Trump Guilty!

No, we have brains and figured it out for ourselves.

And all you leftists have been screeching “waaaaaacist!!!!” every time someone disagrees with you. It’s almost if all of you listen to the same leftist lies.

Not a one of them ever has an original thought.

When newspapers were still a thing, The NYT would set the narrative for the day and the Democrat Cult Media would repeat it.
Today Morning Joe seems to ever usurped that role.

Whoever has it - it is always one monolithic narrative that shall not be strayed from.
Trump has violated so many social norms and biblical commandments and just plain decency, it would take many, many pages to document them all.

I could smell his stench before he reached the bottom of his golden escalator.

It's like with psychics and mediums. Most people can smell their fraudulence from a mile away, but some people are completely taken in by them to the total bafflement of the sensible.

I spent a lot of time in an organization which debunks frauds, especially psychics and mediums, and every last fraud turned out to be dumber than a box of rocks.

Trump is the same way. He's a deeply stupid person.

Cunning, but very, very stupid.

What divides these scum from everyone else is their total lack of a conscience and their willingness to exploit people's desire to believe to the maximum.

And every last one of them has nothing but utter contempt for the rubes.
A PEW study conducted this year found 2/3 of evangelic republicans had a favorable impression of Donald Trump. For over a decade, people have been trying to understand why so many highly religious Americans have favorable view of Trump. He has been married 3 times and divorced twice, has admitted to adulterous relationships, described his his sexual conquests of radio and tv, been found liable for sexual abused, accused of rape and sexual molestation, paid hush money to porn stars and prostitutes, and is now convicted of felonies in New York. Yet he claims to be religious but doesn't have time to attend Church.

If you're not familiarly with Christianity in American, this may seem perplexing. Many so called Christians divide their lives into their business life, family life, religious life, political life, etc. I believe these evangelic republican's political life take precedents over their religious life. I think the name Christians in name only applies.

However, keep in mind that 1/3 of evangelic republicans do not hold favorable views of Trump. It seems likely that they are true Christians whose Christian values extends to all parts of their lives including their choice in political candidates.

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The REAL question is:

Will Trump get a solid gold toilet in his prison cell?

A PEW study conducted this year found 2/3 of evangelic republicans had a favorable impression of Donald Trump. For over a decade, people have been trying to understand why so many highly religious Americans have favorable view of Trump. He has been married 3 times and divorced twice, has admitted to adulterous relationships, been found liable for sexual abused, accused of rape and sexual molestation, paid hush money to porn stars and prostitutes, and is now convicted of felonies in New York. Yet he claims to be religious but doesn't have time to attend Church.

If you're not familiarly with Christianity in American this may seem perplexing. Many so called Christians divide their lives into their business life, family life, religious life, political life, etc. I believe these evangelic republican's political values take precedents over their religious values. I think the name Christians in name only applies.

However, keep in mind that 1/3 of evangelic republicans do not hold favorable views of Trump. It seems likely that they are true Christians whose Christian values extends to all parts of their lives including their choice in political candidates.

I've always thought the answer was simple:

Their goals are much bigger than Trump. Being in the minority and desiring policies and laws opposed by the majority of Americans, they know the only path to victory is cheating and corruption and the undermining of our democracy.

Who else better for that, than a puppet criminal who will pander to them for their votes to retain his own power and freedom?

But if not him, then anyone else that tells them what they want to hear. Even McConnell conned Trump and cashed him in for another anti abortion fairy on the SCOTUS.

Trump thinks he is using them. But really, they are using him.
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Trump is a threat to democracy; he attacks the judicial process and rule of law.

To support Trump and vote for Trump, to want to see Trump back in the WH, is to likewise be an enemy of democracy.
Because your dumb ace says so ? Rotflmbo 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Friend Flopper, I think that you are reading too much into it.

I suspect that many Christians rationalize their support for Convicted Felon Donald Trump as an "Ends Justify the Means" kind of thing. Like it or not, Trump changed the nature of the debate on Abortion. While past Republican Presidents appointed moderates who perpetuated Roe, Trump cut through the Gordian Knot by appointing three idealogues.

So we are in an odd situation where an 82 Devout Catholic is defending the right to choose, and New York Playboy was responsible for destroying it.
I have listed my reasons for hating Trump countless times.

It's a long list.

You want to see it?

You don't want to see it. You'll stab your eyes out with needles before you face the truth about Trump.

And I did a spit take when you called Trump a "Christian republican" (sic).

You know you are in a topic about Trump illegally fudging his business records to cover up his payoff to a porn star, right?


You also called him a conservative!

You MUST be a comedian.
Why don't you learn a little comprehension in your life ?... I never called Trump a Christian, so best read what I said again with that stated in regards too, and now just slow down in your haste to attack attack attack, and all because of your leftist hatred of Trump... 😆 OH and every time you knuckleheads make a poster's point for them, and wildly without even realizing it, is when the class just laughs and laughs and laughs at cha.. Just to easy.. 😆
Friend Flopper, I think that you are reading too much into it.

I suspect that many Christians rationalize their support for Convicted Felon Donald Trump as an "Ends Justify the Means" kind of thing. Like it or not, Trump changed the nature of the debate on Abortion. While past Republican Presidents appointed moderates who perpetuated Roe, Trump cut through the Gordian Knot by appointing three idealogues.

So we are in an odd situation where an 82 Devout Catholic is defending the right to choose, and New York Playboy was responsible for destroying it.
You ought to be in an odd position, and it's because you are a leftist.. 😆
Seriously does it change anyone's opinion on this case.

It just bragging rights.

Trump would love to say that "I am not a crook" but it has been taken

So I guess, the Supreme Court will have to bail you out.

Don't you see?

We did it for the small-minded among us who cannot see beyond individuals to ideals and principles
And you think someone who is totally lacking in ideals and principals is going support them once elected. :cuckoo:
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You tards rejected every other Republican. And there are many, many who are far, far better than Trump.

But you picked the worst of the bunch.

The bottom of the barrel.

The slime.
As if you all didn't set the whole thing up... 😠
And you you someone who is totally lacking in ideals and principals is going support them once elected. :cuckoo:
What a fool to think that Trump caused more harm to this nation, in otherwords for a lack there of, while you ignore that Joe Biden and Obama in a combined fashion hurt the nation sorely with a combined effort due to their flawed ideals and actions there of.
Ideals and principles? :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Doubled deficits?

$8 trillion of debt?

Far left protectionist tariffs?

The most corrupt administration EVAH!?!

I warned you tards way back in 2016 that Trump has always been a far left New York limousine liberal Democrat.

I was ignored.

And now look what happened. He behaved EXACTLY like I said he would.

Toss in a porn star, some stealing from cancer kids, robbing the elderly at a fake university, and you can just shove your "ideals and principles" back up your ass where they came from, moron.

What's worse is you idiot's actually produced two presidents that made Trump look like a choir boy in comparison too.
Naw, an odd position is a working class person voting for the rich to keep screwing them, which defines most Republicans.
Well, it the working class likes groceries to be unaffordable, enjoys struggling to fill up the gas tank, and relishes the idea that illegal aliens suppress their wages and lower the caliber of their kids’ public schools (because unlike the rich liberals, they can’t afford private school), then Biden’s their guy!

IOW, that lie about Republicans being for the rich is so 20th century.
Naw, an odd position is a working class person voting for the rich to keep screwing them, which defines most Republicans.
You being able to say that with a straight face is freaking hilarious. BIDEN is 50 times worse than Trump will ever be... FACT !!!

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