Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

And this happened in a dressing room at Bergdorf’s while tons of people were within 20 feet, browsing through clothing and trying on skirts? Yeah, right. Why didn’t she file a police report when it happened? Why did she remember NOW?

A former employee of Bergdorf Goodman who worked on the sixth floor

She testified that on Thursday evenings during the 1990s, the sixth floor of the luxury department store wasn’t very busy, that an attendant wasn’t always present in the lingerie department and that the dressing rooms were sometimes unlocked.

Just on of the witnesses presented by Carroll and by no means the most important one.
Trump didn't here either.

However the plaintiff did provide her case as a function of preponderance of the evidence (standard for a civil trial).

In this case...

Where the plaintiff:
  • testifies,
  • calls multiple contemporaneous witnesses to testify,
  • calls expert witnesses on patterns of behavior,
  • provides video evidence of the respondent bragging about exactly that type of behavior a decade after the sexual assault,
  • provides video of the respondent taken during pretrial discovery,
  • calls others who establish a consistent modus operandi by the respondent.

Where the respondent offers for defense:
Then weigh in the fact that Trump failed to testify when he had the option (which in a civil trial the jury can take that into consideration) and refused to even show up in court.

Probably not that uncommon for a determination of liability for the plaintiff's complaint.


Before the hmjury stepped out to deliberate U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan has instructed the jury that all they have to do is conclude that Trump gave Carroll an “unwanted peck on the cheek” in order to find him guilty.

If you THINK (because it was not proven) that Trump even gave Carroll an unwanted peck on the cheek, find him 'guilty'.

Deed done, the fix was proven to be in at that point. 7 years of Democrat, snowflake, bot, and troll frustration came to an end with this tiny 'victory'.
Trump’s lawyers offered the DNA if the accuser also submitted the full DNA report. The anti-Trump lawyer said “too late” and disallowed it.

It was the judge.His reasoning being that he had ample opportunity before and it would delay the trial even more. Carroll had been asking before for years.

I wonder if you can give me a compelling reason for an innocent man accused of rape to NOT wanting to provide a DNA sample? Just curious.
Before the hmjury stepped out to deliberate U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan has instructed the jury that all they have to do is conclude that Trump gave Carroll an “unwanted peck on the cheek” in order to find him guilty.

If you THINK (because it was not proven) that Trump even gave Carroll an unwanted peck on the cheek, find him 'guilty'.

Deed done, the fix was proven to be in at that point. 7 years of Democrat, snowflake, bot, and troll frustration came to an end with this tiny 'victory'.
yeah. yeah. you don't have to repeat that lie some more. it's already trumpcult lore.
So he didn’t at the time. He did later, as part of his defense, and the judge DISALLOWED an opportunity for Trump to defend himself. That “stupid mistake” of the judge is grounds for appeal, right there.
If you are accused of something like this there is no "later". It immediately invalidates the accusation of your DNA isn't present.
From your link:

"Kaplan added: “His conditional invitation to open a door that he kept closed for years threatens to change the nature of a trial for which both parties now have been preparing for years. Whether Mr Trump’s application is intended for a dilatory purpose or not, the potential prejudice to Ms Carroll is apparent.”"

Carroll had attempted for 3 years to get a DNA sample and Trump blocked it every step of the way. The last minute offer was a delaying tactic and the judge saw through it.

If Trump had wanted to use DNA to exonerate himself he had YEARS of opportunity (2020-2023).

So? He changed his mind and wanted to provide evidence in his defense. The judge effectively said “tough luck.”

The evidence should have been allowed, and the verdict will be overturned because the Democrat judge prevented the defendant from defending himself.
It was the judge.His reasoning being that he had ample opportunity before and it would delay the trial even more. Carroll had been asking before for years.

I wonder if you can give me a compelling reason for an innocent man accused of rape to NOT wanting to provide a DNA sample? Just curious.
Judge cannot disallow evidence to be presented that would exonerate the accused. Her excuse that it would “delay” the trial is ridiculous.

Makes ya proud, MAGA?
Sez the spider to the fly. You know good and well the Judges of these misrepresentational 30-year-old allegations unbacked by hospital information with re to dna found inside the alleged rapee's vagina with a swab test are not asking for proof any more. The feminazis have declared they merely must say they were raped without any proof whatsoever, which leaves the field open to liars, cheaters, and greedy bitch bonanzas. The public wants to see the proof of these instant millionaire buffoons who only have to claim being of the female sex to get huge sums of money for merely filing a lawsuit. The failure to provide absolute proof of their assault is not good for the Constitutional requirements that encourage brotherhood and generosity, not lying, cheating, self-benefiting bullshit court "wins" for the mere advantage of being a woman with no proof of any claims whatsoever. If women get raped, they need to get themselves to the hospital or clinic with a diagnosis of whose dna is in her beaten up body that occurs when one is forcibly raped. Claiming that forcible kissing is rape is dumber than a box of rocks unless it including biting the woman's upper lip which was Bill Clinton's calling card. :cranky:
Sez the spider to the fly. You know good and well the Judges of these misrepresentational 30-year-old allegations unbacked by hospital information with re to dna found inside the alleged rapee's vagina with a swab test are not asking for proof any more. The feminazis have declared they merely must say they were raped without any proof whatsoever, which leaves the field open to liars, cheaters, and greedy bitch bonanzas. The public wants to see the proof of these instant millionaire buffoons who only have to claim being of the female sex to get huge sums of money for merely filing a lawsuit. The failure to provide absolute proof of their assault is not good for the Constitutional requirements that encourage brotherhood and generosity, not lying, cheating, self-benefiting bullshit court "wins" for the mere advantage of being a woman with no proof of any claims whatsoever. If women get raped, they need to get themselves to the hospital or clinic with a diagnosis of whose dna is in her beaten up body that occurs when one is forcibly raped. Claiming that forcible kissing is rape is dumber than a box of rocks unless it including biting the woman's upper lip which was Bill Clinton's calling card. :cranky:
^^retarded word salad.
In a real court of law Americans don't have to prove their innocense. The plaintiffs must prove guilt. This is why this kabuki theater was played out in a Civil court.

It was proven by a preponderance of the evidence.
So he didn’t at the time. He did later, as part of his defense, and the judge DISALLOWED an opportunity for Trump to defend himself. That “stupid mistake” of the judge is grounds for appeal, right there.

He had 3 years to provide the requested DNA sample and refused until just before the scheduled trial as a delaying tactic.

Some men do. Most don’t, and Trump denied having any sexual contact with her.

Also remember that this cuckoo went on Anderson Cooper and said she wasn’t a victim and most women have rape fantasies.

This should have never gone to trial.

He also thought she was an ex-wife of his.
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I didn't lose a thing. I gained a better understanding about how Kangaroo Courts actually work. I knew that 3rd world nations use them routinely but, until now, I hadn't really seen them in action here in the USSA.

You lost your soul to that man. :itsok:

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