Trump forced off stage by SS

Sounds like the crowd up front was yelling "He's got a gun" I couldn't see the scuffle they're saying took place up front (before the SS came in) on CNN. Of course, the crowd didn't back off until the secret service had the guy down, but yea CNN can't say that.

Gonna see if there is a better camera angle.
Infowars is saying there might not have been a gun too. I'm sure they will come out with a story on it tonight or tomorrow.
Sounds like the crowd up front was yelling "He's got a gun" I couldn't see the scuffle they're saying took place up front (before the SS came in) on CNN. Of course, the crowd didn't back off until the secret service had the guy down, but yea CNN can't say that.

Gonna see if there is a better camera angle.
Infowars is saying there might not have been a gun too. I'm sure they will come out with a story on it tonight or tomorrow.

normal people know that informers is for psychotics.
Looks like the shit pellet liberals are attacking the assassination attempt. I Wonder what they are being paid to down play this? They are factually challenged.., limp wrist-ed little pukes..
An assassination with a poster board?
jillian When the cookie crumbles you'll see. When all the money is gone, and you have nothing but what the government tells you that you are allowed to have, then you will know.

And I will be sitting in the middle of a tropical ocean on my yacht, laughing that ya'll let the greatest nation ever slip through your fingers.

I'll keep one American flag, the one that's hanging on my porch right now, faded and sun bleached from a couple years too long, and I'll fly her one last time as you folks descend into animals at each others throats because there's nothing left...
Just happened in Nevada. Not sure what happened but SS was jumping into the crowd so obviously some tolerant leftist is doing Hillary's bidding or at least trying to! He is back on stage now.

what happened? did his thugs try to beat up a protester?

Are you willfully ignorant? Show me videos of Trump supporters beating up protesters. I have a over a dozen where Trump supporters are attacked, some severely, by your side.

Again, leftists always scream victim and say the right is violent. Such a easily disproven lie.

no trumpster has the right to ask normal people if they're willfully ignorant.

they don't know yet what happened. but there is a history of trump goons beating on protestors. and protestors being removed from dumb donald's rallies.

Show me the videos. You make the claim PROVE IT. You are either dumb or a liar--quite possibly both.

You crazies bluster about armed rebellion if Hillary Clinton is elected,

but in the meantime you shit yourselves over a paper cut?

Trump ran off because he thought someone had a gun?

I thought he and his tards all support open carry?

Somebody in the crowd yelled "gun"....Trump was dragged off-stage, didn't run. SS didn't give him a choice....could have been a diversion with a real attack coming from another direction. And wipe the smirk off your face boy.....a lot of people would like to see Trump dead thanks to your kind.
Reno Nevada FBI field office is now reporting they are now detaining one male, in federal custody, for an alleged assassination attempt on Donald Trump. Authorities are still investigating if he acted alone or had accomplices.

Witnesses reported that the man produced what appeared to be a gun and was forced to the ground by attendees and the Secret Service. Agents were screaming "GUN" to get others to take protective postures, removing and shielding Trump..


Yeah real funny stuff eh demoRATS? You must REALLY want to see millions of pissed off patriots marching in the streets huh? Lucky this shit didn't get accomplished.

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