Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Say Dumber than a Dumb waiter doing crack in the wrong
lavatory.The Access Hollywood tape was just Talk.
men Talk.women talk.It' called small talk.
You belligerent Low I.Q. gravity defying semi-humanoid
who uses newspapers to clean yer brown as a biscuit

There are 5 million reasons why the jury may well have seen it differently.
I knew Trump would lose because it was yet another one of many continous 'Get Trump' schemes the Democrats have been trying for 7 long years.

What proved this was a political set up was THIS:

'In determining Trump’s guilt, however, the jury doesn’t have to decide whether or not the rape, which Trump denies, ever took place. U.S. District Judge Lewis A. Kaplan has instructed the jury that all they have to do is conclude that Trump gave Carroll an “unwanted peck on the cheek” in order to find him guilty.'

The fix was in.

They weren't going to gind Trump 'guilty' if rape BECAUSE HE NEVER RAPED HER - the judge even as much told that to the jury.

'All you have to do to get a victory, to FINALLY 'Get Trump' is come to a conclussion that Trump could have / gave her an 'unwanted' PECK ON THE CHEEK.


Based on the Judge's instructions, snowflakes / trolls / bots - Congratulations! After 7 years you eere able to finally 'Get Trump' by finding him guilty of GIVING A WOMAN A PECK ON THE CHEEK!
You ppartisan, TDS-suffering, Trump-haters are SO DESPERATE FOR A WIN you will try to claim this is a 'victory'.


Trump wasn't found guilty of raping anyone.

What the judge told tbe hury before they deliberated is what you would tell a jury if you were despatate for a win and wanted to ensure you got one.

- You don't have to prove rape.

- You don't have to prove sexual assault.

- You don't have to prove he stuck a cigar up inside of her, like Clinton did to an intern.

- You don't have to prove he grabbed her by the vagina, like Biden did to an aide.

You just have to come to the conclussion that Trump probably gave her an 'unwanted' PECK ON THE CHEEK.

Do that and:

- The Democrats finally get their 'victory' they have been waiting for 7 years now for

- Trump will have to pay 5 million to the woman who (falsely) accused him of rape and failed to prove it

- Democrats will (incorrectly) call Trump a rapist / sexual assaulter

- Democrats will declare him to be a threat, claim he was 'convicted' instead of found guilty in a kangaroo court in a CIVIL ( not criminal - on purpose) law suit in which the requirement for indisputable evidence is much less.

- Democrats will insist he can NOT run for President in 2024, which has been tbeir goal for the last 7 years.


'All you have to do is conclude that Trump gave Carroll an “unwanted peck on the cheek” in order to find him GUILTY!'

And I'd like to know how much of OUR tax dollars they stole from us to pay these bitches for all these slanderous LIES!!!

And I'll say it again............NO PROOF! Why would Trump waste his time on showing up? He didn't do anything they blame him for! Just MORE Demonicreep scams.
And I'd like to know how much of OUR tax dollars they stole from us to pay these bitches for all these slanderous LIES!!!

And I'll say it again............NO PROOF! Why would Trump waste his time on showing up? He didn't do anything they blame him for! Just MORE Demonicreep scams.

Given how disasterous his deposition was, Trump avoided that court room like it was on fire.
Like y'all scream and point your fingers at election results, insisting you all are the victims?

Whereas there is rock solid PROOF and FACTS regarding that.

But YOU Nazicrats have NO proof of any kind that Trump ever did anything you Obama/Biden/Clinton asshole lickers claim he did......never did, never will...........because its all LIES.
Whereas there is rock solid PROOF and FACTS regarding that.

And by 'rock solid', you mean laughed out of every court with a perfect record of failure?

Trump hired not one but TWO private companies to investigate his Big Lie. Neither found anything to support it. So Trump supressed the results of those investigations.

If 'truth' was his goal, he wouldn't have to suppress his own investigations.

So much for your 'proof' and 'facts', victim.
Speaking of 'proof', it was the jury's verdict that the preponderance of the evidence proved that Trump sexually abused and defamed Caroll.
Just the opposite. Everything the Democrats do makes the Trump minions love him more.
That is why the Democrats are doing these things.
They want to make sure he is nomnated.

Well that and holding Trump accountable for being a sexual predator.
And by 'rock solid', you mean laughed out of every court with a perfect record of failure?

Trump hired not one but TWO private companies to investigate his Big Lie. Neither found anything to support it. So Trump supressed the results of those investigations.

If 'truth' was his goal, he wouldn't have to suppress his own investigations.

So much for your 'proof' and 'facts', victim.

Shove your head all the way Bidens ass, sniff his balls, suck his child molesting dick............and blame everybody else for your failings in life.

Still won't change the REAL facts you're all liars, cheats, frauds, and conartists hellbent on killing and destroying everything decent and American in this country.

I wanna sniff you.jpg
Shove your head all the way Bidens ass, sniff his balls, suck his child molesting dick............and blame everybody else for your failings in life.

Still won't change the REAL facts you're all liars, cheats, frauds, and conartists hellbent on killing and destroying everything decent and American in this country.

View attachment 784003

Or...I can just stick with the actual election results where Biden won by a landslide.

Biden's balls, I leave to you.
You can't use evidence to convince people who don't use evidence.

Leo and his ilk are in full and complete denial. They'll Like y'all scream and point your fingers at election results, insisting you all are the victims?
Or...I can just stick with the actual election results where Biden won by a landslide.

Biden's balls, I leave to you.
You can stick with that lie.
Let me “defame” Caroll just a bit more. She's a gold digging wench who concocted a story nearly 25 years after an “assault” occurred. She played her cards right and made her false accusation at the right time and in the right place. The case would have been thrown out in the vast majority of jurisdictions. Only in the most corrupt places could she have “won” her case. New York is one of them. Chicago, San Francisco, etc. could have worked to her benefit as well.
Cannot disagree with dat.However it's somewhat reminescent of
Trials in the Old South.The 2012 Pulitzer Prize true story by
Gilbert King ... - Devil in the Grove -.
The actual way Thurgood Marshall was treated and his
actual brush with almost being lynched while being a young
NAACP Lawyer who was forced to deal with " Faulknerian echoes
of racial injustice spinning around an accusation of rape. "
Thurgood Marshall taking on the Groveland Boys case { oneof
the most important civil rights cases in our Historty where
dismantling Jim Crow strictures was no piece of cake.
Same with what Trump is facing.
A sort of leftist White Democrat { same as the Old South }
use of one-sided bigotry.
As if Trump was caught red-handed at a Party in
We'll git that Big White Boy fir dat ... somes how.
You can stick with that lie.

Or, I can stick with the actual verdict where the jury found the preponderance of evidence proved that Trump sexually abused and defamed Carol.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

Which, of course, you'll ignore. And prove me right yet again.
And I'd like to know how much of OUR tax dollars they stole from us to pay these bitches for all these slanderous LIES!!!

And I'll say it again............NO PROOF! Why would Trump waste his time on showing up? He didn't do anything they blame him for! Just MORE Demonicreep scams.
It's going to be appealed. See how chapter two turns out.

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