Trump Fired Obama Attourney General

Draining the swamp of that Obama scum continues tonight.

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BREAKING: President Trump dismisses Acting Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director Daniel Ragsdale
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
You almost have to feel bad for Trump, having to deal with this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life, and now here he is.

I suspect he's having the most fun ever in his life.
He's spent his whole life robbing from and avoiding the peasantry, now he gets to use them as his playthings.

And we have you to thank for it.
Good grovel before me peasant
In the White House statement, it says Sally Yates "betrayed the Dept. of Justice".

Of course, that's such a huge load of bullshit because defending the constitution is never a betrayal.

Please name verbatim what part of the Constitution was betrayed?

Just read the 1st Amendment.

No, see Article 1 Section 8 of the US Constitution. Then read this.

Section 1182(f) of Title 8, U.S. Code: "Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate"
In the White House statement, it says Sally Yates "betrayed the Dept. of Justice".

Of course, that's such a huge load of bullshit because defending the constitution is never a betrayal.

His Muslim ban is not only a stupid Executive Order, it's indefensible in court. Just like how the Trump administration had no defense when they faced the judge the other night. This EO will never stand, so let a Trump AG wage the losing case.

Wrong. The Justice dept ruled on the legality of the EO.

Ms. Yates’s decision effectively overruled a finding by the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel, which had already approved the executive order “with respect to form and legality.”

Ms. Yates said her determination in deciding not to defend the order was broader, however, and included questions not only about the order’s lawfulness, but also whether it was a “wise or just” policy. She also alluded to unspecified statements that the White House had made before signing the order, which she factored into her review.

She didn't care about the law, she "decided" the policy wasn't wise or just. When she becomes president, she can have that say, until then...


Hmm. Lahkota thought my post funny. And yet, it is a link to the New York Times.

Denying reality is not a good attribute.

Wow, many experts didn't expect this. Dana Boente to replace her. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
I totally expected it. She's an Obama appointee and refused to defend the Muslim ban. The ban is going to be challenged in court, and it is the AG's job to defend the Administration. Since she said she would not, I would have been surprised if she wasn't fired.
Well ... the job of the AG is to represent the United States.

This would certainly not be the first time that the AG didn't choose to defend something the government enacted.

The AG is there to give council on stuff like this before it happens. A key part of the problem here is that the administration totally forked over the execution, ignoring the law, failing to think through issues such as green cards, residency, etc., and failing to communicate, leaving those executing the plan to do really stupid illegal stuff, like refusing to allow access to attorneys, ridiculous detention, etc.

Frankly, she probably should have resigned.
But, most places don't pay unemployment as soon if you resign. Getting fired will ensure her unemployment checks will start almost immediately.
You don't necessarily qualify for unemployment if you are fired.
True. But given the circumstances, and depending on the political leanings of those making the decisions, the ex-AG might be able to argue that she was wrongfully terminated.

Nope, Attorneys General, acting or not, serve at the pleasure of the President. Trump could have fired her for wearing a blue dress if he so chose.
Wow, many experts didn't expect this. This won't help morale at the Justice Department.

Just heard it on MSNBC. No link yet...
You almost have to feel bad for Trump, having to deal with this shitstorm he's created. He's never had to worry about anything in his entire life, and now here he is.

I suspect he's having the most fun ever in his life.
He's spent his whole life robbing from and avoiding the peasantry, now he gets to use them as his playthings.

And we have you to thank for it.
Good grovel before me peasant


BREAKING NEWS: Trump fires acting Attorney General Sally Yates
It's what happens when an interim political appointee of the previous regime within the Executive Branch openly breaks ranks with the new President.

Once she went public, it was only a matter of hours.

One less leftover LibTard political hack hanging-about... no great loss.
The morale in the Justice Dept will probably improve under a temporary A.G. who relies on Constitutional law rather than political affiliation.
The AG's job is to enforce the law and defend the Constitution.

Including this one, 8 USC 1182(f)
(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate. …
Fastest way to get fired - tell the President you won't enforce the law or obey his orders!

:clap: Buh-bye!!!!​
There is NOTHING in the ANY LAW that prevents, impedes or is contrary to THE EXECUTIVE ORDER!!! So now what, liberal murderers?
that's the piece of shit that was fired

Good riddance you scum!

Go President Trump ..we love you!:smiliehug:

Fastest way to get fired - tell the President you won't enforce the law or obey his orders!

:clap: Buh-bye!!!!​

The Communists/Progressives will hail her a 'Hero.' But she's actually a traitor. Just like all Globalists, she chooses foreigners over Americans. Trump did the right thing sacking her.

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