Trump goes after Flint Pastor who interrupted him. So much for "What do you have to lose".

Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

lol If she had interrupted Hillary you would be calling her one of the deplorables by now.

Hillary commands respect and doesn't say stupid shit in unwelcomed places.
Donald Trump has the courage to go places Hillary Clinton wouldn't dare! Can you picture Hillary giving a speech to a crowd she knew would be hostile to her? Never happen in a million years! Trump has a message he wants to get across to black voters...that the Democrats haven't lived up to their promises to blacks and that there is another way to go if you want to see real change. What's Hillary's message? That Trump hates blacks? When the Clintons were in the White House last time they pushed a legislative agenda that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches over minor drug offenses. Who has shown through their actions that they hate blacks? Not Trump...but you could sure make that case for the Clinton's!

Drumpf has been sued for discrimination towards Blacks.

Has he put hundreds of thousands of them in prison for decades? The Clinton's DID!!!
He hasnt had the power to do anything like that thank goodness.

But the Clinton's on the other hand DID have that power and they used it to incarcerate hundreds of thousands of blacks for long prison terms...yet you support them? Why?
Because Drumpf would be worse. The Clintons apologized for their actions.

The Clinton's apologized for putting hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long terms and that makes it OK with you but Trump would be worse? How?
Drumpf has been sued for discrimination towards Blacks.

Has he put hundreds of thousands of them in prison for decades? The Clinton's DID!!!
He hasnt had the power to do anything like that thank goodness.

But the Clinton's on the other hand DID have that power and they used it to incarcerate hundreds of thousands of blacks for long prison terms...yet you support them? Why?
Because Drumpf would be worse. The Clintons apologized for their actions.

The Clinton's apologized for putting hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long term and that make it OK with you but Trump would be worse? How?
Trump would not apologize for making black people actually work.
Prison is one thing but work is just another form of slavery.
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.
From her Facebook page:

Today is the day! We have a chance to show DONALD TRUMP than this nation is filled with intelligent, wise black citizens fo integrity many of whom live right here in FLINT, MICHIGAN. What he will see is how we are braving a manmade catastrophe. HE WILL NOT USE US, WE will EDUCATE HIM!!!
Is this the tweet that says she was setting him up? Where does it say they are setting him up?
First off, Facebook=Facebook not Facebook=Twitter.

Secondly can you not "read between the lines" of what she's saying? She's clearly saying she's/they are going to send him a message and it is quite obvious she made due on it.
If you are claiming you have to read between the lines then you lose on your point. My reading of her post says just what she said You highlighted the last words and tried to make it the central theme even though that in of its self was still not what you claimed instead of focusing on the subject of the post which was this...

"Today is the day! We have a chance to show DONALD TRUMP than this nation is filled with intelligent, wise black citizens fo integrity many of whom live right here in FLINT, MICHIGAN. What he will see is how we are braving a manmade catastrophe. "
Nope. Her words, her emphasis >>>>>>

Tim Young on Twitter

Her words were not "we are going to set him up".

Come on, you're not that dumb. You're an intelligent person and know what her intentions were. Her last cap locked words says it all and her ACTIONS support those emphasized words.
Trump: Pastor who interrupted me was 'nervous mess'

When he began criticizing his Democratic rival, pastor Faith Green-Timmons came onstage and interrupted, asking him not to launch political attacks in a church.

“Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us ... not to give a political speech,” Green-Timmons said as she walked up to Trump.

"The audience was fantastic. But she was so nervous, she was like a nervous mess, so I figured something was up."


So Trump attacks the integrity of the Pastor because she reminded him they were in a church.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

What a scumbag. Such deplorable behavior.

I agree that she was rude to interrupt him, after inviting him to speak, but I wouldn't call her a scumbag.

Historically, except for your church, most churches don't spend their time attacking people. Course, Trump uses his charity to pay bribes, so he should be excused.
Has he put hundreds of thousands of them in prison for decades? The Clinton's DID!!!
He hasnt had the power to do anything like that thank goodness.

But the Clinton's on the other hand DID have that power and they used it to incarcerate hundreds of thousands of blacks for long prison terms...yet you support them? Why?
Because Drumpf would be worse. The Clintons apologized for their actions.

The Clinton's apologized for putting hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long term and that make it OK with you but Trump would be worse? How?
Trump would not apologize for making black people actually work.
Prison is one thing but work is just another form of slavery.
Because as you know, black people don't work. Right? Is that what you're saying?
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.

So let me see if I'm following your "logic"! Donald Trump was sued over "racist rent policies" 40 some years ago (something that most every landlord in New York was guilty of at the time) and that's worse than the Clinton's passing laws that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches 20 years ago?
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.

So let me see if I'm following your "logic"! Donald Trump was sued over "racist rent policies" 40 some years ago (something that most every landlord in New York was guilty of at the time) and that's worse than the Clinton's passing laws that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches 20 years ago?

Release his tax records to compare
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.

So let me see if I'm following your "logic"! Donald Trump was sued over "racist rent policies" 40 some years ago (something that most every landlord in New York was guilty of at the time) and that's worse than the Clinton's passing laws that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches 20 years ago?
Hey, she apologized
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.

