Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

What abuse? She can’t even remember it.

You would think if you were raped tbat moment would be etched in your mind forever.

The similarities, however, between the Dembo the Democrats got to accuse Kavanaugh and the Dembo they got to accuse Trump are strikingly familiar - Neither one could remember anything much about their supposed events.
What abuse? She can’t even remember it.
The Good,The Bad and The Ugly.
All aspects of this dispicable application of Justice.
The good being we now know for sure that under
the Democrats they not only weaponize Government but even
Due Process.Like how Stalinism was applied under
Marx,Lenin and finally Stalin.
Calling it a Two-Tier form of Justice is too
Polite and genteel.
The sexual abuse that the jury found the preponderance of the evidence proved Trump inflicted upon her.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

You know. That sexual abuse.
Show us that ‘preponderance of evidence.’
Was THIS supposed to be the Democrats' attempted distraction from Coner's & Grassley's conference?

Show us that ‘preponderance of evidence.’

If you don't even know what the evidence is....then you've elegantly demonstrated that you simply have no idea what you're talking about regarding this case.

Thank you for demonstrating the irrelevance of your opinion.
If you don't even know what the evidence is....then you've elegantly demonstrated that you simply have no idea what you're talking about regarding this case.

Thank you for demonstrating the irrelevance of your opinion.
No, it is you who has no idea otherwise you’d know the evidence.
No, it is you who has no idea otherwise you’d know the evidence.

Says you, citing yourself. And you laughably insisted that the jury didn't find that the preponderance of the evidence proved that Trump sexually abused Jean Caroll. When, of course, they did.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

And now you're admitting that you don't even know what the evidence is, insisting we show you.

Good luck with that.
Yeah, civil case. Low bar proof.
I think even todays Howdy Doody's would be hard pressed
to find civility of any measure,no matter a case being made
of it from them
Democrats.Their Ilk would never permit.
Kinda like securing our Southern Border.
Making sure January 6th arrestees are given
bail and trials.Or denied such.
No Visitation.Filthy D.C. jails.
Single minded Washington Insiders.
Think about it.They make { manufacture } nothing in
Washington D.C. Just hand out heeps of one-sided political
hate,rancor,division and Unamericanism.
One will never see that or feel that mindset at ANY
Trump Rally.
That is precisely what this crap Rape Trial amounted to.
What Not to Do.
What Not to be.
How not to act,behave or think.
Says you, citing yourself. And you laughably insisted that the jury didn't find that the preponderance of the evidence proved that Trump sexually abused Jean Caroll. When, of course, they did.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

And now you're admitting that you don't even know what the evidence is, insisting we show you.

Good luck with that.
A civil case only has to prove that an incident was more likely to occur than not. Carroll was her own witness. Both her 'witnesses' testified that Carroll TOLD them about the incident they were not present when the alleged incident occurred. The prosecution dredged up 2 women who claim Trump assaulted them. (no proof just their say so). She also testified (on cross examination) that she didn't scream or call for help. Asked why why she didn't go to the police she just said 'many women don't.' In 2012 she testified she was a massive fan of Trump's 'Apprentice' show but claims she didn't watch when Trump fired people. Finally this happened almost 30 years ago and the real question is why now? Why? Probably because Trump is again running for POTUS and Carroll was an easy mark for Democrats to offer her support and the promise of $$$ from Trump's deep pockets. The so-called 'preponderance' of evidence, of which you were most evidently unaware, is bullshit. Sorry, I can't help your ignorance and naivete.
While I agree, like I wrote;

Most of this, like always, is motivated more by politics, than actual regret or a desire for justice.

C'mon. We are intelligent adults. Let's stop equivocating on definitions, and quit trivilizing the trauma of sexual assault for the sake of partisan politics. Both the left and the right, on this issue, have no moral high ground, and they always pull this shit out, when they are desperate. I don't believe any of them. It would carry more water, if this did not occur, as elections always neared.

Norma Rogers
Jean Darden
Kathleen Willey
Juanita Broaddrick

This did NOT start as elections neared. This started YEARS ago. By the way there are election cycles every 2 years in the US. This case has been going through the courts for longer than that. Meaning that if you want to make the claim of political motivation and you are willing to define the term "near" loosely enough. You can use the "oh it's political" defense every time a person you agree with politically every time.

If it's true that we all are "intelligent people" than we should be able to look at the facts as presented rationally.

I've given the facts as they were presented to the jury. Are you honestly claiming you believe the jury is wrong to believe someone like Carroll? If the standard of judging is " preponderance of the evidence" not beyond reasonable doubt.

And when Carroll can bring forth witnesses who are willing to state under penalty of perjury that they were informed when it happened. Other women stating Trump did it to them. A psychiatrist stating she shows signs of trauma related to sexual assault. And video of Trump's stating he grabs women by the pussy and him stating that he doesn't know that it's " fortunate or unfortunate" that stars can get away with sexual assault.

Not for nothing Beagle. You are right it is political... to you that is. Because I have a hard time believing that you would have a problem believing someone claiming sexual assault. If this is what is presented in court and the defense doesn't present a defense beyond cross examination.

Makes ya proud, MAGA?
This is absolutely fucking retarded and ridiculous

Says you, citing yourself. And you laughably insisted that the jury didn't find that the preponderance of the evidence proved that Trump sexually abused Jean Caroll. When, of course, they did.

