Trump gas...

Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?

I would have to assess that it's completely retarded to believe that Trump's reversing of at least ten of Obama's energy policies through executive order, won't have any effect on energy prices.

What you're witnessing here, is the greatening of America. Donald Trump is returning this country to its rightful place in the world, of being the most powerful and most free nation in this world.


Do you blame Trump for the massive losses in jobs in retail this year,

or is Trump only responsible for the things you like?

Please provide some real evidence that Donald Trump is responsible for the losses in retail jobs, if you can.

Even the fake news CNN doesn't hint that it's Trump's fault, rather blaming it on the fact that more people are buying stuff online.

Hell, they even mentioned that the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to 4.5%, the lowest in a decade. Read and weep. Your tears are like honey to me...

Jobs report: Retailers cut tens of thousands of jobs. Again

Why should I need to? No one has provided evidence that Trump is keeping gas prices low.

He has made gasoline prices drop by simply signing two executive order, which pretty much made 8 years of Obama's energy policies go "poof". Not to mention the actions his Secretary of Energy are taking.

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?

I would have to assess that it's completely retarded to believe that Trump's reversing of at least ten of Obama's energy policies through executive order, won't have any effect on energy prices.

What you're witnessing here, is the greatening of America. Donald Trump is returning this country to its rightful place in the world, of being the most powerful and most free nation in this world.


Do you blame Trump for the massive losses in jobs in retail this year,

or is Trump only responsible for the things you like?

Please provide some real evidence that Donald Trump is responsible for the losses in retail jobs, if you can.

Even the fake news CNN doesn't hint that it's Trump's fault, rather blaming it on the fact that more people are buying stuff online.

Hell, they even mentioned that the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to 4.5%, the lowest in a decade. Read and weep. Your tears are like honey to me...

Jobs report: Retailers cut tens of thousands of jobs. Again

Why should I need to? No one has provided evidence that Trump is keeping gas prices low.

He has made gasoline prices drop by simply signing two executive order, which pretty much made 8 years of Obama's energy policies go "poof". Not to mention the actions his Secretary of Energy are taking.

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects


Who you going to blame when they go back up?
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?

I would have to assess that it's completely retarded to believe that Trump's reversing of at least ten of Obama's energy policies through executive order, won't have any effect on energy prices.

What you're witnessing here, is the greatening of America. Donald Trump is returning this country to its rightful place in the world, of being the most powerful and most free nation in this world.


Do you blame Trump for the massive losses in jobs in retail this year,

or is Trump only responsible for the things you like?

Please provide some real evidence that Donald Trump is responsible for the losses in retail jobs, if you can.

Even the fake news CNN doesn't hint that it's Trump's fault, rather blaming it on the fact that more people are buying stuff online.

Hell, they even mentioned that the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to 4.5%, the lowest in a decade. Read and weep. Your tears are like honey to me...

Jobs report: Retailers cut tens of thousands of jobs. Again

Just like he's not responsible for unemployment going down for the summer. All seasonal jobs.
Trump manages to get a 39% approval rating under circumstances that his supporters keep insisting are unbelievably favorable.

So what happens to Trump when things aren't so wonderful?
Fake news -------- ^^^^
The President has very little to do with lower gas prices, if that was the case you all would be praising Obama in 2015 when they were hovering at around $2.00 per gallon.

Who Deserves Credit for Lower Prices at the Pump?

Gas prices dropped in 2015, in spite of Obama's bad energy policy. Some of it had to do with good old American ingenuity and drilling on private land.

There are other reasons, but the following 2014 article from a very reliable source, gives no credit to Obama...

5 Reasons Oil Prices Are Dropping |
I would have to assess that it's completely retarded to believe that Trump's reversing of at least ten of Obama's energy policies through executive order, won't have any effect on energy prices.

What you're witnessing here, is the greatening of America. Donald Trump is returning this country to its rightful place in the world, of being the most powerful and most free nation in this world.


Do you blame Trump for the massive losses in jobs in retail this year,

or is Trump only responsible for the things you like?

Please provide some real evidence that Donald Trump is responsible for the losses in retail jobs, if you can.

Even the fake news CNN doesn't hint that it's Trump's fault, rather blaming it on the fact that more people are buying stuff online.

Hell, they even mentioned that the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to 4.5%, the lowest in a decade. Read and weep. Your tears are like honey to me...

Jobs report: Retailers cut tens of thousands of jobs. Again

Why should I need to? No one has provided evidence that Trump is keeping gas prices low.

He has made gasoline prices drop by simply signing two executive order, which pretty much made 8 years of Obama's energy policies go "poof". Not to mention the actions his Secretary of Energy are taking.

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects


Who you going to blame when they go back up?

You mean like when the stock market drops back down to Obama-era levels?

You're dreaming.
The President has very little to do with lower gas prices, if that was the case you all would be praising Obama in 2015 when they were hovering at around $2.00 per gallon.

Who Deserves Credit for Lower Prices at the Pump?

Gas prices dropped in 2015, in spite of Obama's bad energy policy. Some of it had to do with good old American ingenuity and drilling on private land.

There are other reasons, but the following 2014 article from a very reliable source, gives no credit to Obama...

5 Reasons Oil Prices Are Dropping |

But you can't credit Obama just like you cannot credit Trump unless they open the reserves.

Do you blame Trump for the massive losses in jobs in retail this year,

or is Trump only responsible for the things you like?

