Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

And I'd like to know how much of OUR tax dollars they stole from us to pay these bitches for all these slanderous LIES!!!

And I'll say it again............NO PROOF! Why would Trump waste his time on showing up? He didn't do anything they blame him for! Just MORE Demonicreep scams.
6 men, and 3 women found him liable.

Any innocent man would have come forward and testified before the jury, proclaiming his innocence.

Watch his deposition video taped that the jury saw... then with a straight honest face, tell me you would have voted differently than they did with their decision.
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Not the discerning ones who clearly see our media and justice system have been weaponized to taint and take down certain candidates.

Women lie. They can be bought. Better hope it doesn’t happen to you or someone you love.
Men grope and rape. Trump is proud of it.
No one gives a shit what some rando on the internet thinks about Caroll.

You keep trying to inject yourself into the case, make it about yourself, pretending you're the 'American People' or you're 'a jury'. You're neither. And the case isn't about you.

Its about Trump, and the jury finding that the preponderance of the evidence proves Trump sexually abused and defamed Caroll.

And the 5 million reasons that Caroll has to smile a bit after what Trump put her through.
I guess it's Poss-eee-bow for you to be a bigger weenie.
But that would reguire a bigger weenie bun.
Plus real napkins for how you slurp down weenies with too
many condiments { Ketchup,Onions,Chili,tabasco and a dash
of Holy Water } to make sure any homeless don't invade yer
space when devoring.
6 men, and 3 women found him liable.

Any innocent man would have come forward and testified before the jury, proclaiming his innocence.

Watch his deposition video taped that the jury saw... the with a straight honest face, tell me you would have voted differently than they did with their decision.

That deposition was an unmitigated disaster. With Trump claiming that for the last 'million years' that stars had been able to grab women sexually without their consent. And that he considered himself a star.

Or Trump identifying Caroll as his ex-wife Marla.

Or, out of fucking no where, Trump telling the questioning attorney that 'you wouldn't be a choice of mine either'.

No wonder that man avoided the court room like it was on fire.
6 men, and 3 women found him liable.

Any innocent man would have come forward and testified before the jury, proclaiming his innocence.

Watch his deposition video taped that the jury saw... the with a straight honest face, tell me you would have voted differently than they did with their decision.
Um did this Carroll Bitch testify.
I mean,if not what was the point.
We know what the point was.The point being made by and for
scummy Democrats and their club of misfits.
Um did this Carroll Bitch testify.
I mean,if not what was the point.
We know what the point was.The point being made by and for
scummy Democrats and their club of misfits.

You don't know if Carroll testified?

Thank you for confirming that you genuinely have no clue what you're talking about.
Carroll can't even remember the year Trump supposedly did this. A friend of hers had to give the date. Also she did not prove she was raped. This is her 2nd suit attempt, the first one was for defamation only. Apparently, she added the assault charge just as Trump decided to run for POTUS. How convenient is that? The bitch can't even remember the incident's date, did not seek an assault charge but then changed the charge. Looks like a pile of stinking horseshit to me.
Just the opposite. Everything the Democrats do makes the Trump minions love him more.
That is why the Democrats are doing these things.
They want to make sure he is nomnated.
You apparently meant " Numbnated ".
Which ironically is how Biden acts when not out and about.
Biden is a like a frenzied Tom cat in public.Slurs his words.
Has a beady eyed stare when going off script.
Since he can't read any better than speak or think.
Imagine the guy after a round of golf in the
sauna.Probably lugs the golf bag into the sauna
and then excuses himself to go out real quick
to fetch a nice Double Decker Ice Cream cone.
And maybe just one napkin.
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Um did this Carroll Bitch testify.
I mean,if not what was the point.
We know what the point was.The point being made by and for
scummy Democrats and their club of misfits.
Yep, the bitch couldn't even remember the year it happened. She's another old, almost brain dead pawn of the Democrat party doing their bidding. She got well paid for lying.
Yep, the bitch couldn't even remember the year it happened. She's another old, almost brain dead pawn of the Democrat party doing their bidding. She got well paid for lying.

Trump is doing the paying. To the tune of $5 million dollars.
You apparently meant " Numbnated ".
Which ironically is how Biden acts when not out and about.
Biden is a like a frenzied Tom cat in public.Slurs his words.
Has a beady eyed stare when going off script.
Since he can't read any better than speak or think.
Imagin the guy after a round of golf in the
sauna.Probaboly lugs the golf bag into the sauna
and then excuses himself to go out real quick
to fetch a nice Double Decker Ice Cream cone.
And maybe just one napkin.
I don't think Biden could even do a round of golf.

The only President to hit a golf ball and it goes backwards...LOL
That 'nonsense' cost him $5,000,000

Did Trump sexually abuse Miss Carroll?

Yes, and that answer is not 'nonsense'.

full text of the verdict

'U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan has instructed the jury that all they have to do is conclude that Trump gave Carroll an “unwanted peck on the cheek” in order to find him guilty. '

As per the judge's orders the jury found Trump guilty of giving this 'Dembo' (Democrat Bimbo) an 'unwanted peck on the cheek'.

The reason people continue to like Trump is because all of these mamufactured 'We've Got Him This Time' scams make Trump look like a persecuted martyr, a victim, and you morons haven't figured that out yet after 7 years

You don't know if Carroll testified?

Thank you for confirming that you genuinely have no clue what you're talking about.
WHY ? Was the trial On TV.I mean as of Today.
Or The Star witness like on April 25th.
Was there 12 Jurors or 9.
Was a Unanimous decision mandatory.
How many hrs. did it take for deliberations.
How many times was the store [ Bergdorf Goodman }
mentioned.I once owned a winter overcoat from Bergdorfs.
I don't think Biden could even do a round of golf.

The only President to hit a golf ball and it goes backwards...LOL

Which begs the question.Whats the guy { Old Joe }
gonna do when his licker { tongue } gives out from
old age.I mean,like who'll be charged to help Old Joe
lick his double decker Ice Cream cone.
What abuse? She can’t even remember it.

The sexual abuse that the jury found the preponderance of the evidence proved Trump inflicted upon her.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

You know. That sexual abuse.
WHY ? Was the trial On TV.I mean as of Today.
Or The Star witness like on April 25th.
Was there 12 Jurors or 9.
Was a Unanimous decision mandatory.
How many hrs. did it take for deliberations.
How many times was the store [ Bergdorf Goodman }
mentioned.I once owned a winter overcoat from Bergdorfs.
Yeah, civil case. Low bar proof.
Which begs the question.Whats the guy { Old Joe }
gonna do when his licker { tongue } gives out from
old age.I mean,like who'll be charged to help Old Joe
lick his double decker Ice Cream cone.

A double decker ice cream cone?

The desperation to avoid the jury's verdict that Trump sexually abused and defamed Caroll is just coming in thick, greasy sheets.

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