Trump gets slammed, but where’s the outrage over what was just said about CHRISTIANS?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
The progressive socialist and secular humanist left have truly lost their minds when it comes to the existence of Islamic terrorism. It seems they blame everyone else for creating and inspiring the savage barbarism of ISIS and its recruiting ability. The liberal progressive left has blamed GITMO. President Obama has blamed GOP presidential candidates. Attorney General Loretta Lynch has stated her greatest fear is anti-Muslim speech in the aftermath of the Islamic terror attack in San Bernardino — for which ISIS has taken credit for inspiring.

But this latest display is beyond belief and utterly despicable. And you can thank Mikey Weinstein for this latest abomination.

As reported by the Daily Mail, “A former U.S. Air Force officer has branded the ritual of military football players kneeling in prayer a ‘putrid’ example of ‘Christian supremacy’ and demanded it must stop.

Michael Weinstein, president and founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), insisted the public prayers so often seen on the football pitch before games are ‘a scandalous outrage’.

He said Air Force Academy football players had approached the MRFF claiming they were forced into joining the prayers, for fear of punishment. He even claimed that such a public showcase of Christianity could be used in anti-American propaganda produced by ISIS and al-Qaeda. ‘
It’s a disgrace,’ said Mr Weinstein, who graduated from the Academy in 1977. ‘It’s a putrid example of fundamentalist Christian supremacy, triumphalism and exceptionalism and it has to stop. ‘Those individuals that are dressed in the Air Force uniform; that’s their uniform of the day. They’re members of the military and they are under different rules that the civilian counterparts they’re playing on the field.”

Trump gets slammed, but where’s the outrage over what was just said about CHRISTIANS?

The racist leftist sacks of shit, which includes republicans, are nothing but socialist pigs. Desperate and petrified that a non establishment guy who is too rich to be bought.

They will now say this does not count cause it is from Allen West. Talk about threats to the establishment. A black guy is a conservative and espouses personal responsibility.

Know this. When Cheney, obama, etc etc etc share the same passionate hatred for trump and they both lie that say he is a racist cause he said he want to stop all muslims from coming into the country UNTIL we understand what the hell is going on, you know it is all about.

Bear in mind, isis has publicly said they are using the refugees situation to infiltrate the countries.

We are in trouble.
As was mentioned earlier least they're killing liberals for the most part.
I cant think of a better way to make them come to their senses than having dead liberals littering the streets.
Are you saying the comments of some anti religious nobody should get the same attention to those of the leading GOP presidential candidate !? Lol!

Hey there's a crazy homeless downtown who says some crazy shit! Where is all the media coverage of that ! Lol!!
Are you saying the comments of some anti religious nobody should get the same attention to those of the leading GOP presidential candidate !? Lol!

Hey there's a crazy homeless downtown who says some crazy shit! Where is all the media coverage of that ! Lol!!

Why should it matter who said it?
It's the content we're talking about and the fact is the guy is still a public figure.
The guy is an unhappy agnostic Jew upset about a religious issue at the Academy.

That is not the same as the President dealing with ISIS.

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