Trump government declares global warming to be real


What You Won’t Find in the New National Climate Assessment

An essay showing it nothing but a scam... done by a prominent scientist...

Empirical evidence vs fantasy...


And all of the changes are well within the boundaries of natural variation...

Got to love it...
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

The report was a sham in its draft form and its remains a fantasy in the final report. Written by Obama era clones, it lacks factual evidence and quantifiable/repeatable science to all of its pontificates.. In short, its all political BS.
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

The report was a sham in its draft form and its remains a fantasy in the final report. Written by Obama era clones, it lacks factual evidence and quantifiable/repeatable science to all of its pontificates.. In short, its all political BS.
Have you read the actual report? I have..the science..what I can understand..seems pretty solid to me.

Also, I dispute your allegation that because the study spans the last 4 years..that is tainted. Obama had nothing to do with this study. It is a compilation of some pretty reputable scientists..whose observations transcend political wrangling.

I do agree with the political BS part though.Those deniers who have staked out their position and scramble to maintain it, despite mounting evidence to the contrary..define the term. Tell what point could you be convinced? I doubt that any evidence would convince you, because, I believe, that your position is not based on matter your protestations to the contrary, but is based on political motive..and intransigent positioning in the current Culture War going on.

Only 1/2 of claimed IPCC warming to date. The IPCC stated in 1998 that we should have already seen over 1.5 deg C. That was over 15 years ago.

The exaggerations in this report are stunning and not supported by empirical fact.
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

Which scientists do the White House use to downplay the report?

Rick Perry?
Sean Hannity?
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

The report was a sham in its draft form and its remains a fantasy in the final report. Written by Obama era clones, it lacks factual evidence and quantifiable/repeatable science to all of its pontificates.. In short, its all political BS.
Have you read the actual report? I have..the science..what I can understand..seems pretty solid to me.

Also, I dispute your allegation that because the study spans the last 4 years..that is tainted. Obama had nothing to do with this study. It is a compilation of some pretty reputable scientists..whose observations transcend political wrangling.

I do agree with the political BS part though.Those deniers who have staked out their position and scramble to maintain it, despite mounting evidence to the contrary..define the term. Tell what point could you be convinced? I doubt that any evidence would convince you, because, I believe, that your position is not based on matter your protestations to the contrary, but is based on political motive..and intransigent positioning in the current Culture War going on.
The only point they will be convinced is when they get to claim it is too late to do anything about it
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

The report was a sham in its draft form and its remains a fantasy in the final report. Written by Obama era clones, it lacks factual evidence and quantifiable/repeatable science to all of its pontificates.. In short, its all political BS.
Have you read the actual report? I have..the science..what I can understand..seems pretty solid to me.

Also, I dispute your allegation that because the study spans the last 4 years..that is tainted. Obama had nothing to do with this study. It is a compilation of some pretty reputable scientists..whose observations transcend political wrangling.

I do agree with the political BS part though.Those deniers who have staked out their position and scramble to maintain it, despite mounting evidence to the contrary..define the term. Tell what point could you be convinced? I doubt that any evidence would convince you, because, I believe, that your position is not based on matter your protestations to the contrary, but is based on political motive..and intransigent positioning in the current Culture War going on.
Your so called science is MODEL BASED. Thus it is not based on reality or empirical evidence. It is base on pure conjecture. Yes they use Stephan Bozeman's calculations (which is solid science) to determine the status of the energy budget but they are using made up (model derived) fiction numbers making the use of the SB equation nothing more than window dressing to the lie.
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

Which scientists do the White House use to downplay the report?

Rick Perry?
Sean Hannity?
Nope.. they are actually using PhD's who know about this. People like Judith Curry and others.
View attachment 158609

Only 1/2 of claimed IPCC warming to date. The IPCC stated in 1998 that we should have already seen over 1.5 deg C. That was over 15 years ago.

The exaggerations in this report are stunning and not supported by empirical fact.
Perhaps..the science has gotten better? Predictive an inexact science---and 15 years ago..maybe they were off?

It happens. Empirical do know..that as chaotic a predictive model as the entire climate of the not always your friend.

I'm sure you can find many dead ends..and false predictions..if you wish.

None of that means..that something..isn't happening--and that it might behoove plan for an interesting future.
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

The report was a sham in its draft form and its remains a fantasy in the final report. Written by Obama era clones, it lacks factual evidence and quantifiable/repeatable science to all of its pontificates.. In short, its all political BS.
Have you read the actual report? I have..the science..what I can understand..seems pretty solid to me.