Please provide some real evidence that Donald Trump is responsible for the losses in retail jobs, if you can.

Even the fake news CNN doesn't hint that it's Trump's fault, rather blaming it on the fact that more people are buying stuff online.

Hell, they even mentioned that the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to 4.5%, the lowest in a decade. Read and weep. Your tears are like honey to me...

Jobs report: Retailers cut tens of thousands of jobs. Again

Why should I need to? No one has provided evidence that Trump is keeping gas prices low.

He has made gasoline prices drop by simply signing two executive order, which pretty much made 8 years of Obama's energy policies go "poof". Not to mention the actions his Secretary of Energy are taking.

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects


Who you going to blame when they go back up?

You mean like when the stock market drops back down to Obama-era levels?

You're dreaming.

They will, but the stock market went up 10000 under Obama.
The President has very little to do with lower gas prices, if that was the case you all would be praising Obama in 2015 when they were hovering at around $2.00 per gallon.

Who Deserves Credit for Lower Prices at the Pump?

Gas prices dropped in 2015, in spite of Obama's bad energy policy. Some of it had to do with good old American ingenuity and drilling on private land.

There are other reasons, but the following 2014 article from a very reliable source, gives no credit to Obama...

5 Reasons Oil Prices Are Dropping |

But you can't credit Obama just like you cannot credit Trump unless they open the reserves.

Look: Obama is a Marxist and an environmentalist wacko. He does not believe in oil. His own Secretary of Energy didn't even drive a car for Christ sake. Neither does Hillary.

To believe that Obama had anything to do with the surge in oil production during his Presidency, is sheer lunacy. How can anyone not believe the gas prices are dropping because of Trump's energy policies?
Please provide some real evidence that Donald Trump is responsible for the losses in retail jobs, if you can.

Even the fake news CNN doesn't hint that it's Trump's fault, rather blaming it on the fact that more people are buying stuff online.

Hell, they even mentioned that the U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to 4.5%, the lowest in a decade. Read and weep. Your tears are like honey to me...

Jobs report: Retailers cut tens of thousands of jobs. Again

Why should I need to? No one has provided evidence that Trump is keeping gas prices low.

He has made gasoline prices drop by simply signing two executive order, which pretty much made 8 years of Obama's energy policies go "poof". Not to mention the actions his Secretary of Energy are taking.

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Presidential Executive Order on Promoting Energy Independence and Economic Growth

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects

Executive Order Expediting Environmental Reviews and Approvals For High Priority Infrastructure Projects


Who you going to blame when they go back up?

You mean like when the stock market drops back down to Obama-era levels?

You're dreaming.

They will, but the stock market went up 10000 under Obama.

Millions more people bought millions more guns and rounds of ammunition while Obama was President. Should we give him credit for being such a wonderful gun salesman too?
if Trump was really responsible for gas prices he would make it free.

Ok, we've heard from the socialist now, but let's move on. The reason jobs are coming up, the stock markets are coming up and gas is down is because business realized that the person shafting the economy was gone and his twin lost the election.

Nonsense. There is absolutely nothing in your comment that's even remotely connected to what drives the price of a gallon of gas at the pump.

Just saying.
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?

I agree......same way I agree that when a sitting President says energy prices should necessarily go up and they do go up, that is not necessarily a President that wants low energy prices for US.
if Trump was really responsible for gas prices he would make it free.

Ok, we've heard from the socialist now, but let's move on. The reason jobs are coming up, the stock markets are coming up and gas is down is because business realized that the person shafting the economy was gone and his twin lost the election.

Nonsense. There is absolutely nothing in your comment that's even remotely connected to what drives the price of a gallon of gas at the pump.

Just saying.
Nonsense, that's exactly what happened.
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?

I agree......same way I agree that when a sitting President says energy prices should necessarily go up and they do go up, that is not necessarily a President that wants low energy prices for US.
You have no clue how people react.
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?
Actually yes. Now that we have the anti-American, anti-capitalist president out of office the whole country is feeling renewed and good things are happening.
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?

I agree......same way I agree that when a sitting President says energy prices should necessarily go up and they do go up, that is not necessarily a President that wants low energy prices for US.
You have no clue how people react.

'12 ,'14 and, '16 showed many clues as to how people react. Perhaps you should refute as to how people react, HINT: NOT how people should react.
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?
Actually yes. Now that we have the anti-American, anti-capitalist president out of office the whole country is feeling renewed and good things are happening.
Libtards ALL refuse to acknowledge that, but it's because they lie and pretend they don't understand how things really work.
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?
Actually yes. Now that we have the anti-American, anti-capitalist president out of office the whole country is feeling renewed and good things are happening.
Libtards ALL refuse to acknowledge that, but it's because they lie and pretend they don't understand how things really work.
Have you also noticed that race isn't the front page news every single day? 8 years of hearing nothing but how minorities were put upon apparently has suddenly ended.
Since Trump has implement exactly ZERO policies affecting the price of gas, isn't retarded to claim that the only reason gas prices are currently low is because of Trump?

I agree......same way I agree that when a sitting President says energy prices should necessarily go up and they do go up, that is not necessarily a President that wants low energy prices for US.
You have no clue how people react.

'12 ,'14 and, '16 showed many clues as to how people react. Perhaps you should refute as to how people react, HINT: NOT how people should react.
Claims the clueless? When Obastard was replaced, business all over relaxed. It's business fact, and no matter how much you say otherwise, it will not be true.

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