Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

I believe in our legal system. When others are convicted of the same issues, I would have the same feelings.
Innocent until proven guilty.
As a Trump trained monkey, you may not know that Trump has been accused of sexual misconduct 26 times.
Plus the dumbass Trump brags about it. But he is your moral leader.

Actually, trump is a piece of shit. And you ignore my entire point.
Anyone and everyone discussing this case is "injecting themselves" into it. Your leftist opinion appeals to other Marxists like yourself. My opinion appeals to normal Americans. I don't care one whit what your leftist opinion is and you don't have to care what my normal opinion is. We're even Steven.

No fool you have it backwards. Normal people are happy to see Trump being called two accounts after a life of crime, debauchery, and general assholishness.

Opinions are like assholes: everyone has one. But your opinions have no basis in fact, in Law, or in reality. So when you come here and you post the bullshit that Donald Trump in his right wing media buddies have told you, you look gullible and foolish.

Americans do you have to care about the opinions of the week minded such as yourself. The Republican Party are using gullible fools who are easily conned, to attempt to destroy the Republic and replace it with a white nationalist dictatorship.

“Normal” Americans are vehemently opposed to dictatorship. You should be too
No fool you have it backwards. Normal people are happy to see Trump being called two accounts after a life of crime, debauchery, and general assholishness.

Opinions are like assholes: everyone has one. But your opinions have no basis in fact, in Law, or in reality. So when you come here and you post the bullshit that Donald Trump in his right wing media buddies have told you, you look gullible and foolish.

Americans do you have to care about the opinions of the week minded such as yourself. The Republican Party are using gullible fools who are easily conned, to attempt to destroy the Republic and replace it with a white nationalist dictatorship.

“Normal” Americans are vehemently opposed to dictatorship. You should be too
Are you still defending that Kangaroo Court? Everyone (including you) knows it is political persecution. You'd rather see America burn to the ground before watching Trump bring it back from the brink of complete collapse. But you're way too brainwashed and biased to ever realize your folly.

kangaroo court


  1. A mock court, especially one hastily improvised or irregularly conducted.
  2. A court characterized by dishonesty or incompetence.
Those of you who are celebrating that Trump was found “guilty” of battery, did you read what the judge instructed the jury as to what constitutes battery?

It can be a gentle unwanted peck on the cheek.

By those standards, every woman here has been the victim of sexual battery, many times.

What a ridiculous witch-hunt.
To be fair, the virus didn’t come in from China. The virus came in from Europe through New York. DNA testing on the virus which spread throughout the US in March 2020 indicates that it mostly came from Italy not China.

The biggest mistake that the Trump administration made was doing nothing in January and February, and not having testing ready when the virus landed on your shores.

Even worse, the Trump administration sold all of your PPE to China In January and didn’t replace it. Trumped told American companies to sell everything they had to China. He even lifted tariff so they could do it.

It was not up to the Democrats to do anything in preparation. Crisis management is entirely the responsibility of the White House and the pandemic response force that Trump disbanded. That’s why FEMA is under the Direct Control of the White House.

Trump flew the passengers from the Japanese cruise ship home to California without segregating those who are infected from those who weren’t, and had them met by local airport staff and immigration officials. Nobody was tested. The CDC refused to sign off on any of the trip and pulled their staff

Nobody wore masks or PPE and nobody social distanced while they were doing reentry interviews. The community where the Japanese cruise ship passengers landed, became the first California, hot Spot. The passengers were all dispersed to their homes, many of them taking the disease with them.

Every decision that Trump made in the first six months of the pandemic was the wrong. Instead of taking the WHO testing system, which the rest of the world used, Trump refused that test because the USA didn’t own the patent to the test. American pharmaceutical companies couldn’t make much money off a test they didn’t have exclusive rights to.

The failure of the CDC to produce in national testing system hobbled the entire first year of the pandemic in the USA and cost thousands of lives. Ultimately, Trump just told pharmaceutical companies to manufacture insult tests. They didn’t need approval from the CDC. All of the tests were different and had different processes. Some could be processed in the hospitals, and others had to be returned to the manufacturer for processing. Some of the tests were less than 50% accurate.

It was just a complete fuck up.

Joe Biden has been in public office for more than 50 years and no one has ever found anything that implicate him. He was in the White House for eight years and no one found anything that ever implicated him.

People don’t live in honestly upright life for 75 years and then suddenly break bad.

There are a lot of things that you can criticize Democrats for but Republicans don’t do that. They don’t criticize policy or how it’s carried out. Republicans launch personal attacks accusing Democrats of corruption and graft.

Then they launch investigations based on their accusations. When they find nothing, they say the Democrats “got away with it”.

This is the story of the more than 25 investigations that Republicans launched against the Clintons. At the end of the 25 investigations, the only thing they actually found was a lie about a blow job.

The Republicans in the Senate investigated all of this shit before the election and found nothing.

I am so unimpressed with Jim Jordan. He’s not a lawyer and yet he’s the head of the judicial committee. He doesn’t know what he’s doing and it’s patently obvious.

