Trump & GOPers...Enriched By Last Minute Tax Break Inserted Into Final Bill

Wait till the morons find out what starve the beast does for them ,,,No money left ?? Boo HOO Boo Hoo we need to cut SS and medicare......and where is much needed infrastructure money coming from ?
LOL, omfg, he doubled the debt, and you say he lowered it, are you just retarded?

Hey, fuckhead, WHERE did I say that Obama lowered the debt????

Come on, we have enough right wing morons on here.....Go take a nap.
Wait till the morons find out what starve the beast does for them ,,,No money left ?? Boo HOO Boo Hoo we need to cut SS and medicare......and where is much needed infrastructure money coming from ?
Wait the government controls spending on Medicare, and you want that for every person, no thanks, ill worry about my spending on healthcare and not the hell no to single payer.

but you do realize cutting taxes increase government revenue, correct?
No, that's not what I'm saying, show me where you complained about Obama running up the debt........

You're too stupid to understand this....but for others......

The debt would have risen by $3 trillion because of tax and spending policies that were already in place BEFORE Obama took office. Plus, the Great Recession drove up spending on safety net programs, such as Medicaid and food stamps, without the president or Congress doing a thing.

Obama DID raise spending with his 2009 stimulus plan and his making most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2012; these steps contributed to the debt. But the 2011 Budget Control Act, which curbed government spending, helped slow the projected growth in debt.

Also, keep in mind that Obama can't take any financial steps without Congress' approval. And Republicans controlled the House for six years of his term and the Senate for two years.
LOL, omfg, he doubled the debt, and you say he lowered it, are you just retarded?

how did making the tax cuts permanent reduce federal dollar intake

Who Really Pays Uncle Sam's Bills?

From 2013 to now it has never dipped below pre 2008 numbers...and today it's almost 1 trillion more than in 2008.
so we took in MORE money.....the deficit is because of MORE spending........

Notice when the economy tanked, ie businesses got fucked, and what happened? people lost jobs and we lost tax revenue, what a concept, growth works!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you for proving tax cuts do INCREASE revenue for the govt.

Now if you really care about the deficit, you'll reduce spending.
Yeah we'll reduce spending by cutting old republican voters medicare See how elections go then your 40 thieves
but you do realize cutting taxes increase government revenue, correct?

yes, that was the conclusion arrived at by Santa and the Easter bunny......

(as if we didn't have enough right wing fuck heads on this forum, this idiot is fighting for a prominent role.)
LOL, omfg, he doubled the debt, and you say he lowered it, are you just retarded?

Hey, fuckhead, WHERE did I say that Obama lowered the debt????

Come on, we have enough right wing morons on here.....Go take a nap.
You implied it with this statement

The debt would have risen by $3 trillion because of tax and spending policies that were already in place BEFORE Obama took office. Plus, the Great Recession drove up spending on safety net programs, such as Medicaid and food stamps, without the president or Congress doing a thing.

its not his fault, do tell us, in your opinion what happened with the debt under Obama
It doesn't matter that this tax bill benefits Trump. All that matters is Trump said it wouldn't.

Actually, the orange liar said that the tax scam "was going to cost him a fortune"....Yet, ANOTHER lie.......
They don’t care how much he lies to them. But we saw in Alabama people do care and are showing up to vote

He's not lying.....what did he lie about?

I love liberal logic.
they don't get if you reduce taxes 1% on the rich and 1% on the middle class, absolute dollars the rich will come out ahead.....because that 1% is greater in absolute dollars, BUT the 1% means more to the middle class, if I have to explain that, then you are a moron.

Americans think Trump’s tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they’re right.

Opinion | Americans think Trump’s tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they’re right.
OMG new graphs, what will we do......
Hey when was a tax cut not a give away to the rich?
Trickle trickle on you buckeye
LOL, omfg, he doubled the debt, and you say he lowered it, are you just retarded?

Hey, fuckhead, WHERE did I say that Obama lowered the debt????

Come on, we have enough right wing morons on here.....Go take a nap.
You implied it with this statement

The debt would have risen by $3 trillion because of tax and spending policies that were already in place BEFORE Obama took office. Plus, the Great Recession drove up spending on safety net programs, such as Medicaid and food stamps, without the president or Congress doing a thing.

its not his fault, do tell us, in your opinion what happened with the debt under Obama

Reading comprehension for junior high drop outs must be a bitch....

Find a grown up to explain to you what I wrote........
but you do realize cutting taxes increase government revenue, correct?

yes, that was the conclusion arrived at by Santa and the Easter bunny......

(as if we didn't have enough right wing fuck heads on this forum, this idiot is fighting for a prominent role.)
so he made the tax cuts permanent in 2012, what year did we have less money than the year before?
2013? No
2014? No
2015? No
2016? No
2017? No

I love how you people get so pissed at facts.......damn, it must be hard not living your entire life in a safe space
LOL, omfg, he doubled the debt, and you say he lowered it, are you just retarded?

Hey, fuckhead, WHERE did I say that Obama lowered the debt????

Come on, we have enough right wing morons on here.....Go take a nap.
You implied it with this statement

The debt would have risen by $3 trillion because of tax and spending policies that were already in place BEFORE Obama took office. Plus, the Great Recession drove up spending on safety net programs, such as Medicaid and food stamps, without the president or Congress doing a thing.

its not his fault, do tell us, in your opinion what happened with the debt under Obama

Reading comprehension for junior high drop outs must be a bitch....

Find a grown up to explain to you what I wrote........
No it's right there, you were making excuses for Obama, you don't want to give a number.....we all know why.
Actually, the orange liar said that the tax scam "was going to cost him a fortune"....Yet, ANOTHER lie.......
They don’t care how much he lies to them. But we saw in Alabama people do care and are showing up to vote

He's not lying.....what did he lie about?