Asked on its verdict sheet whether Carroll, 79, had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump raped Ms. Carroll,” the nine-person jury checked the box that said “no.” Asked whether Carroll had proven “by a preponderance of the evidence” that “Mr. Trump sexually abused Ms. Carroll,” the jury checked the box that said “yes.” Both allegations were elements of Carroll’s battery claim.

And now you're admitting that you don't even know what the evidence is, insisting we show you.

Good luck with that.
Define Jury. And try not to use the phrase >
" Inherit the Wind. " or " He that troubleth his own house
shall Inherit the Wind. "
The metaphor for censorship or thought control.
The very things the Democrats live for and ply.
Like the Pandemic.Arresting January 6th protestors
even if mere tresspassing.
Impeaching Trump for the Hell of it ... Twice.
Lying,spying and Framing Donald Trump with the
Bogus Russian Collusion.
Storming his Residence { Mar-a-Lago } as if some Stasi
Raid.Americans are watching and have long memories.
Define Jury. And try not to use the phrase >
" Inherit the Wind. " or " He that troubleth his own house
shall Inherit the Wind. "
The metaphor for censorship or thought control.
The very things the Democrats live for and ply.
Like the Pandemic.Arresting January 6th protestors
even if mere tresspassing.
Impeaching Trump for the Hell of it ... Twice.
Lying,spying and Framing Donald Trump with the
Bogus Russian Collusion.
Storming his Residence { Mar-a-Lago } as if some Stasi
Raid.Americans are watching and have long memories.
I think these lefties and TDSers overestimate our (American People)'s tolerance for their abject hatred of Trump and underestimate our eventual reaction to their nonsense.
Civil case for sure.
Guilty verdict for shure.

Not at all. A civil verdict is never guilt. Your ignorance is magical. Insurmountable. You are condemned to a lifetime of your own imbecility.
Guilty of what though?
Battery (rape)
Label for an imagine battery. But absolutely not rape. You don’t even pay attention to the jury’s own verdict, you shit stained scumbag.
Deffamation of character.
Guilty is guilty.

And no guilt isn’t guilt.
This is absolutely fucking retarded and ridiculous

View attachment 784029
Yeah, Carroll did accuse Trump of rape which would have been a non-starter. She didn't report it, no rape kit, no nothing so, in order to go forward, had to reduce the charge to 'battery.' Battery really has a low bar. If you so much as touch another in anger, you can be charged with battery. Defamation is another bullshit charge to increase the pay out. Carroll's lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, is a lesbian and LGBTQ+ supporter and political activist. I don't give a flip what 'gender' she thinks she is but she sure wants everyone to know it. This stinks of Democrat/Soros money and influence. They are afraid of Trump and seek to destroy his political career or/and maybe even his life.
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A civil case only has to prove that an incident was more likely to occur than not. Carroll was her own witness. Both her 'witnesses' testified that Carroll TOLD them about the incident they were not present when the alleged incident occurred. The prosecution dredged up 2 women who claim Trump assaulted them. (no proof just their say so). She also testified (on cross examination) that she didn't scream or call for help. Asked why why she didn't go to the police she just said 'many women don't.' In 2012 she testified she was a massive fan of Trump's 'Apprentice' show but claims she didn't watch when Trump fired people. Finally this happened almost 30 years ago and the real question is why now? Why? Probably because Trump is again running for POTUS and Carroll was an easy mark for Democrats to offer her support and the promise of $$$ from Trump's deep pockets. The so-called 'preponderance' of evidence, of which you were most evidently unaware, is bullshit. Sorry, I can't help your ignorance and naivete.

Trump's deposition convicted him. He's extremely stupid.
This started YEARS ago.

It was filed the day after the NY law was made, specifically to go after Trump for this.

"BERNSTEIN: Yeah. This is a new law that passed in New York in the wake of the #MeToo movement that allows adults who say they were assaulted years ago to file a civil lawsuit after the statute of limitations for a criminal trial has passed. This case was filed the day the law went into effect, and it's the first case to come to trial. That could mean we'll see more of these cases. Women have until this November to file their claims. No one can be called a rapist or go to jail as a result of the law, but women can get monetary damages, like E. Jean Carroll."

The NY establishment has been gunning for Trump, for a long time. Everyone honest knows this, and will point it out.

Of course it is about money, politics and power.

It is one branch of organized crime, against another branch of organized crime.

. . . and I for one, am not buying that the whole thing is not entirely staged, to get folks to pay attention to their reindeer games, rather than real issues, that are deadly serious, and really affect everyone.

No sober and serious person, cares about any of them. They are all sociopathic, lecherous cretins. Pretending that Trump is any different than Bush, or Clinton, or Obama, or Biden, is the height of self delusion. :rolleyes:

And all of this, is likewise, a distraction from more important issues.

None of them, deserves to hold higher office, if we are being completely honest here.
Trump's deposition convicted him. He's extremely stupid.
That could be true because when you hate somebody, nothing they say will convince you of their innocence. The radical Democrat system convicted him before he was even charged. They took an old woman who flirted with Trump and then blabbed to everyone how he 'assaulted' her but somehow she failed to tell law enforcement for almost 30 years!!! They convinced her to sue him and gave her a radical lesbian lawyer.
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