysterical rants, when I haven't been here for like 2/3 years! Complete fail!

All it took was doing a search for posts with "ebola" posted by you. This one was 2 years ago, though there are plenty more:

And Yes, this belongs in politics, because they are doing this to keep the truth from people ahead of the election.

The government is going to do anything to keep themselves in power and that includes lying to the public about how bad it is.

A doctor has exclusively revealed to Infowars that health authorities are covering up Ebola cases in the United States and disappearing patients in an effort to avoid hysteria.

James Lawrenzi, DO, who has two clinics in Garden City and Archie, Missouri, appeared on the Alex Jones Show today to warn that the true scale of the situation was being deliberately downplayed. It is important to note that none of these potential Ebola outbreaks occurred at the clinics in which Lawrenzi works.

Lawrenzi said that shortly after the arrival of patient zero – Thomas Eric Duncan – in the United States, he was told by a doctor at Truman Lakewood Medical Center in Kansas City they had taken in a possible Ebola patient who had a high fever and was bleeding out of all his orifices having recently returned from West Africa.

The following day, Lawrenzi was told by the doctor that the patient had “disappeared” against medical advice, but that he wouldn’t have been able to leave on his own given his medical condition.

The day after the patient disappeared, a meeting was called for anyone who had contact with the patient. Doctors and other medical workers were told that the patient had malaria. Lawrenzi also revealed that drug reps from within the area warned over additional possible Ebola cases in the area.

A second possible Ebola patient was then admitted to Research Medical Center in Kansas City the following day but also quickly “disappeared,” with hospital bosses claiming he had typhoid, according to Lawrenzi.

“These patients are disappearing, they’re doing something with the patients and God knows where they’re going,” said the doctor.

Asked why authorities were engaged in an apparent cover-up, Lawrenzi speculated that the CDC was attempting to prevent hysteria, noting that workers at his own clinics had been told not to use the word “Ebola,” just as 911 dispatchers in New York have been banned from using the term, or to reveal any information about a possible Ebola case.

Lawrenzi also revealed that Hospital Corporation of America (HCA), a private operator of health care facilities, had earlier this week removed protective gear and Hazmat suits from local hospitals without replacing it.

“They were told this was so they could have continuity of care for possible Ebola patients,” said Lawrenzi, adding that the real reason was that authorities didn’t want to cause a panic by having medical workers and doctors being seen in protective gear.

Urging people to “stay away from places where there’s large groups of people,” as well as hospitals, Lawrenzi said the situation was “much more serious than they’re letting on.”

“When flu season hits, people are going to be coming into the hospital for flu or Ebola, they’re not going to know what they have….it’s going to be a nightmare, every doctor I’ve spoken with is terrified of this fall,” said Lawrenzi.

“They’re preparing for something,” he added, speculating that the endgame could be medical martial law or the Obama administration’s complete takeover of the medical system.

Doctor Health Authorities Covering Up Ebola-Like Cases in U.S. Alex Jones Infowars There s a war on for your mind

And before you think this is just nuttery, you better read this:

Doctor in New York City Is Sick With Ebola

It's spreading people. And it's spreading despite the attempts by the liberals to tell us this is just hysteria and another "phony scandal."

Would they be saying that, if Bush was president and Republicans were in charge ahead of a midterm election?

You know they would not.

The government "disappearing" ebola patients in an effort to maintain power as we all die in a apocalyptic epidemic. Pretty par for the course for you dumb fucking rubes the last 8 years.

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