I love liberal logic.
they don't get if you reduce taxes 1% on the rich and 1% on the middle class, absolute dollars the rich will come out ahead.....because that 1% is greater in absolute dollars, BUT the 1% means more to the middle class, if I have to explain that, then you are a moron.

Americans think Trump’s tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they’re right.

Opinion | Americans think Trump’s tax plan is a giveaway to the rich. These new graphs show they’re right.
OMG new graphs, what will we do......
Hey when was a tax cut not a give away to the rich?
Trickle trickle on you buckeye
yep, I hate it everytime we reduce taxes, the revenue for the govt is less, oh wait, that only happens the first year, before growth, after growth, it goes up. Must be tough to see you sacred cows get crushed.
so he made the tax cuts permanent in 2012, what year did we have less money than the year before?
2013? No
2014? No
2015? No
2016? No
2017? No

I love how you people get so pissed at facts.......damn, it must be hard not living your entire life in a safe space

Q: Have tax cuts always resulted in higher tax revenues and more economic growth as many tax cut proponents claim?

A: No. In fact, economists say tax cuts do not spark enough growth to pay for themselves.


This economic theory is what George H.W. Bush called “voodoo economics.” We called it “supply-side spin” when we wrote about Republican presidential contender John McCain’s claim that President George W. Bush’s tax cuts had increased federal revenues. We found that a slew of government economists – from the Congressional Budget Office, the Treasury Department, the Joint Committee on Taxation and the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers – all disagreed with that theory, saying that tax cuts may spur economic growth but they lead to revenues that are lower than they would have been if the cuts hadn’t been enacted.

The Impact of Tax Cuts -

United States Congressional Budget Office. "The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal years 2008 to 2017" Jan. 2007.

United States Council of Economic Advisers. "Economic Report of the President." U.S. Government Printing Office. Feb. 2003.

United States Joint Committee on Taxation. "Estimated Budget Effects of the Conference Agreement for H.R. 1836" JCX-51-01. 26 May 2001.

United States Joint Committee on Taxation. "Estimated Budget Effects of the Conference Agreement for H.R. 2 The ‘Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.’ " JCX-55-03. 22 May 2003.

United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis. "A Dynamic Analysis of Permanent Extension of the President’s Tax Relief." 25 July 2006.
so he made the tax cuts permanent in 2012, what year did we have less money than the year before?
2013? No
2014? No
2015? No
2016? No
2017? No

I love how you people get so pissed at facts.......damn, it must be hard not living your entire life in a safe space

Q: Have tax cuts always resulted in higher tax revenues and more economic growth as many tax cut proponents claim?

A: No. In fact, economists say tax cuts do not spark enough growth to pay for themselves.


This economic theory is what George H.W. Bush called “voodoo economics.” We called it “supply-side spin” when we wrote about Republican presidential contender John McCain’s claim that President George W. Bush’s tax cuts had increased federal revenues. We found that a slew of government economists – from the Congressional Budget Office, the Treasury Department, the Joint Committee on Taxation and the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers – all disagreed with that theory, saying that tax cuts may spur economic growth but they lead to revenues that are lower than they would have been if the cuts hadn’t been enacted.

wait a sec, this is some funny shit. so wait you cut taxes revenues go up, but not what they would project?

So you're basing it on some projections? and not hard facts?

OMG so no matter what happens I go throw in a projection and convince you that what you see isn't good. That's insane.

and may spur? in no they DO spur.
So if we increase it to 100% it would give us so much more money.....oh wait, things aren't static and something may change..

They project deficits, like they are doing now, but growth will give us more revenue like it always does, so why do we have deficits...........OH spending......

so whats your plan on spending since you are so concerned about deficits.
only the communists care about this kind of stuff, Americans love to see their countrymen make it big, commies hate it

Isn't Trump's secret lover, Vlad, an ex communist????............LOL

(these right wing assholes are actually looking forward to getting screwed by their own party....LOL)
so he made the tax cuts permanent in 2012, what year did we have less money than the year before?
2013? No
2014? No
2015? No
2016? No
2017? No

I love how you people get so pissed at facts.......damn, it must be hard not living your entire life in a safe space

Q: Have tax cuts always resulted in higher tax revenues and more economic growth as many tax cut proponents claim?

A: No. In fact, economists say tax cuts do not spark enough growth to pay for themselves.


This economic theory is what George H.W. Bush called “voodoo economics.” We called it “supply-side spin” when we wrote about Republican presidential contender John McCain’s claim that President George W. Bush’s tax cuts had increased federal revenues. We found that a slew of government economists – from the Congressional Budget Office, the Treasury Department, the Joint Committee on Taxation and the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers – all disagreed with that theory, saying that tax cuts may spur economic growth but they lead to revenues that are lower than they would have been if the cuts hadn’t been enacted.

The Impact of Tax Cuts -

United States Congressional Budget Office. "The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal years 2008 to 2017" Jan. 2007.

United States Council of Economic Advisers. "Economic Report of the President." U.S. Government Printing Office. Feb. 2003.

United States Joint Committee on Taxation. "Estimated Budget Effects of the Conference Agreement for H.R. 1836" JCX-51-01. 26 May 2001.

United States Joint Committee on Taxation. "Estimated Budget Effects of the Conference Agreement for H.R. 2 The ‘Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003.’ " JCX-55-03. 22 May 2003.

United States Department of the Treasury, Office of Tax Analysis. "A Dynamic Analysis of Permanent Extension of the President’s Tax Relief." 25 July 2006.

Bottom line: You hate people who pay less.

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