Trump Goes Silent On Voting Machines

Trump: I have been cheated

My lawyers tell me I am not allowed to say by whom
That in itself is pretty sad. You support intimidation and abuse of power. That is absolutely no surprise. That is why we have an illegitimate administration because of enablers and cowards like you.
the old leftwing rambo line, Rambo's a private citizen now, that makes him my problem.
remember the next line lefties.
I didn't come hear to save rambo from you, I came to save you from rambo. LOL
Ya Trumps fat fucking ass is Rambo. Hillarious. I recall his wittle feet hurt to bad to even be an army cook. Hillarious. You dumb fucking Trumpsters completely detached from reality. Can't wait to hear Rudy ask me if I would like fries with that.
At least Rudy would get a job. An asshole like you woud want the government to support your lying useless ass.
Hillarious! You no nothing about me. What a dumb fuck. You are a true waste of sperm. The best part of you ran down your mom's leg. Lol
I am pretty glad I know nothing about you. How about we keep it that way?
Ya, ignorance is bliss you prove it with every response you submit. I am just waiting for darwinian theory to take over so I no longer have to listen to your drivel and your lies.
Trump: I have been cheated

My lawyers tell me I am not allowed to say by whom
That in itself is pretty sad. You support intimidation and abuse of power. That is absolutely no surprise. That is why we have an illegitimate administration because of enablers and cowards like you.

Poor, poor Trump

He claims he has been cheated. But those who he accused threaten to sue him if he can’t back it up
Trump: I have been cheated

My lawyers tell me I am not allowed to say by whom
That in itself is pretty sad. You support intimidation and abuse of power. That is absolutely no surprise. That is why we have an illegitimate administration because of enablers and cowards like you.

Poor, poor Trump

He claims he has been cheated. But those who he accused threaten to sue him if he can’t back it up
Abuse of power. No justice involved. Fascist asshole.
As Trump allies get sued by Dominion and Smartmatic the x-president has been told to keep his mouth shut.
Donald Trump could still get sued for his role in spreading fake news.

"On Wednesday, The Daily Beast reported that Trump has quietly stopped mentioning a pair of election systems vendors that he and his allies have long implicated in conspiracy theories about the outcome of the 2020 presidential race."

"Both Dominion and Smartmatic are currently involved in large defamation lawsuits against right-wing associates and supporters of Trump who tried to implicate them in fictional election fraud schemes. Dominion has filed suit against Rudy Giuliani, and plans to file another suit against right-wing MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Smartmatic, meanwhile, has a $2.7 billion suit pending against Fox News."

Trump quietly stopped attacking voting machine companies after they filed lawsuits against his allies: report - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism
No fiction about it lame brain. You and your Chinese communist software can go F yourselves or each other. I could care less.
Private Citizen Trump is going to have to pay from multiple lawsuits.

He led and participated in the attacks on these companies.
He should pay.

NAACP lawsuit will put Trump “out of business,” lawmaker says | WTRF


Thompson, represented by the NAACP, filed the lawsuit Tuesday alleging that Trump, Giuliani, and the far-right groups Proud Boys and Oath Keepers conspired to incite the attack while lawmakers were gathered to reaffirm President Biden’s Electoral College victory.

The lawsuit accuses them of violating the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871, which prohibits two or more people from conspiring to “prevent, by force, intimidation, or threat,” any office-holder from performing their duties.

“The act was put in place to protect those members of Congress so that we can actually have a democracy that stands up to the promise of the Constitution, without individuals being in fear of their intimidation or threat to their lives,” Johnson said, adding that the Capitol riots “fit perfectly” into why the legislation was passed.

Thompson compared modern-day extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers to the Ku Klux Klan, claiming the groups “morphed out of the Klan connection.”

A one day occupation of Congress can not possibly be construed as attempting to prevent congress from conducting business.
But a frivolous lawsuit attempting to harm an ex-president over their legally protected political beliefs, is illegal.
Unless that one day was to confirm the next President

That is a one day delay, not an attempt to prevent congress from conducting business.
Actually, it should have also been trivial to keep the protestors out and keep congress being able to do whatever it wanted.
It is not like the protestors had weapons or anything.
Trump: I have been cheated

My lawyers tell me I am not allowed to say by whom
That in itself is pretty sad. You support intimidation and abuse of power. That is absolutely no surprise. That is why we have an illegitimate administration because of enablers and cowards like you.

