Trump Guilty!

Gotta get better at it, but right now it's going to be Trump verses Biden, and Trump has the best record of cause no harm while President.
No, I think you were more on track arguing over who's worse. There's no "best" involved here.
Again, you guys nominated him.
You guys voted for him.

ANd after he wrecked your party and the country like Stormy's vajayjay, you want to do it again.
Get out of the man's private life, and try to focus on why Trump had to be on the defense from you leftist for 4+ years. It's because of your puppet master's sending 4,000 volts down your strings in order to keep you in line with the play. Time to break your strings Pinocchio...
No, I think you were more on track arguing over who's worse. There's no "best" involved here.
Looking at the two, and then understanding that the two will be the one's to choose from, it is that Trump wins hands down.
Get out of the man's private life, and try to focus on why Trump had to be on the defense from you leftist for 4+ years. It's because of your puppet master's sending 4,000 volts down your strings in order to keep you in line with the play. Time to break your strings Pinocchio...
My fear is that even if Trump wins, please Gd, the Democrats will be focused solely on ruining his presidency - which means they will work to Keep America Divided and Unsuccessful.

Biden’s new slogan: KADU

Second choice: An Elderly Man with a Poor Memory
Looking at the two, and then understanding that the two will be the one's to choose from, it is that Trump wins hands down.
Yeah, yeah. Weevils.

Tell me, how bad would the candidates have to be for you to finally say "no"? Is there any point where you would refuse to vote for the two anointed "choices"? How low would you go with this voting strategy?
My fear is that even if Trump wins, please Gd, the Democrats will be focused solely on ruining his presidency - which means they will work to Keep America Divided and Unsuccessful.
Exactly. Finally someone gets it! Neither of these doddering fools will unite the country. And, at this point, little else matters.
Yeah, yeah. Weevils.

Tell me, how bad would the candidates have to be for you to finally say "no"? Is there any point where you would refuse to vote for the two anointed "choices"? How low would you go with this voting strategy?
But Trump isn‘t all that bad, once you look beyond his personality (which at times is actually appealing):

1) A strong president, so Russia was afraid to invade Ukraine

2) A smart president, knowing that Iran - a state sponsor of terrorism - had to be kept broke so it wouldn’t fund terrorist attacks

3) A president who looks out for Americans’ interests, and started the Stay in Mexico policy (which anti-American Biden cancelled as soon as he could)

4) A success-oriented president, who lowered corporate taxes and reduced regulations, leading to real wage growth among the lower income and record low unemployment among minorities

5) A president helpful to the working class especially, with Inflation of 1.7%, and affordable groceries and gas

The decision isn’t even close.
Naw, an odd position is a working class person voting for the rich to keep screwing them, which defines most Republicans.
For many voters it is not about financial policy or policy in general.
It can be a gotcha reply in a debate:
"I knew Jack Kennedy and Senator, you are no Jack Kennedy."
Lloyd Bentsen

"Read my lips, No New Taxes"
George H. W. Bush

Or it can a patriotic speech that resonates with the public:
"We Shall Fight Them On The Beaches,
We Shall Fight Them On The Landing Grounds,
We Shall Fight In The Streets,
We Shall Fight In The Hills,
We Shall Never Surrender"
Winston Churchill

Or it can be an incident no one really expected. In the first Television Debate, Nixon vs Kennedy, the camera did a closeup of Nixon as he prepared to answer Kennedy, For what every reason. Nixon paused and shifted his eyes to the left and right, and a closeup showed beads of sweat on his brow and a slight 5 o'clock shadow. That one view of Nixon made him look more like a drug attic who missed his fix or a sneak thief who was just got caught while cool and confident Kennedy, loooed like a presidental by comparison. That moment on TV haunted Nixon for years. He became sweaty Dick and then Tricky Dicky.

