Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

No, the relevant statutes consider an UNWANTED peck on the cheek sexual battery. Just like unwanted finger fucking is sexual battery. The second one Carroll asserted. The first one she didn't. The reason for it not being rape is because she couldn't say on the stand with certainty if he penetrated her with his dick. Something that has to happen in order for a sexual assault being considered rape.

If she was lying those kinds of uncertainties wouldn't exist.

The jury awarded punitive damages of 5 million dollars. Not an amount you get punished for if it was simply a " peck on the cheek.

Carrol couldn't prove rape (because it never happened).

If you can't prove rape, how the hell are you going to prove 'a peck on the cheek ... especially when Carroll didn't remember most of the encounter?

The judge instructed the jury to find Trump guilty if they even THOUGHT he might have given her a peck on the cheek.

Where is the video?
Evidence of any kind proving an unwanted peck on the cheek was given?

Throw in the fact that for 7 years Democrats have violated the Constitution, broken laws, illegally altered and manufactured false evidence, used convicted Perjurers, attempted a failed coup, conducted 2 proven criminal Impeachments, and went as far as conducting / staging an 'Insurrection' IOT try to 'Get Trump'...

Then add in the long-proven, decades-old Democrat tactic of dragging out DEMBOs against every political rival / threat, whether they be candidates, Presidents, or USSC Justices, to falsely accuse them of sexual impropriety...

And its all anyone needs to reasonally, rationally, intelligently understand and see what this is for what it is.

Democrats come across as extremely sick, immoral, unethical, evil power-hungry partisans who will literally do anything, destroy anyone who opposes them ... while making Trump appear to be a martyr, a victim.
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And this happened in a dressing room at Bergdorf’s whike tons of people were within 20 feet, browsing through clothing and trying on skirts? Yeah, right. Why didn’t she file a police report when it happened? Why did she remember NOW?

For the same reason that I didn’t file a police report when I was raped. I had been drinking, I let the guy take me home, it was my word against his, and there were no witnesses.

Rape is the most underreported crime in America. Only 5% of rapes are reported to the police. Even fewer result in the prosecution. If a man commit rape, he has approximately 1/1000 chances of ever being convicted.

You keep telling us you’re a woman and yet with your posts on abortion and rape, it’s becoming more and more difficult to believe that you are.

One and five women is sexually assaulted before they got out of high school. Apparently, it hasn’t happened to you or any of your family or friends. How remarkable.

One out of four American women has had an abortion by age 40, but apparently had hasn’t happened to you or any of your friends either. What are the statistical odds of this?

No one you know, has ever been raped or had an abortion.

I read your posts and you don’t seem to know what every woman knows. Why is that Lisa?
You posted that already, you do realize you have become unhinged repeating yourself, the TDS, the deflection and self loathing, all signs you are about ready to go full postal worker on us. Step away from the computer and do something fun you enjoy that doesn' t involve sniffing hair or stealing panties.
He also is a “new” poster who came right out of the gate full speed. He probably was banned for being an out-of-control obnoxious leftist, and this is his new alias.
same here.


Because Democrats can not find any legitimate reason to 'Get Trump' ... after 7 years of violating Constitution and law, failed coup attempts and criminal Impeachments, illegally altering and manufacturing false evidence....

Meanwhile geniuses like you defend scumbags who have proven to have stuffed cigars up inside of young interns, grabbed aides by the vagina, showered with their daughter, and screwed young children ...

...and YOU call TRUMP 'disgusting'.

The fact that Democrats chose a CIVIL law suit, where real evidence is required and where 'guilt' must be proven beyond any doubt, instead of an actual criminal court proves the Democrats had no serious case they could have won in a criminal court.

:itsok: Poor pathetic, desperate, TDS-suffering, hate and partisan-driven parverted pedophile defenders.
Yeah, Carroll did accuse Trump of rape which would have been a non-starter. She didn't report it, no rape kit, no nothing so, in order to go forward, had to reduce the charge to 'battery.' Battery really has a low bar. If you so much as touch another in anger, you can be charged with battery. Defamation is another bullshit charge to increase the pay out. Carroll's lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, is a lesbian and LGBTQ+ supporter and political activist. I don't give a flip what 'gender' she thinks she is but she sure wants everyone to know it. This stinks of Democrat/Soros money and influence. They are afraid of Trump and seek to destroy his political career or/and maybe even his life.
Trump's title is getting longer.
Now we've got
"Twice Impeached, Failed One Term, Currently Indicted, Convicted Sex Offender, Ex- President Trump."
Will go down as one of the most dispicably tainted one-sided
Trials of it's type.How old the incidence was.No questioning of the
person doing the blaming.She apparently can't even remember
the actual date it occured.Never said dime one to any authorities
when it happened.
Use of the Access Hollywood B.S. as if relevant.What in tarnation
did the Access Hollywood curfuffle have to do with this case.
I heard a legal expert say this Trial would never have been possible
just a few years ago.They have relaxed issues dealing with
a case that is based on being prejudicial.Apparently these Jurors
based their decision solely on the Personage of Donald Trump.
That's about how Judge Roy Bean divvied-out Justice West
of the Pecos.
Nice try.
He's guilty!
What was the proof? She said so? And leftists willing to do anything to “get Trump” acted as witnesses?
The proof is the semen on Jean Carroll's dress. Why doesn't Trump submit to a DNA test?

Now that they finally have something on Trump I hope other women come forward with credible accusations. I want Trump to have to campaign for re election from prison.

What I would love would be for a woman to be able to prove that Trump impregnated her, pressured her to have an abortion, and paid for it. That would not be a crime, but it just might break the spell this adulterous pagan has on poorly educated "Bible believing Christians" who have never read the bible (like I have) because it has too many big words in it.
The verdict will be thrown out on appeal, as it should be. The judge allowed a wide timeline over which this supposedly occurred - much like the Kavanaugh accuser couldn’t say when either - and that prevents Trump from proving he was elsewhere at the time. He was an international businessman and likely out of the country.
The proof is the semen on Jean Carroll's dress. Why doesn't Trump submit to a DNA test?

Now that they finally have something on Trump I hope other women come forward with credible accusations. I want Trump to have to campaign for re election from prison.

What I would love would be for a woman to be able to prove that Trump impregnated her, pressured her to have an abortion, and paid for it. That would not be a crime, but it just might break the spell this adulterous pagan has on poorly educated "Bible believing Christians" who have never read the bible (like I have) because it has too many big words in it.
Don’t worry. I’m sure the DNC will “find” another Trump-hater, the same way they found the Kavanaugh liar.
The proof is the semen on Jean Carroll's dress. Why doesn't Trump submit to a DNA test?

Now that they finally have something on Trump I hope other women come forward with credible accusations. I want Trump to have to campaign for re election from prison.

What I would love would be for a woman to be able to prove that Trump impregnated her, pressured her to have an abortion, and paid for it. That would not be a crime, but it just might break the spell this adulterous pagan has on poorly educated "Bible believing Christians" who have never read the bible (like I have) because it has too many big words in it.
Trump’s lawyers offered the DNA if the accuser also submitted the full DNA report. The anti-Trump lawyer said “too late” and disallowed it.

'U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan instructed the jury that all they have to do is conclude that Trump gave Carroll an “unwanted peck on the cheek” in order to find him guilty.'

Snowflakes think a peck on the cheek makes you a sexual predator, but grabbing women by the vagina, showering with your daughter, and screwing young children makes you a good President.

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Pretty ironic since the only president ever accused of screwing young children was Trump who was accused in 2016 of raping a 12 year old and a 13 year old years earlier.

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