Poor, poor Trump

He claims he has been cheated. But those who he accused threaten to sue him if he can’t back it up

It works the other way around.
It is the one doing the suing that has to prove Trump knew he was lying.
I don't think there was massive election fraud, but Trump is legally free to think there was, and to say so as much as he wants.
You can't sue him over that.
"Both Dominion and Smartmatic are currently involved in large defamation lawsuits against right-wing associates and supporters of Trump who tried to implicate them in fictional election fraud schemes. Dominion has filed suit against Rudy Giuliani, and plans to file another suit against right-wing MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell. Smartmatic, meanwhile, has a $2.7 billion suit pending against Fox News."

I haven't seen any lawsuits filed, just talk.
Private Citizen Trump is going to have to pay from multiple lawsuits.

He led and participated in the attacks on these companies.
He should pay.
Trump says that his opponents will be suing him for the rest of his life. He wishes he still was President.

Rep. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and the NAACP are suing former President Donald Trump and his longtime ally Rudy Giuliani for allegedly conspiring with a pair of hate groups to storm the U.S. Capitol and block the Electoral College count in January. And they’re using a 150-year-old law as the basis of the suit.

Thompson and the NAACP, the nation's oldest civil rights organization, allege in the suit, obtained by NBC News, that Trump, Giuliani, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers used “intimidation, harassment, and threats,” to stop the vote count and caused the Jan. 6 Capitol riot in the process. This, they said, violated the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.

“I guess it tells you something when you can use a Ku Klux Klan law from the 1870s,” said Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and Extremism at California State University. “It’s part of a series of laws enacted after the Civil War. Everything old is, unfortunately, new again."

The statute was first passed following the Civil War to combat KKK violence and allow Black people to take action against hate groups who use “force, intimidation, or threat” to prevent leaders from doing the duties of their office, Levin explained.

Particularly, it prohibits people from using violence and conspiracies to keep Congress members from doing their jobs. The law was passed at a time when the KKK was openly, violently terrorizing Black people and Congress members while seeking to block Reconstruction-era reforms for Black people in the South.

"Thompson has standing because they interfered directly with him working to certify the election,” Levin said.[/B}
It is a suit that will go nowhere because there is noting to support the claims.

Not that the left can let it go - they have to keep Trump around to rally their base.

Yup and I'd bet Trump would have all kinds of evidence. Texas sure did.
Evidence for what?

He is the one charged, not the one doing the charging. The burden of proof does not lie with Trump in that particular instance.
Its not a "false narrative". There is talk about Scarborough, just like there was talk about Trump being guilty of bullshit charges last week.

The diff is the that Trump was actually exonerated, Scarborough's case has never been adjudicated.
Have you noticed that normal presidents don't get involved in spreading rumor, they used their position as a source of truth, not propaganda.

You cant be serious. A position of truth, LOL.

You can be damn sure of one thing, if the president, ANY president, is talking they are lying about something. Trump was a different case - his lies were outrageous, obvious and almost exclusively about things that he though made him look better or were directly about him but to say that most presidents 'used their position as a source of truth, not propaganda' is utterly laughable.
Indeed just Trump's Twitter feed alone, still preserved would be enough to clean Trump's clock in a Dominion defamation suite, but wisely first they will make Rudy and the Kraken pay up first and then consider their options with the real deluded on.
Democrats spent 4 years trying to make Trump go away, & now that he has they can't let him go and move on...bwuhahaha

He OWNS them....

Their hunger for revenge has not been sated after Trump just kicked their asses again by beating their BS Impeachment #2.

Indeed just Trump's Twitter feed alone, still preserved would be enough to clean Trump's clock in a Dominion defamation suite, but wisely first they will make Rudy and the Kraken pay up first and then consider their options with the real deluded on.

The problem with suing Trump is twofold.

One proving that he was wrong when he called out Dominion.

Two, proving any financial damages caused by allegedly false statements.

Dominion's record of crookedness is actually a good selling point for the company as they seek contracts from liberal elections desiring to have Fake Elections.
Indeed just Trump's Twitter feed alone, still preserved would be enough to clean Trump's clock in a Dominion defamation suite, but wisely first they will make Rudy and the Kraken pay up first and then consider their options with the real deluded on.

The problem with suing Trump is twofold.

One proving that he was wrong when he called out Dominion.

Two, proving any financial damages caused by allegedly false statements.

Dominion's record of crookedness is actually a good selling point for the company as they seek contracts from liberal elections desiring to have Fake Elections.

