Trump Guilty!

My fear is that even if Trump wins, please Gd, the Democrats will be focused solely on ruining his presidency - which means they will work to Keep America Divided and Unsuccessful.

Biden’s new slogan: KADU

Second choice: An Elderly Man with a Poor Memory
Great day Lisa, they can't try and ruin the man's life no more than they already have. The thing that will come back Lisa, is once again Trump will be running the country, and he'll be dealing with the leftist in the same way that he dealt with their nastiness before (by ignoring their dumb aces), and that's what drives them the most crazy of all. 😆

Fear not that he'll be distracted by them, because they will have finally exhausted all avenues in their get Trump at any cost mantra...Him gaining back what they took will be the final straw that broke their camel's back. Hopefully we'll make it back to some sanity in this country, but first some loose rotten nuts have to be gathered up in order to make way for the good ones.
A really bad pick. He will not serve the interest of either side. The only interest he will serve is that of Donald Trump.
Trump has always shared his wins with many others from all walks of life. Why would he stop now because the loyal opposition marginalized all that good that has benefitted other people from high school students to poor and hapless widows? It must be maddening for leftists with an axe to grind to see American people prosper at the behest of Trump's penchant for making poor people of color hitting the ball outta the park fiscally. I personally have President Trump near the top of my hero's list be cause he cares about Americans from all walks of life prospering from his courageous dealings with American people he cares about in all that he does.
The poll, I sighted was taken before Trump was convicted. I suspect that a number of republicans that hold morality over politics are going to sit this one out. You know the MAGA that Trumpers hold so dear refers to a time when the likes of Donald Trump would not even be consider as a candidate.
Really dude ? So you think that the Trump fence rider's will figure that if stuttering pre-dementia Joe isn't winning, then they are going to just sit it out ?

Rotflmbo 🤣
Really dude ? So you think that the Trump fence rider's will figure that if stuttering pre-dementia Joe isn't winning, then they are going to just sit it out ?

Rotflmbo 🤣
Biden isn’t in pre-dementia. He comes across as worse than my mother, and she is in mid-dementia.
I have an idea!

Is it possible to quickly move the Republican Convention to immediately BEFORE Marchin proclaims sentence?

Then he would be sentencing the official Republican nominee for the U.S. Presidency to prison, or home confinement, or whatever. Voters would rebel even more strongly!
And what of an appeal erasing the democrat lawfare op?
A successful appeal in this particular case is unlikely...both statistically and based upon the merits of the case.
The prosecution's evidence was rock solid.
Convicted felon Trump's defense was non-existent.
Judge Mwrchan's handling/conduct in the trial was impeccable.
It's a wrap.
We picked the one who had the balls to stand up against all the bullshit the Left would throw at him - and to and including threats of prison. You think Halley wouldn’t have folded?


And now you cry like babies because Trump is getting royally bitchslapped.
Get out of the man's private life, and try to focus on why Trump had to be on the defense from you leftist for 4+ years. It's because of your puppet master's sending 4,000 volts down your strings in order to keep you in line with the play. Time to break your strings Pinocchio...

Um, guy, I don't need anyone to tell me Trump is a horrible human being. I knew that in the 1980s, when he called himself "the Donald", and bankrupted casinos while cheating on Wife #1.

That you all were stupid enough to nominate him is telling, because he's wrecked your party.
Great day Lisa, they can't try and ruin the man's life no more than they already have. The thing that will come back Lisa, is once again Trump will be running the country, and he'll be dealing with the leftist in the same way that he dealt with their nastiness before (by ignoring their dumb aces), and that's what drives them the most crazy of all. 😆

Fear not that he'll be distracted by them, because they will have finally exhausted all avenues in their get Trump at any cost mantra...Him gaining back what they took will be the final straw that broke their camel's back. Hopefully we'll make it back to some sanity in this country, but first some loose rotten nuts have to be gathered up in order to make way for the good ones.

Uh, Trump isn't going to get put back into office.

He's going to end up losing everything he has.

He'll live like a sad old man in Mar-a-Lago.

Hey' where's Melania? She seems to be absent!
The poll, I sighted was taken before Trump was convicted. I suspect that a number of republicans that hold morality over politics are going to sit this one out. You know the MAGA that Trumpers hold so dear refers to a time when the likes of Donald Trump would not even be consider as a candidate.
Ha, that's my favorite irony of the "MAGA" slogan.

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