Trump grants full pardon to George Papadopoulos and others

any body that accepts a pardon is not only admitting guilt - but they are no longer protected by the 5th amendment.

donny might have some of these pardons come back & bite him in his ample diaper covered fat orange ass.
That's the most ridiculous thing I've read here in a long may want to read up on presidential pardons....when you receive a pardon from the president its as if you were never charged with a crime....they become free and clear as a new born baby.....Flynn will talk now and is about Obama/Obiden crimes...and no one can stop him...every pardon Trump makes will be made to people that are 100% on Trumps team....
Flynn knows all about Hunter and China and is singing like a beautiful bird.....

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what pure bullshit.

U.S. Supreme Court
Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)
Burdick v. United States
No. 471
Argued December 16, 1914
Decided January 25, 1915
236 U.S. 79

Acceptance, as well as delivery, of a pardon is essential to its validity; if rejected by the person to whom it is tendered, the court has no power to force it on him. United States v. Wilson, 7 Pet. 150.
Quaere whether the President of the United States may exercise the pardoning power before conviction.
A witness may refuse to testify on the ground that his testimony may have an incriminating effect, notwithstanding the President offers, and he refuses, a pardon for any offense connected with the matters in regard to which he is asked to testify.
There are substantial differences between legislative immunity and a pardon; the latter carries an imputation of guilt and acceptance of a confession of it, while the former is noncommittal, and tantamount to silence of the witness.
There is a distinction between amnesty and pardon; the former overlooks the offense, and is usually addressed to crimes against the sovereignty of the state and political offenses, the latter remits punishment and condones infractions of the peace of the state.

211 F. 492 reversed.
The facts, which involve the effect of a pardon of the President of the United States tendered to one who has not been convicted of a crime nor admitted the commission thereof, and also the necessity of acceptance of a pardon in order to make it effective, are stated in the opinion.
Page 236 U. S. 84

Burdick v. United States, 236 U.S. 79 (1915)

thanx for being today's poster boy for just how far you poorly educated dupes will go for your chosen one.
any body that accepts a pardon is not only admitting guilt - but they are no longer protected by the 5th amendment.

donny might have some of these pardons come back & bite him in his ample diaper covered fat orange ass.
And a coconut might fall on your head and kill you.

As Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe explained to Time in 2017, "anyone pardoned by Trump would lose most of the 5th Amendment's protection against compelled testimony that might otherwise have incriminated the pardoned family member or associate, making it much easier for [the Justice Department] and Congress to require such individuals to give testimony that could prove highly incriminating to Trump himself."
Why Trump's Flynn pardon could backfire

AND btw - donny can't be pardoned for state crimes.

at all.

Cool. Dream on.
He was a victim of Obama's secret police you idiot..... he wasn't. He did some wrong..and got slapped on the he's pardoned and can write a book for they all will.
What did he do?....he has a major lawsuit against our FBI if he wants it....tell us what he did....
Naw..not chasing that rabbit tonight...LOL! The point is moot.
So he did nothing?...then why post this thread without exploring why he was charged in the first damn place?...the Obama FBI and CIA and Obama and Biden should all be prosecuted for treasonous acts against the president....and his cabinet....start a thread on that....
I posted it...because it's news..unlike your tired bs..that you hack out at the slightest opportunity.

I did not say he did nothing...that's your lil leap. I need not explore simply does not matter...a loyal operative was rewarded for his beans.
What did he fucking do? don't even know or care...he is a friend of Orange man bad....and that is good enough for a shallow human like yourself.....
I'll take his word....he did what he said he did, when he pled guilty.
any body that accepts a pardon is not only admitting guilt - but they are no longer protected by the 5th amendment.

donny might have some of these pardons come back & bite him in his ample diaper covered fat orange ass.
Tell that to all the Clinton goons pardoned.

uh - i didn't vote for slick willy.

so there is THAT.

lol ... got any other retort, you trump humper?
I could care less who you voted for. You’re a well known communist.

So answer the question, did any of the bullshit you are talking about apply to people pardoned by Clinton, Bush, or the Hussein?
along with many others..


- President Donald Trump granted a full pardon on Tuesday to George Papadopoulos, a former campaign aide who pleaded guilty as part of the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
Trump also pardoned Alex van der Zwaan, 36, the Dutch son-in-law of Russian billionaire German Khan. Van der Zwaan was sentenced to 30 days in prison and fined $20,000 for lying to U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators about contacts with an official in Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Their names were included in a wave of pre-Christmas pardons announced by the White House. Trump granted full pardons to 15 people, including three former Republican lawmakers, and commuted all or part of the sentences of five others.
Papadopoulos, 33, was an adviser to Trump's 2016 campaign. He pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to FBI agents about the timing and significance of his contacts with people who claimed to have ties to top Russian officials.
“The defendant’s crime was serious and caused damage to the government’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election,” a sentencing recommendation memo from then-U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller had said.
He served 12 days of a 14-day sentence in federal prison, then was placed on a 12-month supervised release.
The White House said Papadopoulos was charged with "a process-related crime, one count of making false statements," as part of the Mueller probe, which Trump had denounced as a witch hunt.
"Today’s pardon helps correct the wrong that Mueller’s team inflicted on so many people," the White House said.


