Trump forced off stage by SS

I predicted that the violence from the fascist left would be escalating. The rallies I have attended all had metal detectors. But I am thinking that if a person really wanted to they could easily get a gun in.

You are thinking about bringing a gun or just inciting?
And in case there's any confusion, this works both ways....


Yeah real funny stuff eh demoRATS? You must REALLY want to see millions of pissed off patriots marching in the streets huh? Lucky this shit didn't get accomplished.

pissed off patriots marching = brown shirts doing the goose step

Thanks Adolph!
Fucking demoRATS just boosted his poll numbers even more! Good way to piss off undecideds!

No they didn't
Oh, I think they did. Fanatical Hillary supporters are driving the independents to President Trump.

Damn know this will be what dominates the Sunday morning talk shows....especially after it was proven the Rats have sent hitters to previous rallies.....Rats look cowardly violent which is exactly what they are.

Yeah real funny stuff eh demoRATS? You must REALLY want to see millions of pissed off patriots marching in the streets huh? Lucky this shit didn't get accomplished.

pissed off patriots marching = brown shirts doing the goose step

Thanks Adolph!
Keep running that mouth jews have run the show long enough. The white man will take back what's ours!

Yeah real funny stuff eh demoRATS? You must REALLY want to see millions of pissed off patriots marching in the streets huh? Lucky this shit didn't get accomplished.

pissed off patriots marching = brown shirts doing the goose step

Thanks Adolph!

Left wing bigots try to deflect from the severity of what just occurred..Then they make wild ass accusations of Hitler like actions..

Yeah real funny stuff eh demoRATS? You must REALLY want to see millions of pissed off patriots marching in the streets huh? Lucky this shit didn't get accomplished.

Yeah real funny stuff eh demoRATS? You must REALLY want to see millions of pissed off patriots marching in the streets huh? Lucky this shit didn't get accomplished.

pissed off patriots marching = brown shirts doing the goose step

Thanks Adolph!

Left wing bigots try to deflect from the severity of what just occurred..Then they make wild ass accusations of Hitler like actions..
Let them. I am beyond fucking tired of waiting for action. Its getting tiring.

Yeah real funny stuff eh demoRATS? You must REALLY want to see millions of pissed off patriots marching in the streets huh? Lucky this shit didn't get accomplished.

pissed off patriots marching = brown shirts doing the goose step

Thanks Adolph!

You Stalinists still got chubbies for Adolf don't if old Joe didn't murder 5 times the people Hitler did.
So, the 'assassin' turned out to be a Republican protestor, mobbed by angry Trump fans, who screamed that he had a gun.

Just more Trump mob violence. Nothing new to see.
Ah and of course people are now CLAIMING he had a sign but cops are saying her went for a SS agents weapon. He is a Never Trumper and Hillary Supporter.A cuck and a hillary god this clown is a walking billboard for the typical male clinton supporter!

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