Trump guilty of battery and defamation of E Jean Carroll

Trump’s lawyers offered the DNA if the accuser also submitted the full DNA report. The anti-Trump lawyer said “too late” and disallowed it.

That judge made a stupid mistake. Nevertheless, Trump should have submitted to a DNA test as soon as Jean Carroll said she had his semen on his dress.
He also is a “new” poster who came right out of the gate full speed. He probably was banned for being an out-of-control obnoxious leftist, and this is his new alias.
It helps people to see the behavior traits of those who vote to legalize drugs, I'd rather they wig out here than bother our law enforcement or block traffic in their underware.
Trump’s lawyers offered the DNA if the accuser also submitted the full DNA report. The anti-Trump lawyer said “too late” and disallowed it.

From your link:

"Kaplan added: “His conditional invitation to open a door that he kept closed for years threatens to change the nature of a trial for which both parties now have been preparing for years. Whether Mr Trump’s application is intended for a dilatory purpose or not, the potential prejudice to Ms Carroll is apparent.”"

Carroll had attempted for 3 years to get a DNA sample and Trump blocked it every step of the way. The last minute offer was a delaying tactic and the judge saw through it.

If Trump had wanted to use DNA to exonerate himself he had YEARS of opportunity (2020-2023).

Are you still defending that Kangaroo Court? Everyone (including you) knows it is political persecution. You'd rather see America burn to the ground before watching Trump bring it back from the brink of complete collapse. But you're way too brainwashed and biased to ever realize your folly.

kangaroo court


  1. A mock court, especially one hastily improvised or irregularly conducted.
  2. A court characterized by dishonesty or incompetence.

Poor sore-loser, baby. :itsok:
That judge made a stupid mistake. Nevertheless, Trump should have submitted to a DNA test as soon as Jean Carroll said she had his semen on his dress.
In a real court of law Americans don't have to prove their innocense. The plaintiffs must prove guilt. This is why this kabuki theater was played out in a Civil court.
Men grope and rape. Trump is proud of it.
Some men do. Most don’t, and Trump denied having any sexual contact with her.

Also remember that this cuckoo went on Anderson Cooper and said she wasn’t a victim and most women have rape fantasies.

This should have never gone to trial.
Those of you who are celebrating that Trump was found “guilty” of battery, did you read what the judge instructed the jury as to what constitutes battery?

It can be a gentle unwanted peck on the cheek.

By those standards, every woman here has been the victim of sexual battery, many times.

What a ridiculous witch-hunt.

But that's not what Trump was found liable of, now was it?
Poor sore-loser, baby. :itsok:
I didn't lose a thing. I gained a better understanding about how Kangaroo Courts actually work. I knew that 3rd world nations use them routinely but, until now, I hadn't really seen them in action here in the USSA.
That judge made a stupid mistake. Nevertheless, Trump should have submitted to a DNA test as soon as Jean Carroll said she had his semen on his dress.
The news media conveniently leaves out it's a Clinton supporting judge and Clinton supporter friend of Hillary.
It was 2 Clinton lawyers on the Mueller investigation, if Trump's lawyer was legit the case would be dismissed by way of lack of recusal on the judge's part being conflict of interest. Hopefully on repeal that will be a consideration.
In a real court of law Americans don't have to prove their innocense. The plaintiffs must prove guilt. This is why this kabuki theater was played out in a Civil court.

Trump didn't here either.

However the plaintiff did provide her case as a function of preponderance of the evidence (standard for a civil trial).

In this case...

Where the plaintiff:
  • testifies,
  • calls multiple contemporaneous witnesses to testify,
  • calls expert witnesses on patterns of behavior,
  • provides video evidence of the respondent bragging about exactly that type of behavior a decade after the sexual assault,
  • provides video of the respondent taken during pretrial discovery,
  • calls others who establish a consistent modus operandi by the respondent.

Where the respondent offers for defense:
Then weigh in the fact that Trump failed to testify when he had the option (which in a civil trial the jury can take that into consideration) and refused to even show up in court.

Probably not that uncommon for a determination of liability for the plaintiff's complaint.

That judge made a stupid mistake. Nevertheless, Trump should have submitted to a DNA test as soon as Jean Carroll said she had his semen on his dress.
So he didn’t at the time. He did later, as part of his defense, and the judge DISALLOWED an opportunity for Trump to defend himself. That “stupid mistake” of the judge is grounds for appeal, right there.

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