It is often what seems like minor events, that swing an election.
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Exactly. Finally someone gets it! Neither of these doddering fools will unite the country. And, at this point, little else matters.
That’s not what I said. I said that the Democrats will pull out all stops to make sure America stays a mess if Trump wins.
But Trump isn‘t all that bad, once you look beyond his personality (which at times is actually appealing):
Ok. But would you vote for him if you did think he was bad. Because that's what the people making the lesser-of-two-evils argument are asking the rest of us to do. Would you fall for that?
The American people. (That does not include the Anti-American MAGGOTS)
President Trump loves the American people, and he always has. He did not deserve the treatment of the arrogant of the press who focused in on a lot more negativity than they ever did with their Democrat partners and warmth to them no matter what. And with extreme fiscal support by Soros and his fellow tycoons, they bought writers to drag out each movement Republicans made.
Again, you guys nominated him.
You guys voted for him.

ANd after he wrecked your party and the country like Stormy's vajayjay, you want to do it again.
President Trump did not wreck anything or anyone. Your leftists' hatchet will desentigrate one of these days, and the powder on the floor will not be put back into its schema to get rid of a strong, truthful man after all that trouble begging for Soros to spend millions on false narratives that overflow with vengeance rather than thoughtful debate. Donald Trump will be found innocent of every lie the well-paid press invented against this beloved man named Donald John Trump, not to mention his dear family.

I pray every vesper hour that God will bring grace back to this beautiful Republic known as the USA. And He will.
That’s not what I said. I said that the Democrats will pull out all stops to make sure America stays a mess if Trump wins.
And the Republicans will do the same if Biden wins. We can't keep electing Presidents who are hated by half the country the day they are sworn in.
We picked the one who had the balls to stand up against all the bullshit the Left would throw at him - and to and including threats of prison. You think Halley wouldn’t have folded?
A really bad pick. He will not serve the interest of either side. The only interest he will serve is that of Donald Trump.
Ok. But would you vote for him if you did think he was bad. Because that's what the people making the lesser-of-two-evils argument are asking the rest of us to do. Would you fall for that?
Yes, because even if one is bad, the other is worse. If you don’t vote for the ”less bad“ one, then you risk the one who is even worse winning.

You can sit on your ideals all day long, and stomp your feet and say “I will vote for neither, because neither is good!” - but it not only accomplishes nothing, it may help the one who is so demented he can’t find his way off the stage win another term - and keep the Dems n comtrol for more “transforming of America.”
A really bad pick. He will not serve the interest of either side. The only interest he will serve is that of Donald Trump.
Yeah, that’s your liberal brain talking. He did well until the Communists released their bio-weapon. There were no new wars, no HAMAS massacres, inflation at 1.7%, real wage growth, energy independence, and much better control of the Southern border. (And we didn’t have leftist colleges bought and paid for by antisemitic Arabs.)

Now Biden - all he cares about are getting as many illegals here and turning his family into multimillionaires. If Biden cared about Americans, he wouldn’t be f’ing up everything he touches (as Obama warned). And now we live in a country where antisemites can call for the genocide of Jews, and leftist, Muslim-controlled university presidents unwilling to condemn them.
Yes, because even if one is bad, the other is worse.
Sorry to hear it. That's the biggest problem with our nation, in my view.

But I ask again, is there any point where you'd reject both? If it were Hitler vs Stalin, would you really try to sort which was worse, and vote for the other??? Or would you refuse to vote for either?

That's what I don't think partisans are capable of hearing. Lots of us think both candidates are bad, really bad. We think that both of them will harm our nation more than they'll help. And we can't, in good conscience, vote for either.
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Friend Flopper, I think that you are reading too much into it.

I suspect that many Christians rationalize their support for Convicted Felon Donald Trump as an "Ends Justify the Means" kind of thing. Like it or not, Trump changed the nature of the debate on Abortion. While past Republican Presidents appointed moderates who perpetuated Roe, Trump cut through the Gordian Knot by appointing three idealogues.

So we are in an odd situation where an 82 Devout Catholic is defending the right to choose, and New York Playboy was responsible for destroying it.
The poll, I sighted was taken before Trump was convicted. I suspect that a number of republicans that hold morality over politics are going to sit this one out. You know the MAGA that Trumpers hold so dear refers to a time when the likes of Donald Trump would not even be consider as a candidate.

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