The only thing that Jordan is trying to do is to minimize the damage of trumps legal cases, and slander the Bidens. That’s a complete abuse of the process, and a complete abuse of the power

100 days is three months and they still haven’t found a thing. Their much vaunted “whistleblowers” had nothing. Not one shred of real evidence

They were just a bunch of whiny FBI washouts picking up a paycheque to trash the agency. They weren’t good enough to work for.
You are being silly, neither could they nail the Clintons on all their corruption simply because they have a circle of payoffs, that's why Clinton said if she goes down they all go down with her, to scare them into towing the line to protect their criminal enterprise. But that chain of protection is breaking down, there's only so many witnesses you can hide by arresting or knock off before the pattwrn becomes to obvious ignore.
You must be blind, how often to witnesses die unusual circumstances just 1-2 days before testifying before you see resmblances of mobsters? How many intimidation obstruction attempts before you notice a pattern, especially when they do it hours after they are supposed to produce documents by court order? Why are you affraid of a big giant Brazil like operation carwash to drain the corruption? Are you affraid you'll have egg on your face?

Makes ya proud, MAGA?

Dude, we have a fucking congress fund that WE PAY FOR where they can do whatever in the hell they want.
We have a President now, that has been accused by several women of doing the same shit trump just lost for. He even had the SS ADMIT they threw away the records of when he assaulted one of his guys wives.
It is nice to see a pol actually go down for something but the level of her celebration is hilarious.
And your half off-topic post isnt going to change that :thup:

The only accusations against Joe Biden have been that he invades peoples personal space making them feel uncomfortable.

Nice to see you still believing everything that right wing media tells you no matter how many times they’re proven to have lied.

You are being silly, neither could they nail the Clintons on all their corruption simply because they have a circle of payoffs, that's why Clinton said if she goes down they all go down with her, to scare them into towing the line to protect their criminal enterprise. But that chain of protection is breaking down, there's only so many witnesses you can hide by arresting or knock off before the pattwrn becomes to obvious ignore.
You must be blind, how often to witnesses die unusual circumstances just 1-2 days before testifying before you see resmblances of mobsters? How many intimidation obstruction attempts before you notice a pattern, especially when they do it hours after they are supposed to produce documents by court order? Why are you affraid of a big giant Brazil like operation carwash to drain the corruption? Are you affraid you'll have egg on your face?

Thank you for posting every lie and debunked conspiracy theory about the Clintons. I especially like the reference to the “Clinton death list”. It takes a special kind of stupid to fall for that one.

25+ investigations have not proven, produced a single document to tie the Clintons to any corruption. It hasn’t produced a single witness to tie the Clintons to any corruption. No one has flipped on them, and testified against him, even though everyone around him has been offered immunity. None of these 25+ investigations have produced any charges against anybody. In most cases, the investigation finds that the crime that Republicans claim was committed, never happened.

The Clintons would have to be really stupid to commit crimes when every time they sneeze, the Republicans investigate it and try to charge them.

Every investigation of Donald Trump is producing tons of evidence, witnesses, charges and convictions. His advisers, members of his cabinet, and members of his family are all implicated in proveable bribery and corruption schemes. Half of his lawyers have been disbarred, and are being investigated.

But you’re still saying that Republicans are clean as a whistle and Democrats are getting away with it

There is no cure for stupid.
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On a side note, there is a possibility that Heinz stock will make a big jump when the stock market opens.

The only accusations against Joe Biden have been that he invades peoples personal space making them feel uncomfortable.

Nice to see you still believing everything that right wing media tells you no matter how many times they’re proven to have lied.
Of course, you are a liar. As usual :thup:
And by what the judge said battery is in this case Biden is also guilty
Biden is guilty of some sort of "sexual battery" almost every time he gets on stage. The man is the most obvious example of a sexual pervert America has ever seen in a President but the Marxist Dems give him a free pass and clean bill of health, regardless. The highest form of hypocrisy!!
'U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan instructed the jury that all they have to do is conclude that Trump gave Carroll an “unwanted peck on the cheek” in order to find him guilty.'

Snowflakes think a peck on the cheek makes you a sexual predator, but grabbing women by the vagina, showering with your daughter, and screwing young children makes you a good President.

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No, the relevant statutes consider an UNWANTED peck on the cheek sexual battery. Just like unwanted finger fucking is sexual battery. The second one Carroll asserted. The first one she didn't. The reason for it not being rape is because she couldn't say on the stand with certainty if he penetrated her with his dick. Something that has to happen in order for a sexual assault being considered rape.

If she was lying those kinds of uncertainties wouldn't exist.

The jury awarded punitive damages of 5 million dollars. Not an amount you get punished for if it was simply a " peck on the cheek.
It is funny to watch the Trump supporters deny

You mean like you deny predators come over the border raping the woman who are migrating and trying to rape and batter local woman while passing through? Or like you deny Clinton and Biden and Hunters predatory habits or is it how you deny Liberal DA's letting predators go on the streets of every major city? -Busted! You just trashed yourself. You might need a rape kit for that one, 'cause I think you just screwed yourself. 😱😄

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