Trump forced off stage by SS


Yeah real funny stuff eh demoRATS? You must REALLY want to see millions of pissed off patriots marching in the streets huh? Lucky this shit didn't get accomplished.

pissed off patriots marching = brown shirts doing the goose step

Thanks Adolph!
Keep running that mouth jews have run the show long enough. The white man will take back what's ours!

Jews aren't white?
Just think:
JFK JR.'s plane goes down - Hillary gets the NY Senate seat.
DJT assassination attempt - Hillary most likely wins POTUS

Facebook pulled his picture off.....sounds familiar.
Nope the fucking asshole changed it to an American flag! One of his friends posted this

Cary Crites
Bro, we support you. It's a sad day when a devout republican, eagle scout, lover of our country and all that it stands for, stands up again a threat to our nation, and get's his ass beat as a result. We love you and back your decision to voice your concern!

I can't fucking believe they released his ass.
LMAO he has removed ALL his photos from his profile and EVERYTHING about him is hidden. His friend there is a CUCK as well voting for Hillary whining about Trump coming on TV and not being able to hit mute fast enough...ROFLMAO!
Love it. I'm getting so tired of hearing the trump language. I cringe everytime I didnt get to the tv in time to mute it for the boys. Wtf. She better win.

One of his friends...ROFLMAO!
LMAO he has removed ALL his photos from his profile and EVERYTHING about him is hidden. His friend there is a CUCK as well voting for Hillary whining about Trump coming on TV and not being able to hit mute fast enough...ROFLMAO!
No.. He did not delete anything as he is in custody. The FBI now has custody of everything including pictures.. They hide them from public view so as to keep the investigation from being tainted. Don't read more into this than is factual.
Trump is an awesome man.. Went from assassination attempt in Nevada and is now in Denver holding a rally. This man has brass balls, huge brass balls!

This is stable leadership.. unwavering even in the face of potential death threats..
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