Also receiving pardons were three former Republican lawmakers, including former Representative Chris Collins of New York.

Collins, 70, had been the first sitting member of Congress to endorse Trump's candidacy in 2016 and was a strong defender of the president. He won re-election in 2018 but resignd the next year.
"In 2019, Collins pled guilty to the charges of conspiring to commit securities fraud and making false statements to the FBI. Mr. Collins is currently serving his 26-month sentence," the White House said.
Trump also issued a full pardon to former Republican Representative Duncan Hunter of California, 44, who pleaded guilty a year ago to a single count of conspiring to convert campaign funds to personal use, a felony carrying a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
Also pardoned was former Republican Representative Steve Stockman of Texas, 64, who was convicted in 2018 of misuse of charitable funds.
The White House said he had served more than two years of his 10-year sentence and would remain subject to a period of supervised release and an order requiring that he pay more
than $1 million in restitution.
Trump also commuted the remaining term of the supervised release of Crystal Munoz, who was convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana.
Munoz spent years in a federal prison in Fort Worth, with Alice Johnson, who was granted clemency by Trump in 2018 in a case championed by reality TV star Kim Kardashian West.
Good Trump needed to pardon the innocent to stop the railroading that the corrupt FBI was doing.....
Like any good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

You know the mob boss has to pardon his grifter in law.

No wonder Jared and Ivanka married. It wasn‘t a marriage as much as a merger of two criminal enterprises.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Last edited:
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Link coming
Do these people realize that accepting pardons is an admission of guilt?

Since when do these friggin crooks give a damn about admitting their guilt? We all they are low lifes, and they know we know they are all low lifes.
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Good. I hope you commit seppuku out of pure ass hurt.
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Good. I hope you commit seppuku out of pure ass hurt.
Wow... poor little Bootney can’t handle the truth. Grow up you candy ass loser.
along with many others..


- President Donald Trump granted a full pardon on Tuesday to George Papadopoulos, a former campaign aide who pleaded guilty as part of the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
Trump also pardoned Alex van der Zwaan, 36, the Dutch son-in-law of Russian billionaire German Khan. Van der Zwaan was sentenced to 30 days in prison and fined $20,000 for lying to U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigators about contacts with an official in Trump’s 2016 campaign.

Their names were included in a wave of pre-Christmas pardons announced by the White House. Trump granted full pardons to 15 people, including three former Republican lawmakers, and commuted all or part of the sentences of five others.
Papadopoulos, 33, was an adviser to Trump's 2016 campaign. He pleaded guilty in 2017 to lying to FBI agents about the timing and significance of his contacts with people who claimed to have ties to top Russian officials.
“The defendant’s crime was serious and caused damage to the government’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election,” a sentencing recommendation memo from then-U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller had said.
He served 12 days of a 14-day sentence in federal prison, then was placed on a 12-month supervised release.
The White House said Papadopoulos was charged with "a process-related crime, one count of making false statements," as part of the Mueller probe, which Trump had denounced as a witch hunt.
"Today’s pardon helps correct the wrong that Mueller’s team inflicted on so many people," the White House said.


Also receiving pardons were three former Republican lawmakers, including former Representative Chris Collins of New York.

Collins, 70, had been the first sitting member of Congress to endorse Trump's candidacy in 2016 and was a strong defender of the president. He won re-election in 2018 but resignd the next year.
"In 2019, Collins pled guilty to the charges of conspiring to commit securities fraud and making false statements to the FBI. Mr. Collins is currently serving his 26-month sentence," the White House said.
Trump also issued a full pardon to former Republican Representative Duncan Hunter of California, 44, who pleaded guilty a year ago to a single count of conspiring to convert campaign funds to personal use, a felony carrying a maximum penalty of five years in prison.
Also pardoned was former Republican Representative Steve Stockman of Texas, 64, who was convicted in 2018 of misuse of charitable funds.
The White House said he had served more than two years of his 10-year sentence and would remain subject to a period of supervised release and an order requiring that he pay more
than $1 million in restitution.
Trump also commuted the remaining term of the supervised release of Crystal Munoz, who was convicted of conspiracy to distribute marijuana.
Munoz spent years in a federal prison in Fort Worth, with Alice Johnson, who was granted clemency by Trump in 2018 in a case championed by reality TV star Kim Kardashian West.
Good Trump needed to pardon the innocent to stop the railroading that the corrupt FBI was doing.....
Huh. You believe that Duncan Hunter is innocent?
Likeany good mob boss, Trump rewards those that fall on their sword for him.

I guess Trump thought Jared’s crooked father also needed a pardon.

Trump’s pardons show just how corrupt Trump is.

Good. I hope you commit seppuku out of pure ass hurt.
Why do you give a free pass to criminals? So much for law and order.

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