Also, I dispute your allegation that because the study spans the last 4 years..that is tainted. Obama had nothing to do with this study. It is a compilation of some pretty reputable scientists..whose observations transcend political wrangling.

I do agree with the political BS part though.Those deniers who have staked out their position and scramble to maintain it, despite mounting evidence to the contrary..define the term. Tell what point could you be convinced? I doubt that any evidence would convince you, because, I believe, that your position is not based on matter your protestations to the contrary, but is based on political motive..and intransigent positioning in the current Culture War going on.
Your use of a denigrating term shows that you are not a scientist or one who uses science. Only a politicrat posing as a scientist will use the 'denier' term. Since you have used the term, what science are we denying? Be Specific!
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The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

Which scientists do the White House use to downplay the report?

Rick Perry?
Sean Hannity?
Nope.. they are actually using PhD's who know about this. People like Judith Curry and others.
So..somehow..your Phd.'s are so much smarter than the 100's of Phd.'s who compiled this report..OK.
The White House response to the Climate Report:

White House downplays US climate report

The scientists' predictions include:

  • A global sea level rise of up to 8ft (2.4 metres) cannot be ruled out by the end of the century
  • Risks of drought and flooding will increase
  • There will be more frequent wildfires and devastating storms
Running to nearly 500 pages, the report concludes that the current period is "now the warmest in the history of modern civilisation".

It is "extremely likely that human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases, are the dominant cause", it finds, adding that "there is no convincing alternative explanation".

The report was a sham in its draft form and its remains a fantasy in the final report. Written by Obama era clones, it lacks factual evidence and quantifiable/repeatable science to all of its pontificates.. In short, its all political BS.
Have you read the actual report? I have..the science..what I can understand..seems pretty solid to me.

Also, I dispute your allegation that because the study spans the last 4 years..that is tainted. Obama had nothing to do with this study. It is a compilation of some pretty reputable scientists..whose observations transcend political wrangling.

I do agree with the political BS part though.Those deniers who have staked out their position and scramble to maintain it, despite mounting evidence to the contrary..define the term. Tell what point could you be convinced? I doubt that any evidence would convince you, because, I believe, that your position is not based on matter your protestations to the contrary, but is based on political motive..and intransigent positioning in the current Culture War going on.
Your use of a denigrating term shows that you are not a scientist or one who uses science. Only a politicrat posing as a scientist will use the 'denier' term. Since you have used the term, what science are we denying? think you are on familiar ground..but you are not. You are denying the results of legitimate scientists in order to serve a political purpose. This is akin to an ostrich..who sees danger approaching..and finds his hole.

For the past 12 years No hurricanes hit the gulf coast. The liberals claimed the "decrease" in hurricane activity was due to global warming.

This year 2 hurricanes hit the gulf coast, and these same lefty liberals claimed the "increase" in hurricane activity was due to global warming.

So which is it?? ...... :dunno:
For the past 12 years No hurricanes hit the gulf coast. The liberals claimed the "decrease" in hurricane activity was due to global warming.

This year 2 hurricanes hit the gulf coast, and these same lefty liberals claimed the "increase" in hurricane activity was due to global warming.

So which is it?? ...... :dunno:
Dunno...not a 'lefty'..I'm an issue driven independent...but..perhaps it's both? Or neither? Taking any one data point..and postulating a a mistake. IMO.

The Left is gaga on this issue as well--even if, as I believe, the science is on their side. They to..have axes to grind.
Earth has been around for billions of years. We've been here for about 150 thousand. We've been manufacturing for about 200.

The Earth is going to be just fine. We're due for another pole shift anyway, so that'll take care of that. lol.
Earth has been around for billions of years. We've been here for about 150 thousand. We've been manufacturing for about 200.

The Earth is going to be just fine. We're due for another pole shift anyway, so that'll take care of that. lol.
Pole shift?? Damn..that's going to piss off my favorite dancers!
Let me summarize: Rich folks heavily invested in fossil fuels are throwing up their hands and saying "Nothing can be done."

No, rich people heavily invested in carbon credits and green energy firms, and scientists relying on grants spouting global warming are saying it can be done. lol
We have to put the brakes on. Period.
I'm glad the majority of the world knows better than listen to the oil lobbyists' snake oil. We don't get a second planet. It's time to do what we can to take responsibility for our actions.

The planet will survive
It is one tough piece of rock and there is nothing we can do to destroy it

It is the humans on the planet that are vulnerable
It isn't the rock I'm worried about. It's all that grows from Mother Nature's gracious lap that worries me. To destroy that is worse than just destroying our race.
I just think it's comical all of these stupid people who can't even treat each other right think they're gonna save the planet. lol.
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