Trump government declares global warming to be real

The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

Which scientists do the White House use to downplay the report?

Rick Perry?
Sean Hannity?
Nope.. they are actually using PhD's who know about this. People like Judith Curry and others.
Fake Scientist

Earth has been around for billions of years. We've been here for about 150 thousand. We've been manufacturing for about 200.

The Earth is going to be just fine. We're due for another pole shift anyway, so that'll take care of that. lol.
Very true
There is nothing we can do that will hurt the earth
The earth is very resilient

It is human life that is very fragile
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

Which scientists do the White House use to downplay the report?

Rick Perry?
Sean Hannity?
Nope.. they are actually using PhD's who know about this. People like Judith Curry and others.
Fake Scientist

Your report was made by your fake scientists... Glad you admit it and the fact they were selling themselves as political whores for grant monies.. Those who expose them are heroes!
And here we have Silly Billy, the ultimate silly fake, declaring real scientist to be fakes. LOL
And here we have Silly Billy, the ultimate silly fake, declaring real scientist to be fakes. LOL

Billy and westwall are both fakes and liars. That is a fact.

Throwing out all of science and the theory behind it based on blogs is the height of idiocy and should be shunned violently.
View attachment 158609

Only 1/2 of claimed IPCC warming to date. The IPCC stated in 1998 that we should have already seen over 1.5 deg C. That was over 15 years ago.

The exaggerations in this report are stunning and not supported by empirical fact.
Perhaps..the science has gotten better? Predictive an inexact science---and 15 years ago..maybe they were off?

It happens. Empirical do know..that as chaotic a predictive model as the entire climate of the not always your friend.

I'm sure you can find many dead ends..and false predictions..if you wish.

None of that means..that something..isn't happening--and that it might behoove plan for an interesting future.
In 1981 Dr. Hansen predicted that the Northwest Passage would open by the end of the 21st century. It first opened in 2007, and in 2016 was open enough that a 1000 passenger luxury liner transited the passage. Most of the predictions concerning the effects of the warming have been on the conservative side. Extreme precipitation events are part of the predictions, but the 56" of rain in Houston this year was extreme, even by the standards of the predictions.
June 23, 1988, Hansen testified before the House of Representatives that there would be a .45C rise in temperatures, the IPCC states there was a .11C rise. Hansen was wrong by a factor of 4!
Earth has been around for billions of years. We've been here for about 150 thousand. We've been manufacturing for about 200.

The Earth is going to be just fine. We're due for another pole shift anyway, so that'll take care of that. lol.
Very true
There is nothing we can do that will hurt the earth
The earth is very resilient

It is human life that is very fragile

Yeah but on that last comment s0n, nobody is sitting at home all angst about their lives being turned upside down due to climate change. Only the hyper-snowflakes are worried........

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