It will be easy to prove he was wrong, not one statement he made about the company is true or has evidence to back it up. The Kraken or Guilianis fantastic claims will not hold up in court and indeed are defamatory.

And the company will be able to prove significant damage as so many millions of deluded half wits believe Trump's claims true which will be easy to prove makes it far more difficult for them to get contracts.
Indeed just Trump's Twitter feed alone, still preserved would be enough to clean Trump's clock in a Dominion defamation suite, but wisely first they will make Rudy and the Kraken pay up first and then consider their options with the real deluded on.

The problem with suing Trump is twofold.

One proving that he was wrong when he called out Dominion.

Two, proving any financial damages caused by allegedly false statements.

Dominion's record of crookedness is actually a good selling point for the company as they seek contracts from liberal elections desiring to have Fake Elections.

It will be easy to prove he was wrong, not one statement he made about the company is true or has evidence to back it up. The Kraken or Guilianis fantastic claims will not hold up in court and indeed are defamatory.

And the company will be able to prove significant damage as so many millions of deluded half wits believe Trump's claims true which will be easy to prove makes it far more difficult for them to get contracts.

In liberal jurisdictions, politicians are looking for crooked election equipment that can guarantee a pre-determined result.

As far as the legitimacy of Dominion's performances, I haven't seen any proof, and its up to them to prove they are honest if they want to collect. Their mere assertion that they are on the up and up is nothing. And the fact that creeps like the Biden Family support them is a good reason to doubt it.

I welcome the lawsuit, it will force discovery if they try to claim that they are on the up and up.
Indeed just Trump's Twitter feed alone, still preserved would be enough to clean Trump's clock in a Dominion defamation suite, but wisely first they will make Rudy and the Kraken pay up first and then consider their options with the real deluded on.

The problem with suing Trump is twofold.

One proving that he was wrong when he called out Dominion.

Two, proving any financial damages caused by allegedly false statements.

Dominion's record of crookedness is actually a good selling point for the company as they seek contracts from liberal elections desiring to have Fake Elections.

It will be easy to prove he was wrong, not one statement he made about the company is true or has evidence to back it up. The Kraken or Guilianis fantastic claims will not hold up in court and indeed are defamatory.

And the company will be able to prove significant damage as so many millions of deluded half wits believe Trump's claims true which will be easy to prove makes it far more difficult for them to get contracts.

In liberal jurisdictions, politicians are looking for crooked election equipment that can guarantee a pre-determined result.

As far as the legitimacy of Dominion's performances, I haven't seen any proof, and its up to them to prove they are honest if they want to collect. Their mere assertion that they are on the up and up is nothing. And the fact that creeps like the Biden Family support them is a good reason to doubt it.

I welcome the lawsuit, it will force discovery if they try to claim that they are on the up and up.

No evidence what so ever, it was all a mass Trump cult delusion.

I reckon Rudy, coward that he is will settle. The Kraken I think is mentally ill and might fight it out, she probably believes here delusions and Trump, well we will see?
Indeed just Trump's Twitter feed alone, still preserved would be enough to clean Trump's clock in a Dominion defamation suite, but wisely first they will make Rudy and the Kraken pay up first and then consider their options with the real deluded on.

The problem with suing Trump is twofold.

One proving that he was wrong when he called out Dominion.

Two, proving any financial damages caused by allegedly false statements.

Dominion's record of crookedness is actually a good selling point for the company as they seek contracts from liberal elections desiring to have Fake Elections.

It will be easy to prove he was wrong, not one statement he made about the company is true or has evidence to back it up. The Kraken or Guilianis fantastic claims will not hold up in court and indeed are defamatory.

And the company will be able to prove significant damage as so many millions of deluded half wits believe Trump's claims true which will be easy to prove makes it far more difficult for them to get contracts.

In liberal jurisdictions, politicians are looking for crooked election equipment that can guarantee a pre-determined result.

As far as the legitimacy of Dominion's performances, I haven't seen any proof, and its up to them to prove they are honest if they want to collect. Their mere assertion that they are on the up and up is nothing. And the fact that creeps like the Biden Family support them is a good reason to doubt it.

I welcome the lawsuit, it will force discovery if they try to claim that they are on the up and up.

No evidence what so ever, it was all a mass Trump cult delusion.

I reckon Rudy, coward that he is will settle. The Kraken I think is mentally ill and might fight it out, she probably believes here delusions and Trump, well we will see?

If Dominion can't prove they are legit, they don't have a case.

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