Trump Guilty...Surprised?

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I am addressing it.

Fraud can only happen if another crime is being covered up.

What was the other crime?

Now let’s see who won’t address the topic.
The other crimes were listed in the jury instructions at the end of the trial.

You can look them up on left wing media sites if the right wing sites are hiding them from you.
The other crimes were listed in the jury instructions at the end of the trial.

You can look them up on left wing media sites if the right wing sites are hiding them from you.
None of the "other crimes" were proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law? The way the jury instructions were set up allowed for the avoidance of that legal standard that is the bedrock of our judicial system.
None of the "other crimes" were proven beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law? The way the jury instructions were set up allowed for the avoidance of that legal standard that is the bedrock of our judicial system.
The supporting crimes don't have to be proven.

That is the law since 1965 and is based on judicial precedent.

That is what Trump supporters refuse to accept.
So Trump stands convicted.
And MAGA is mad as crap!

Which raises, in the DADO mind, a question.

Are you MAGA types REALLY surprised by the verdict?
You claim "shock," but really?

Given Trump's behavior over his lifetime.
His charity frauds.
Trump U.
and the hundreds of scams he's run against MAGA the last 8 years...
Given the fact his attorney was convicted in this matter.
Given the facts presented at trial...

Can you honestly expect anyone to believe you are "surprised" or "shocked" by the verdict.

MY guess on the probabilities was 90% Guilty, 10% Hung, 0% Not Guilty.

If, in fact, you are surprised by the verdict can you explain why?

Here's a link for the wannabe Mods.


About the 50th thread about this.

Y'all are so easy.

I guess I was a little surprised. I've been retired from there for 18 years. Rudy was the mayor then and it was a lot different. It was a little hard for me to accept how far down the toilet NYC has gone. Now it's going to be hard to imagine that NYC could possibly straighten itself out. I think some of our bigger cities have reached the point of no return. MAGA


If Cohen performed legal services for the Trump organization it would be a legitimate legal fee.

But for Cohen to personally pay hush money to cover one of Trumps sexual conquests and be reimbursed by the Trump organization is no “legal fee”
Good Grief you're stupid....NDA's are a legal instrument, and are used everyday in many businesses. Hell, they're even used in Congress, who btw, has a slush fund to pay off their sexual dalliances...

When a lawyer submits an invoice to the entity he is doing work for, what exactly should that be entered in the books as?
Nothing wrong with an NDA. Trump does it all the time.

But if Trump wants to pay off his sexual conquests, he needs to use his own money……not that of the Trump Organization hidden as a legal fee
Nothing was presented at trial proving that anything was illegal in entering the payment for the invoice that Cohen presented to the company, other than Cohen stealing $60K from Trump...

But each of these cases comes down to a simple fact.
Trump made bad decisions and is paying for them.

1. Nothing illegal about having sex with Stormy Daniels or paying her for an NDA.
If Trump had written her a check or gave her a suitcase full of money it would be no problem. But he insisted Cohen pay with his money and would pay him off after the election as legal services. BAD DECISION BY TRUMP

2. It is bad having TOP SECRET Documents in your possession. Both Biden and Mike Pence found them and immediately turned them in.
Trump denied he had them, ordered them moved, covered them up until the FBI searched for them.

3. Every President who has lost re-election admitted they lost and peacefully transition. Trump refused to admit he lost, made up a lie that he had won, pressured local election officials to overturn the voters, pressured his VP to not certify the vote, brought in fake electors to steal the election, launched an assault on Congress.
Should be easy for you to post then.
You are right. It was easy. You should have done it days ago.

(Page 31 of the embedded document)

"In determining whether the defendant conspired to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means, you may consider the following: (1) violations of the Federal Election Campaign Act otherwise known as FECA; (2) the falsification of other business records; or (3) violation of tax laws."
So Trump stands convicted.
And MAGA is mad as crap!

Which raises, in the DADO mind, a question.

Are you MAGA types REALLY surprised by the verdict?
You claim "shock," but really?

Given Trump's behavior over his lifetime.
His charity frauds.
Trump U.
and the hundreds of scams he's run against MAGA the last 8 years...
Given the fact his attorney was convicted in this matter.
Given the facts presented at trial...

Can you honestly expect anyone to believe you are "surprised" or "shocked" by the verdict.

MY guess on the probabilities was 90% Guilty, 10% Hung, 0% Not Guilty.

If, in fact, you are surprised by the verdict can you explain why?

Here's a link for the wannabe Mods.

Not surprised at all. Sadly, it's going down exactly as I feared it would. Once again, we're going to saddled with Trump as our President.

Thanks Obama!
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