Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

So you admit there is something wrong with Joe Biden and Bill Clinton, enough to impeach them obvviously since you feel so strongly about accusations.
How did my comment lead to that conclusion? You fucks seriously have some mental problems.
Whereas there is rock solid PROOF and FACTS regarding that.

But YOU Nazicrats have NO proof of any kind that Trump ever did anything you Obama/Biden/Clinton asshole lickers claim he did......never did, never will...........because its all LIES.

Shove your head all the way Bidens ass, sniff his balls, suck his child molesting dick............and blame everybody else for your failings in life.

Still won't change the REAL facts you're all liars, cheats, frauds, and conartists hellbent on killing and destroying everything decent and American in this country.

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It was filed the day after the NY law was made, specifically to go after Trump for this.

"BERNSTEIN: Yeah. This is a new law that passed in New York in the wake of the #MeToo movement that allows adults who say they were assaulted years ago to file a civil lawsuit after the statute of limitations for a criminal trial has passed. This case was filed the day the law went into effect, and it's the first case to come to trial. That could mean we'll see more of these cases. Women have until this November to file their claims. No one can be called a rapist or go to jail as a result of the law, but women can get monetary damages, like E. Jean Carroll."

The NY establishment has been gunning for Trump, for a long time. Everyone honest knows this, and will point it out.

Of course it is about money, politics and power.

It is one branch of organized crime, against another branch of organized crime.

. . . and I for one, am not buying that the whole thing is not entirely staged, to get folks to pay attention to their reindeer games, rather than real issues, that are deadly serious, and really affect everyone.

No sober and serious person, cares about any of them. They are all sociopathic, lecherous cretins. Pretending that Trump is any different than Bush, or Clinton, or Obama, or Biden, is the height of self delusion. :rolleyes:

And all of this, is likewise, a distraction from more important issues.

None of them, deserves to hold higher office, if we are being completely honest here.

I advise you to look at the date. This was 10 months after the first complaint was filed. More than 3 years ago. Closer to 4.
Yeah, Carroll did accuse Trump of rape which would have been a non-starter. She didn't report it, no rape kit, no nothing so, in order to go forward, had to reduce the charge to 'battery.' Battery really has a low bar. If you so much as touch another in anger, you can be charged with battery. Defamation is another bullshit charge to increase the pay out. Carroll's lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, is a lesbian and LGBTQ+ supporter and political activist. I don't give a flip what 'gender' she thinks she is but she sure wants everyone to know it. This stinks of Democrat/Soros money and influence. They are afraid of Trump and seek to destroy his political career or/and maybe even his life.

You've been shown he was found liable for sexual assault, not battery. That you continue to claim it was battery anyway, and not sexual assault, is evidence your TDS has become chronic.

I advise you to look at the date. This was 10 months after the first complaint was filed. More than 3 years ago. Closer to 4.
Ah, so that is the defamation case.

We were talking two different things apparently. And that still doesn't negate that it was potentially politically motivated.
Ah, so that is the defamation case.

We were talking two different things apparently. And that still doesn't negate that it was potentially politically motivated.
It does negate your assertion that it was filed because of him declaring as a candidate. We are talking about the exact same accusation. Just the venue has changed.

As to it potentially being political. When charging a politician or for that matter any accusation of sexual assault there's always a potential for the accusation being false. The only rational way to assess something like this is by looking at the available evidence. I stated what this evidence is as presented to a jury, the substance of which I notice you aren't trying to engage.

Saying " oh it's potentially political" is simply a red herring. A politician is just as capable to have committed sexual assault as the next person. Being voted into public office is simply not a good way to assess morality.
That could be true because when you hate somebody, nothing they say will convince you of their innocence. The radical Democrat system convicted him before he was even charged. They took an old woman who flirted with Trump and then blabbed to everyone how he 'assaulted' her but somehow she failed to tell law enforcement for almost 30 years!!! They convinced her to sue him and gave her a radical lesbian lawyer.

She wasn't old when he assaulted her. Are you an incel?
Um did this Carroll Bitch testify.
I mean,if not what was the point.
We know what the point was.The point being made by and for
scummy Democrats and their club of misfits.
Of course she did. Three days of it including interrogating cross examination....and held herself high through it all.

Did the right wing alternative media HIDE her testimony from y'all?
Of course she did. Three days of it including interrogating cross examination....and held herself high through it all.

Did the right wing alternative media HIDE her testimony from y'all?

I remember when Bragg was definitely, DEFINITELY going to get Trump....THIS TIME

Well I have to admit.

If your purpose is to derail a thread about Trump the sexual abuser, this a good story to do it.

Like I said, I look forward to hearing from you on Thursday.
Youll hear from me today.
There were nine men on the jury and three women. All 12 had to agree on the verdicts.

Trump is never guilty of anything, even when he admits that he did it. And everyone is lying in court except Donald Trump.

Even his own family has turned on him, but the Cult will never ever quit him.

You make no mention of Trump’s testimony via deposition where he and he admits to raping women. He actually claims that men like him have had the right to assault any woman they wanted from nearly 1,000,000 years.

Trump was convicted by his own words and his own arrogance as much as by Jean Carroll’s evidence.

Trump all but admitted he attacked her in his deposition. After saying, she wasn’t his type he mistook a picture of Jean Carroll for Marla Maples. Trump said that’s Marla. that’s my wife. Carroll looked so much like Trumps ex wife, he thought it was Maple, putting the lie to the idea that she “wasn’t his type”. She was exactly his type

Is this Gym Jordan’s Republican Obstruction of justice committee? Providing cover for insurrectionists and sexual predators?

They can’t even find a crime that Hunter Biden has committed and they’ve been investigating him for five fucking years.

They’re going after Beaus widow for $35,000 in corrupt payments from the Chinese. What do they think Beau’s widow is selling to the Chinese?

The last “smoking gun” they claimed was a list of law firm trust checks. Proof of nothing. Proof that the law firm wrote checks that’s all it was.

So far, they have a list of overseas deposits to Hunters’ bank account from the Treasury Department, covering the time that Hunter was working for Burisma. That was the first “smoking gun”. Since Hunter was being paid, $50,000 a month by Burisma, plus consulting fees to his company, and all overseas deposits over $10,000 are reported to the treasury department on an automatic basis, that fizzled quickly.

The next smoking gun was the list of laws firm checks mentioned above. This sounds like more of the same and I’m not even gonna warm up the popcorn popper until I see what they actually have.

Maybe MTG can create another scene accusing Swallwell of being a security threat again. I mean, you can’t really have a circus without a clown
No, they didnt have investigative powers until 100 days ago. In 100 days (or so), they have found a MOUNTAIN of evidence. The influx doesnt seem to be slowing either.
I remember when Bragg was definitely, DEFINITELY going to get Trump....THIS TIME

And that has what, to do with the tea in China?

Watch Trump's deposition Sue, he all but admits he did it...

No wonder no lawyer of his wants him testifying in a court room! Holy Moley! :eek:


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