So let me see if I'm following your "logic"! Donald Trump was sued over "racist rent policies" 40 some years ago (something that most every landlord in New York was guilty of at the time) and that's worse than the Clinton's passing laws that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches 20 years ago?

Release his tax records to compare

What do Trump's taxes have to do with the policies of Bill Clinton that incarcerated hundreds of thousands of black people? That's a pathetic attempt at deflection, Closed...seriously! LOL
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.

So let me see if I'm following your "logic"! Donald Trump was sued over "racist rent policies" 40 some years ago (something that most every landlord in New York was guilty of at the time) and that's worse than the Clinton's passing laws that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches 20 years ago?

Release his tax records to compare

What do Trump's taxes have to do with the policies of Bill Clinton that incarcerated hundreds of thousands of black people? That's a pathetic attempt at deflection, Closed...seriously! LOL
Those were Republican policies signed by Clinton.

So you admit that Black Lives Matter?
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.

So let me see if I'm following your "logic"! Donald Trump was sued over "racist rent policies" 40 some years ago (something that most every landlord in New York was guilty of at the time) and that's worse than the Clinton's passing laws that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches 20 years ago?

Release his tax records to compare

What do Trump's taxes have to do with the policies of Bill Clinton that incarcerated hundreds of thousands of black people? That's a pathetic attempt at deflection, Closed...seriously! LOL
Those were Republican policies signed by Clinton.

So you admit that Black Lives Matter?

Those were policies that were pushed hard by Bill Clinton. Don't show your ignorance!

Funny how the lives of those black people Bill Clinton put into Federal prison didn't seem to matter to him back then...
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.

So let me see if I'm following your "logic"! Donald Trump was sued over "racist rent policies" 40 some years ago (something that most every landlord in New York was guilty of at the time) and that's worse than the Clinton's passing laws that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches 20 years ago?

Release his tax records to compare

What do Trump's taxes have to do with the policies of Bill Clinton that incarcerated hundreds of thousands of black people? That's a pathetic attempt at deflection, Closed...seriously! LOL

You're comparing Hilary's record to Trump's nothing. Release his records so that its a fair comparison
You've got the Clinton's who DID something that negatively affected hundreds of thousands of black people...essentially ruining their lives...but you don't think that matters but you do think the "threat" of Donald Trump is more dangerous? That's an amazing leap of faith, Milkweed!
Trump was sued and court ordered to stop racist rent policies.

So let me see if I'm following your "logic"! Donald Trump was sued over "racist rent policies" 40 some years ago (something that most every landlord in New York was guilty of at the time) and that's worse than the Clinton's passing laws that put hundreds of thousands of black people in prison for long stretches 20 years ago?
Clinton was first lady, not president.

And since other landlords did it, then you are saying it was OK?

OK then, how many people stiff their employees? Is that OK? How about bribing Attorney Generals? Or using your charitable foundation as a slush fund to pay the bribe or spend $20,000.00 on a 6 foot picture of yourself.

So right away, scream "Clinton Foundation". Only the Clintons get no salary and the Foundation has an "A" rating. Not the same.

All I can say is one thing: TAX RETURNS!
Trump flat out lied about the event...can't that man ever tell the truth?

Trump Criticizes Flint Pastor — But Misstates Key Facts About Their Encounter

"Something was up," Trump told Fox and Friends on Thurday morning. "I noticed she was so nervous when she introduced me."

"When she got up to introduce me she was so nervous, she was shaking. I said, wow, this is kind of strange. Then she came up. So she had that in mind, there's no question," Trump said.

I was in the room as a pool reporter at the time and here's what happened: Trump visited Bethel United Methodist Church on Wednesday afternoon after briefly touring Flint's water treatment plant. (Flint has become a must-visit campaign stop this year, because of its high-profile water quality crisis.)

Pastor Faith Green Timmons introduced Trump to the predominantly African-American crowd of about 50 people, and she didn't appear nervous at all.

Trump began his brief speech with a joke. "It used to be cars were made in Flint, and you couldn't drink the water in Mexico. Now the cars are made in Mexico, and you can't drink the water in Flint."

After that, Trump shifted into a version of his now-standard stump speech, blasting free trade deals like NAFTA, and pointing out that then-President Clinton completed the international trade deal.

As Trump began to criticize his opponent, Hillary Clinton, Timmons slowly walked back onto the stage.

"Mr. Trump, I invited you here to thank us for what we've done for Flint, not to give a political speech," she said.

"Oh, oh, OK, OK, OK, that's good," Trump said. "Then I'm going to go back onto Flint, OK."

"The audience was saying let him speak, let him speak," Trump told Fox and Friends.

That isn't true. In fact, several audience members began to heckle Trump, asking pointed questions about whether he racially discriminated against black tenants as a landlord.

And that's when Timmons — who Trump said Thursday had planned to ambush him — stepped in to defend Trump, saying the Republican nominee was "a guest of my church, and you will respect him."

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